手を洗って元気な子ども Safeguardが呼び掛け


手を洗って元気な子ども Safeguardが呼び掛け

AsiaNet 58211(1119)


*Safeguardは第7回グローバル・ハンドウォッシング・デー(Global Handwashing Day)に合わせ、1日を通して自らを守ることを家族に呼び掛ける


     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20141011/709901-a

     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20141011/709901-b

     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20141011/709901-c


P&G Global Personal Careのジャネット・アルガイアー副社長は「せっけんによる手洗いは、病気の原因になる細菌の感染を防いで命を守る最も効果的で経済的な方法。Safeguardは世界中の子どもたちにこの有益な習慣を身に付けてもらう戦略として、グローバル・ハンドウォッシング・デーにかかわっている」と話した。

ことしはSafeguardのスーパーヒーロー「コマンダー・セーフガード(Commander Safeguard)」が子どもたちを励ます主役になる。この人気キャラは、学童が普通の日に細菌に接しやすい時間帯に注意を向けさせることをテーマにした「アラウンド・ザ・クロック」でさまざまな演技を披露し、健康維持には手洗いが欠かせないことを忘れないように助ける。詳しくはhttp://www.safeguardsoap.com へ。

メキシコでは、ポップカルチャーで見られる世界的な「秘密の握手」の流行の楽しさを描いた「セーフガード・クリーン・ハンドシェーク(Safeguard Clean Hand Shake)」という短い動画が、ソーシャルメディアで流される。動画は最後に、友人や家族と握手して「細菌ではなく、親しさを分かち合おう」と呼び掛ける。もちろん、握手は手を洗った後だ。動画を見るにはhttp://youtu.be/GMeRWumOKjw まで。

Safeguardは最大市場の中国では、保健省やWalmart、Wu Mart、RT Martなど大手小売業者と連携し、「アラウンド・ザ・クロック」のメッセージを広げる。さらに慈善団体のOne Foundationと共同で、中国雲南省で8月に起きたマグニチュード6.1の地震の後に設置された手洗いコーナーに、Safeguard製の液体ハンドソープを配給する。


(注1)McConnell J. Favorite papers in infectious diseases 2005. Lancet Infectious Disease 5:737, 2006.






http://www.globalhandwashingday.org 、#iwashmyhands

ソース:Procter & Gamble

Clean Hands, Healthy Kids!



    - Safeguard Educates & Inspires Families to Protect Themselves 'Around The

Clock' on the 7th Global Handwashing Day  

    For the seventh consecutive year, leading health and hygiene brand,

Safeguard, is partnering with Ministries of Health and Education around the

world to capitalize on Global Handwashing Day, October 15, as the perfect

opportunity to educate and inspire kids to wash their hands. Almost a decade

has passed since published research identified hand washing with soap as 'the

most important medical remedy for children in developing countries'[1] and

today this finding is more pertinent than ever. That's why teaching children

how to eradicate disease-causing germs through proper hand washing is a key

component of Safeguard's mission to help people protect the health and

development of loved ones.

     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20141011/709901-a )

     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20141011/709901-b )

     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20141011/709901-c )

    A proud partner of the Global PPPHW (Public-Private Partnership for Hand

Washing), Safeguard has always been a prominent supporter of Global Handwashing

Day, donating $140,000 since its inception in 2008. Each year the brand employs

a comprehensive communications campaign encompassing media relations, social

engagement, consumer events, celebrity endorsements, and government and NGO


    "Handwashing with soap is among the most effective and inexpensive ways to

save lives by preventing the spread of disease-causing germs," says Janet

Allgaier, Vice-President P&G Global Personal Care" and Safeguard is committed

to Global Handwashing Dayas a key strategy for instilling this positive habit

in children all over the world."

    This year, the brand's super-hero, Commander Safeguard, will play a central

role in engaging and inspiring kids. The iconic character features in a range

of 'Around The Clock' themed content highlighting key moments during a

school-kid's typical day when they are most vulnerable to germs, helping them

remember the vital role hand washing plays in keeping them healthy. Learn more

at: http://www.safeguardsoap.com

    In Mexico, a short film will be released on social media, featuring the

Safeguard Clean Hand Shake - a fun take on the global 'secret handshake' craze

so often referenced in pop culture. The film ends with a call-to-action to

'Share the love. Not the germs' by practicing the handshake with friends and

family - after washing their hands, of course! View the film at:


    In China, Safeguard is partnering with the Ministry of Health and key

retail partners, to help reinforce the 'Around The Clock' message.

Additionally, a partnership with the charity One Foundation will supply

Safeguard liquid hand soap to hand washing stations set up following the 6.1

earthquake that struck South-West China's Yunan province in August.

    On October 15th, protect yourself and your loved ones by helping Safeguard

promote proper hand washing Around The Clock. Share the love. Not the germs!

    1. McConnell J. Favorite papers in infectious diseases 2005. Lancet

Infectious Disease 5:737, 2006.

    Notes to Editors  

    As well as supporting Global Handwashing Day, Safeguard conducts health and

hygiene research with organizations such as the Infectious Disease Society of

Pakistan and Association of Medical Technologies in the Philippines, and offers

disaster relief through NGOs including Save the Children, the Red Cross, and

the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    About Safeguard

    Safeguard launched as a bar soap in the USA in 1963, it is now available in

other product forms including Bodywash, Liquid hand soap and Hand sanitizer.

Safeguard is currently sold in over 50 countries across Asia, Europe, Africa

and Latin America with leadership market share in China and the Philippines.

    For more information on Global Handwashing Day, visit

http://www.globalhandwashingday.org #iwashmyhands

    SOURCE: Procter & Gamble




