


AsiaNet 59152 (0048)





















 -同社はイノベーション基金(Inovation Fund)を現在の1億ドルから5億ドルに増額し、戦略的パートナーの世界的エコシステム創設を支援した

 -インフォシスは慈善事業部門のインフォシス財団(Infosys Foundation)を通じて、企業の社会的責任(CSR)に対して25億4000万ルピー(約4000万ドル)を拠出した。インフォシス財団は飢餓の軽減、教育振興、コンピューティングリテラシー向上、健康増進、農村開発支援、技能支援、貧困救済を目指す数件のプログラムに関与した

 (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130122/589162








ビシャル・シッカ最高経営責任者(CEO)兼マネジングディレクターは「第3四半期でいくつかの画期的な成果を上げたことを大変うれしく思う。当社の『renew and new(更新と新規)』戦略は当社のクライアントおよびエコシステムによって好感を持って受け入れられ、早期に採用されている。当社の好業績に基づき、われわれは雇員の関与とクライアントのエコシステムを深め、教育の基盤を強化する取り組みを活発化させるとともに、着実に収益が上がる成長に向けたイノベーションを推進する次世代のサービス企業を構築していく」と語った。











 -高速で使い勝手のよいビジネス分析ソフトウエアの世界的リーダーであるTableau Softwareと提携し、同社製品をクライアントに提供するビッグデータ・ソリューションに統合する。

 -インフォシスはDreamWorks Animationとエンジニアリング・パートナーシップを締結し、クラウド、ビッグデータ、Java、オープンソースの能力がある世界規模の人材プールを展開し、DreamWorksテクノロジーに基づく次世代ソリューションを開発する。

 -当社はStanford Global School of Businessと提携し、企業イノベーション・プロセスにおける一連のビジネス・マネジメント技術とコースを開発する。このイニシアチブには200以上の幹部職員が参加し、それぞれが3年間にわたり非常勤の年間プログラムに参加する。





*インフォシスは、米国を本拠とする金融サービス・プロバイダー向けに構築したインフラストラクチャー変革ソリューションで優れた業績を上げたとして、日立の「Technical Architect Team of the Year」賞を受賞した。


*インフォシスはビジョンの完全性と実効力で、ガートナーのMagic Quadrant for Oracle Application Implementation Services, Worldwideの「リーダー」に選ばれた。

*FinacleはガートナーのMagic Quadrant for International Retail Core Banking 2014に8年連続して「リーダー」に選ばれ、そのリーダーとしての地位をいっそう確固たるものにした。インフォシスはLeaders Quadrantの中で、実効力と最高のビジョンの完全性に関して最高レベルの地位を確立した。

*CEB TowerGroupは顧客体験、デザイン、セキュリティー、エンタープライズ・サポートにおいてFinacleの電子銀行業務と貿易金融ソリューションが「クラス最高」であると評価した。

*インフォシスはForrester Wave(TM)のBI Service Providers, Q4 2014で「リーダー」として選ばれた(http://www.infosys.com/business-application-services/features-opinions/Pages/strategic-investments-BI-transparency.aspx )。インフォシスは多様な地域および業界、ビジネス・インテリジェンスへの戦略投資、透明性における経験で最高のスコアを受けた。

*American Council for Technology - Industry Advisory Council(ACT-IAC)はInfosys Marketplace-as-a-ServiceプラットフォームをIgniting Innovation 2015 Awardのトップ30企業の1つに選んだ(https://actiac.org/custom-links/13343/68020/67416 )。

*インフォシスBPO(Infosys BPO)はBest Global L&D Team of the Year、Best Corporate University、Best Virtual Learning Program、Best Induction Training ProgramのカテゴリーでTISS LeapVault Chief Learning Officers Awards 2014の4つの金賞を獲得した。

*インフォシス・マカミッシュ(Infosys McCamish)は保険の症例管理でWorkflow Management Coalition (WfMC) Global Award for Excellenceを獲得した。




インフォシスは今四半期、プリンストン高等学術研究所(Institute for Advanced Study、IAS)に200万ドルを寄付しインフォシス基金を創設した。この基金は客員科学者、学者が米ニュージャージー州プリンストンにある世界的に有名な同研究所で研究を進展させることを支援するために使用される。この基金を通じて、研究所の4部門から2人の学者が毎年、他では経験できないプリンストン高等学術研究所での必須体験となる研究およびコミュニティー生活のすべてに関連して支援を受ける。

