


AsiaNet 59018 (1406)

【北京2014年12月19日PRN=共同通信JBN】米東部標準時の2014年12月17日、完美時空有限会社(Perfect World、パーフェクトワールド)の中米エリート青年プロジェクトである「アクセス・チャイナ」の開始式典が米国首都ワシントンの議会議事堂で公式に開催された。

Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20141218/165209

「アクセス・チャイナ」は中米ハイレベル人材交流協議(China-U.S. High-Level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange)の主要イベントの一つで、中米間の文化・教育交流および文化・教育分野における開発と協力の強化を推進する上で重要な役割を果たしている。

このイベントは中国と米国の人と人および文化面の協力を促進する目的で北京完美時空有限会社(パーフェクトワールド)、中国教育国際交流協会(CEAIE)、サーグッド・マーシャル大学ファンド(TMCF)、The Humpty Dumpty Institute(HDI)、100 Thousand Strongなどが共催した。開始式典に列席した約100人の中には中国教育副大臣で中米ハイレベル人材交流協議の中国側コーディネーター、ハオ・ピン氏、米上院議員マイケル・ブラウン氏をはじめ中米両国の政府高官、パーフェクトワールドの米国パートナー代表者などの著名人も含まれていた。式典の席上、イベント主催者の間でいくつかの戦略的提携合意または覚書が署名されたが、その中にはCEAIEと米州立大学協会の合意、パーフェクトワールドがCEAIE、HDI、10 Thousand Strongと個々に結んだ合意も含まれている。


ソース:Beijing Perfect World Network Technology Co., Ltd.

Perfect World's Sino-US Youth Elite Project "Access China" Successfully Launched


BEIJING, Dec. 19, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    On December 17, 2014, US Eastern time, the launching ceremony of "Access

China", Perfect World's Sino-US Youth Elite Project, was officially held at the

United States Capitol building in Washington, D.C.

    Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20141218/165209

    As one of the major events of the China-U.S. High-Level Consultation on

People-to-People Exchange, "Access China" plays a significant role in promoting

Sino-US cultural and educational exchanges and strengthening development and

cooperation in the areas of culture and education.

    With the aim of promoting people-to-people and cultural exchanges between

China and the United States, Beijing Perfect World Network Technology Co., Ltd.

("Perfect World"), China Education International Exchange Association (CEAIE),

Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF), The Humpty Dumpty Institute (HDI) and

100 Thousand Strong jointly hosted the event. The approximately 100 individuals

attending the launching ceremony included such luminaries as Hao Ping, Chinese

coordinator of the China-U.S. High-Level Consultation on People-to-People

Exchange and Vice Minister of Education, U.S. Senator Michael Brown as well as

other Chinese and U.S. government officials and the representatives of Perfect

World's major partners in America. During the session, strategic cooperation

agreements or memorandums of understanding were signed between the various

organizers of the event, including an agreement between CEAIE and the American

Association of State Colleges and Universities as well as separate agreements

between Perfect World and CEAIE, HDI and 10 Thousand Strong respectively.

    Perfect World CEO Xiao Hong said: "While on the path of seeking overseas

development in hundreds of countries and regions over the years, Perfect World

keenly felt that, as the future of bilateral relations between countries and

peoples as well as the prospective of a peaceful, harmonious and diversified

global village lies in the younger generation, Perfect World sincerely hopes to

contribute more to enhancing exchange, communication or even cooperation

between the youth and young adults of China and other countries."

    SOURCE: Beijing Perfect World Network Technology Co., Ltd.




