
AmVac AG


AsiaNet 58997(1403)

【ツーク(スイス)2014年12月19日PRN=共同通信JBN】AmVacとヘルムホルツ・センター(Helmholtz Centre)との間のMalp-2補助剤に関する契約のライセンス延長は患者と主治医、それに医薬品、医学の研究に持続的な可能性を提供する。



いまやウィン・ウィン・ウィンの状況が生まれた。ワクチンを接種された人は2倍の効果を受け、メーカーはコストを大幅に削減できる。ブラウンシュバイクのヘルムホルツ感染研究センター(Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research)と合意した独占的ライセンス契約のおかげで、AmVacはMalp-2の応用範囲を大幅に拡張できる。ここでの焦点は、この薬が有望な機会を提供するすい臓がんなどいくつかのがんの治療である。Malp-2はほかの薬と併用でも、単独でも使用できる。



Malp-2とその利用についての詳しい情報はペーター・ミュールラット教授のウェブサイト(Muhlradt at http://malp-research.de/index.html )で見ることができる。

次の開発段階は第II相臨床研究で、Malp-2の投与量による効果の正確な判定とがんに対するMalp-2の作用モードの一層の明確化に関するものになる。ライセンス延長のおかげでAmVacの可能性もかなり増大するはずである。AmVacのメリンダ・カルパテ最高経営責任者(CEO)は「多くのオプションによってわが社はパイプラインの大幅強化、利用範囲の大幅拡大ができる」と強調している。同様に前向きの兆候と見られているのはライセンス契約の下でヘルムホルツ研究所(Helmholtz Institute)は現在保有しているAmVacの株式持ち分を増やすという事実である。











Marie-Christine Kopkow

President of the Board

Tel.: +41-(41)-7253230

e-mail: kopkow@amvac.eu

AmVac AG

Metallstrasse 4, 6300 Zug, Switzerland


ソース:AmVac AG

New Possibilities in the Fight Against Pancreatic Cancer


ZUG, Switzerland, Dec.19, 2014 / PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Licence extension in the contract between AmVac and the Helmholtz Centre for

the adjuvant Malp-2 offers sustainable potential for patients, attending

physicians and for pharmaceutical and medical research.

Milestone thanks to licence extension

The licence for Malp-2 was successfully extended in November 2014. The adjuvant

can now be used for the first time for all preventive and therapeutic

applications, for example in cancers, especially pancreatic cancer, opening a

new chapter in the success story of Malp-2. Previously, the adjuvant has been

combined in the preclinical phase with a variety of vaccines, enabling the dose

of the vaccine to be reduced while simultaneously increasing its effectiveness.

A win-win-win situation has now been created: the person vaccinated gets a

twofold benefit and the manufacturer saves significantly on costs. And thanks

to the exclusive licence agreement now agreed with the Helmholtz Centre for

Infection Research in Braunschweig, AmVac will be able to significantly extend

the scope of application of Malp-2. The focus here is on the treatment of

certain cancers such as pancreatic cancer, where the drug offers promising

opportunities. Malp-2 can be used together with other drugs or in isolation.

Study shows that Malp-2 can extend the life of cancer patients

Back in 2007, a study conducted at the University Hospital Heidelberg showed

that Malp-2 can open up new possibilities. The study was primarily designed to

demonstrate a safe use of Malp-2 in pancreatic cancer patients and,

secondarily, to confirm the initial indications of its effectiveness against

cancer. It was successfully shown that Malp-2 can be used safely in people and

that it leads to a significant prolongation of survival time. Initial

indications point to an efficient activation of the body's immune system, which

is directed against the cancerous tissue. This is a process that is normally

actively suppressed by the cancer.

Detailed information on Malp-2 and its applications can be found on the website

of Professor Peter Muhlradt at http://malp-research.de/index.html .

The next development step is a clinical phase II study, which will involve the

accurate detection of the adjuvant's effectiveness depending on the dose as

well as further clarification of the mode of action of Malp-2 against cancer.

Thanks to the licence extension, the potential of AmVac AG should also increase

considerably. "With the multitude of options, we can significantly strengthen

our pipeline and broaden the range of applications significantly," highlights

Melinda Karpati, CEO of AmVac. Also to be seen as a positive sign is the fact

that, under the licence agreement, the Helmholtz Institute will increase the

equity interest it has held to date in AmVac.

Persistent tumour

Adenocarcinoma of the pancreas and its variants is one of the most common

malignant tumours. Adenocarcinoma is the name given to malignant tumours formed

from glandular tissue. Causing 18,000 to 100,000 new cases a year, it is the

third most common cancer of the digestive tract. Pancreatic cancer accounts for

about 3 percent of cancers in Germany and is ranked in ninth place for men and

in seventh place for women. In Switzerland, around 1,100 people are diagnosed

with pancreatic cancer each year, which also corresponds to about 3 percent of

all cancers. Particularly striking here is the high mortality rate: in Europe

this cancer is ranked between fourth and seventh place depending on the country.

What is Malp-2?

Malp-2 is what is known as a prospective drug. It is a small molecule

consisting of a lipid part and a peptide part. Malp-2 activity was discovered

by accident in cell cultures that were contaminated with mycoplasmas.

Mycoplasmas are very small bacteria that were once believed to be viruses,

because they pass through filters that retain bacteria.

Malp-2 works like this: we have an 'innate' and an 'adaptive' immune system

with a memory for diseases that have been successfully overcome, for example.

The innate immune system consists among other things of phagocytes, including

macrophages. The adaptive immune system is composed of other white blood cells,

the lymphocytes. Macrophages and dendritic cells (which monitor the immune

system) work together through messengers and cell contacts with lymphocytes. In

mice, Malp-2 has increased the production of antibodies, and it has also

accelerated the healing of chronic wounds in obese mice. These animals develop

diabetes and it is as difficult for their wounds to heal as it is for their

human counterparts. Furthermore, Malp-2 has been injected during surgery on

humans into tumours that were inoperable. It has proved possible to extend the

survival of patients with pancreatic cancer in this way.

About AmVac

AmVac is a biopharmaceutical company that develops and markets innovative

vaccines. Its headquarters are in Zug, Switzerland, and it has research

laboratories in Germany and Italy and a production facility in Hungary. This

international company can thus rely on the expertise of European specialists

who are leaders in their field.

The company's portfolio currently includes five vaccine candidates and three

platform technologies - Gynevac, Sendai and Malp. They are licensed by a

Hungarian partner and leading German institutes of the Helmholtz- und


AmVac's leading product is Gynevac, which has already been approved for

selected indications and regions and is currently being widely developed for

the treatment of especially frequent urogenital diseases. Thanks to its

unparalleled security profile, it has been possible for the first time to offer

an effective and virtually side effect-free treatment or prevention of benign

prostate enlargement, inflammation of the prostate, bacterial vaginitis and

trichomonas infection.


Marie-Christine Kopkow, President of the Board

Tel.: +41-(41)-7253230, e-mail: kopkow@amvac.eu

AmVac AG, Metallstrasse 4, 6300 Zug, Switzerland


Source: AmVac AG