インフォシスは今四半期、慈善事業部門の米国インフォシス財団(Infosys Foundation, USA)を通じて米州における財団企業の社会的責任(CSR)活動を拡大した。同財団は、米州のコミュニティーで高品質なコンピューターサイエンス教育を普及させ、容易に利用できるようにすることに注力する。インフォシスは米国インフォシス財団の理事にスダ・ムルティ(Sudha Murty)氏、バンダナ・シッカ(Vandana Sikka)氏、サンディープ・ダドラニ(Sandeep Dadlani)氏の任命を発表した。米国インフォシス財団の当初支出は年間500万ドルになる。


インフォシスは、最高リスク・コンプライアンス責任者兼会社秘書役のパルバティーサム・カンチナダム(Parvatheesam Kanchinadham)氏が2015年1月10日付で退社することを発表した。パルバティーサム氏は12年間同社に勤務し、多数の分野で貢献した。インフォシスは同氏の貢献に謝意を表明した。

デービッド・ケネディ(David Kennedy)法律顧問が最高リスク・コンプライアンス責任者となる。マニカンタA・G・S(Manikantha A.G.S.)氏が暫定会社秘書役に就任する。



年間売上高82億5000万米ドル、16万5000人余りを雇用しているインフォシス(NYSE:INFY)がいかに企業再生を支援し、価値を生み出す新たな手段を開発していることをhttp://www.infosys.com で見てほしい。

Infosys Limited and subsidiaries

    Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Balance Sheets as of

    (Dollars in millions except equity share data)


                                             December 31, 2014   March 31, 2014


    Current assets

    Cash and cash equivalents                         5,080            4,331

    Available-for-sale financial assets                 239              367

    Investment in certificates of deposit                 -              143

    Trade receivables                                 1,437            1,394

    Unbilled revenue                                    465              469

    Prepayments and other current assets                438              440

    Derivative financial instruments                      5               36

    Total current assets                              7,664            7,180

    Non-current assets

    Property, plant and equipment                     1,385            1,316

    Goodwill                                            330              360

    Intangible assets                                    45               57

    Available-for-sale financial assets                 214              208

    Deferred income tax assets                           99              110

    Income tax assets                                   253              254

    Other non-current assets                             38               37

    Total non-current assets                          2,364            2,342

    Total assets                                     10,028            9,522


    Current liabilities

    Trade payables                                       28               29

    Derivative Financial Instruments                      5                -

    Current income tax liabilities                      421              365

    Client deposits                                       4                6

    Unearned revenue                                    139              110

    Employee benefit obligations                        165              159

    Provisions                                           71               63

    Other current liabilities                           962              792

    Total current liabilities                         1,795            1,524

    Non-current liabilities

    Deferred income tax liabilities                       8               11

    Other non-current liabilities                        10               54

    Total liabilities                                 1,813            1,589


    Share capital- INR 5 ($0.16) par value 1,200,000,000

    (600,000,000) equity shares authorized, issued and

    outstanding 1,142,805,132 (571,402,566), net of

    5,667,200 (2,833,600) treasury shares as of

    December 31, 2014 (March 31, 2014), respectively    109               64

    Share premium                                       659              704

    Retained earnings                                 9,592            8,892

    Other components of equity                      (2,145)          (1,727)

    Total equity attributable to equity holders of the

    company                                           8,215            7,933

    Non-controlling interests                             -                -

    Total equity                                      8,215            7,933

    Total liabilities and equity                     10,028            9,522

    Infosys Limited and subsidiaries

    Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Comprehensive Income

(Dollars in millions except share and per equity share data)


                         Three months  Three months   Nine months   Nine months

                                ended         ended         ended         ended

                         December 31,  December 31,  December 31,  December 31,

                                 2014          2013          2014          2013

Revenues                        2,218         2,100         6,552         6,157

Cost of sales                   1,360         1,341         4,057         3,974

Gross profit                      858           759         2,495         2,183

Operating expenses:

Selling and marketing expenses    124           104           362           327

Administrative expenses           142           129           430           411

Total operating expenses          266           233           792           738

Operating profit                  592           526         1,703         1,445

Other income, net                 136           117           419           301

Profit before income taxes        728           643         2,122         1,746

Income tax expense                206           180           607           482

Net profit                        522           463         1,515         1,264

Other comprehensive income

Items that will not be

reclassified to profit or


Re-measurement of the net

defined benefit

liability/(asset)                 (2)             4           (6)            10

Items that may be reclassified

subsequently to profit or


Fair value changes on

available-for-sale financial

asset                               8          (10)            16          (14)

Exchange differences on

translation of foreign

operations                      (169)            91         (428)         (844)

Total other comprehensive

income, net of tax              (163)            85         (418)         (848)

Total comprehensive income        359           548         1,097           416

Profit attributable to:

Owners of the company             522           463         1,515         1,264

Non-controlling interest            -             -             -             -

                                  522           463         1,515         1,264

Total comprehensive income

attributable to:

Owners of the company             359           548         1,097           416

Non-controlling interests           -             -             -             -

                                  359           548         1,097           416

Earnings per equity share

Basic ($)                        0.46          0.41          1.33          1.11

Diluted ($)                      0.46          0.41          1.33          1.11

Weighted average equity shares

used in computing earnings per

equity share

Basic                   1,142,805,132 1,142,805,132 1,142,805,132 1,142,805,132

Diluted                 1,142,827,396 1,142,805,132 1,142,815,423 1,142,805,132


1. 2014年12月31日までの3カ月および9カ月の未監査要約中間連結貸借対照表および包括所得の中間連結諸表算は、2014年10月10日に開かれた取締役会で記載された。

2. 当社業務メトリックスに関する概況報告書はウェブサイトhttp://www.infosys.com からダウンロードすることができる。


IFRS-INR Press Release:


Fact Sheet:



Investor Relations

Sandeep Mahindroo



Media Relations

Sarah Vanita Gideon, India



John Gallagher

Brunswick Group for Infosys, USA



ソース:Infosys Limited

Infosys (NYSE: INFY) Announces Results for the Quarter Ended December 31, 2014


BANGALORE, India, Jan. 9, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    Q3 constant currency revenue growth of 2.6% QoQ; 7.9% YoY

    Reported revenues at $ 2,218 million; growth of 0.8% QoQ; 5.6% YoY

    Operating margins at 26.7%; increase of 60 bps QoQ; 170 bps YoY

    Net profit at $ 522 million; growth of 2.2% QoQ; 12.7% YoY

    Volume growth of 4.2% QoQ (best in 3 years); 11.0% YoY

    FY 15 revenue guidance maintained 7%-9% at Sep 30th exchange rates

    Financial Highlights

    Consolidated results under International Financial Reporting Standards

(IFRS) for the quarter ended December 31, 2014

    Quarter ended December 31, 2014

    - Revenues were $ 2,218 million for the quarter ended December 31,


      -- QoQ growth was 2.6% in constant currency; 0.8% in reported terms;

      -- YoY growth was 5.6%  

    - Net profit was $ 522 million for the quarter ended December 31,


      -- QoQ growth was 2.2%

      -- YoY growth was 12.7%

    - Earnings per share (EPS) was $ 0.46 for the quarter ended December 31,


      -- QoQ growth was 2.2%

      -- YoY growth was 12.2%

    - Liquid assets including cash and cash equivalents, available-for-sale

financial assets, certificates of deposits and government bonds were $ 5,532

million as on December 31, 2014 as compared to $ 5,444 million as on September

30, 2014.

    - The company has expanded its Innovation Fund from the current $ 100

million to $ 500 million to support the creation of a global eco-system of

strategic partners.

    - Infosys has pledged INR 254 crore ($ 40 million) for FY 15 towards

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which is primarily being carried out

through the Infosys Foundation, its philanthropic arm. The Infosys Foundation

is engaged in several programs aimed at alleviating hunger, promoting

education, computing literacy, improving health, assisting rural development,

supporting arts and helping the destitute.

    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130122/589162 )

    Other Highlights

    - Infosys and its subsidiaries added 59 clients (gross) during the quarter.

    - Gross addition of 13,154 employees during the quarter.

    - 169,638 employees as on December 31, 2014 at Infosys and its


    - Highest utilization (excluding trainees) in 11 years

    - Best volume growth in 3 years

    - Made 100% variable payout for Q3

    "We are excited by several breakthrough results in Q3. Our 'renew and new'

strategy, is being received well by our clients and our ecosystem and we are

already seeing its early adoption," said Dr. Vishal Sikka, CEO and Managing

Director. "Based on our strong performance, we are intensifying our efforts to

deepen employee engagement, client ecosystem and strengthen our foundation of

education as we build a next-generation services company that innovates for

consistent profitable growth."

    "During the quarter, we saw broad-based volume growth, increased

utilization and strong client additions," said U. B. Pravin Rao, Chief

Operating Officer. "We have made 100% variable payout for Q3 and have seen a

further decline in attrition as a result of multiple initiatives taken over the

last few quarters."

    "Our sequential revenue growth in Q3 was adversely impacted to the extent

of 1.8% due to USD appreciation against other major currencies," said Rajiv

Bansal, Chief Financial Officer. "We made required investments keeping in mind

short-term priorities and long-term aspirations."

    Business Highlights

    Over this quarter, we have been actively planning and executing the

elements required to realize our strategy of renewing the core and innovating

into new frontiers, based on a culture of learning and creativity.

    We are seeing strong traction and acceptance of our new strategy with

clients, as we continue to invest in strategic partnerships, education and


    - Deutsche Bank selected Infosys as one of its strategic partners to help  

consolidate and renew its enterprise application landscape with the benefits of

cloud re-platforming, mobile access, analytics and other operational


    - A global software products company has chosen Infosys to help renew its

core Finance, HR and Legal IT platforms. Infosys, through a multi-year

partnership, will leverage its expertise in software development and

engineering to co-innovate with the client.

    - We have covered over 9,000 employees across the company with design

thinking training; more than 400 of these are at senior levels. We have gone

further and got our clients to embrace design thinking concepts. We currently

have a pipeline of workshops for over 25 clients planned.

    - A financial services company selected Infosys as its primary partner for

technology services worldwide. Infosys will build a next-generation

authorization platform, new mobile payment solutions and help transform the

client's billing systems. Infosys will also renew the client's application

maintenance, testing and production support infrastructure.

    - Infosys continues to expand and enter into strategic partnerships to

offer new solutions to clients:

       -- Partnered with Tableau Software, a global leader in rapid-fire,

easy-to-use business analytics software, to integrate their offerings into the

Big Data solutions offered to clients

       -- Entered into an engineering partnership with DreamWorks Animation,

through which Infosys will deploy its global talent pool, available across

Cloud, Big Data, Java and open source capabilities, to develop next-generation

solutions based on DreamWorks technology

     - We have partnered with Stanford Global School of Business to create a

comprehensive executive education program with a suite of business management

skills and courses in corporate innovation processes. This initiative will

include 200 executives, each of whom will participate in a part-time, year-long

program over three years.

    - We have established an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Center of Excellence

to enable our developers to infuse AI and machine learning into the development

and authoring experience to increase productivity multifold. Till date, 1,000

developers have been trained on machine learning and we plan to train over 500

more every quarter.

    Innovation Fund

    The company has expanded its innovation fund from the current $ 100 million

to $ 500 million to support the creation of a global eco-system of strategic

partners. The capital will be used to invest into young companies world-wide

innovating in areas such as AI, Automation, Internet of Things, Collaboration

and Design.

    Awards and Recognition

    - Infosys has won Hitachi's 'Technical Architect Team of the Year' award

for its exemplary work in architecting an infrastructure transformation

solution for a leading US-based financial services provider.

    - Infosys was named the partner of the year at a leading global


    - Infosys has been named a 'Leader' in Gartner's Magic Quadrant for Oracle

Application Implementation Services, Worldwide for its completeness of vision

and its ability to execute.

    - Strengthening its leadership position further, Finacle was rated a

'Leader' in The Gartner's Magic Quadrant for International Retail Core Banking

2014, for the eighth time in a row. Infosys was positioned at the highest

level, within the Leaders Quadrant, in ability to execute and furthest in

completeness of vision.

    - CEB TowerGroup rated Finacle e-Banking and trade finance solutions as

'Best-in-Class' solutions for customer experience, design and security, and

enterprise support.

    - Infosys was named a 'Leader' in The Forrester Wave(TM): BI Service

Providers, Q4 2014


rategic-investments-BI-transparency.aspx ]. It received top scores for

experience across multiple geographies and industries, strategic investments in

business intelligence, and transparency.

    - The American Council for Technology - Industry Advisory Council (ACT-IAC)

selected Infosys Marketplace-as-a-Service platform as one of the top 30

finalists for its Igniting Innovation 2015 Awards       

[https://actiac.org/custom-links/13343/68020/67416 ].

    - Infosys BPO won four Gold Awards at the TISS LeapVault Chief Learning

Officers Awards 2014 in the categories Best Global L&D Team of the Year, Best

Corporate University, Best Virtual Learning Program and Best Induction Training


    - Infosys McCamish won the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) Global

Award for Excellence in Case Management for Insurance.

    Beyond Business

    Infosys has pledged INR 254 crore ($ 40 million) for FY 15 towards

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which is primarily being carried out

through the Infosys Foundation, its philanthropic arm. Infosys and its

subsidiaries donated $ 10 million and $ 31 million to Infosys Foundation and to

Spark-IT for the quarter and nine-months ended December 31, 2014, respectively.

    The Infosys Foundation is engaged in several programs aimed at alleviating

hunger, promoting education, improving health, assisting rural development,

supporting arts and helping the destitute. Spark-IT is a three-month program

launched by the Foundation, to enhance the skill levels of unemployed

engineering graduates in the country. It has committed INR 20 crore ($ 3

million) for this program which will help train 3,000 graduates in the fiscal

year 2015.

    During the quarter, Infosys donated $ 2 million to the Institute for

Advanced Study (IAS) to create the Infosys Fund that will be used to support

visiting scientists and scholars advance their research at the world-renowned

institute in Princeton, New Jersey. Through this fund, two scholars across the

Institute's four Schools each year will receive support related to all aspects

of the academic appointment and community life that are unique and fundamental

aspects of the Institute for Advanced Study experience.

    This quarter, Infosys expanded its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

activities in the Americas through its philanthropic arm, the Infosys

foundation, USA. It will focus on making quality computer science education

widely and easily accessible across communities in the Americas. The company

also announced the appointment of Mrs. Sudha Murty, Mrs. Vandana Sikka and Mr.

Sandeep Dadlani as the trustees of Infosys Foundation, USA. The initial outlay

for Infosys Foundation, USA, will be $ 5 million per annum.

    Management changes

    The company announced that Mr. Parvatheesam Kanchinadham, Chief Risk &

Compliance Officer and Company Secretary, will be leaving the company effective

January 10, 2015. Mr. Parvatheesam has been with the company for the past 12

years and has contributed in multiple areas. The company thanks him for his


    Mr. David Kennedy, General Counsel, will assume the role of Chief

Compliance Officer. Mr. Manikantha A.G.S., will be the interim Company


    About Infosys Ltd

    Infosys is a global leader in consulting, technology, outsourcing and

next-generation services. We enable clients, in more than 50 countries, to stay

a step ahead of emerging business trends and outperform the competition. We

help them transform and thrive in a changing world by co-creating breakthrough

solutions that combine strategic insights and execution excellence.

    Visit http://www.infosys.com to see how Infosys (NYSE: INFY), with US$ 8.25

billion in annual revenues and 165,000+ employees, is helping enterprises renew

themselves while also creating new avenues to generate value.

    Safe Harbor

    Certain statements in this press release concerning our future growth

prospects are forward-looking statements regarding our future business

expectations intended to qualify for the 'safe harbor' under the Private

Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which involve a number of risks and

uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those

in such forward-looking statements. The risks and uncertainties relating to

these statements include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties

regarding fluctuations in earnings, fluctuations in foreign exchange rates, our

ability to manage growth, intense competition in IT services including those

factors which may affect our cost advantage, wage increases in India, our

ability to attract and retain highly skilled professionals, time and cost

overruns on fixed-price, fixed-time frame contracts, client concentration,

restrictions on immigration, industry segment concentration, our ability to

manage our international operations, reduced demand for technology in our key

focus areas, disruptions in telecommunication networks or system failures, our

ability to successfully complete and integrate potential acquisitions,

liability for damages on our service contracts, the success of the companies in

which Infosys has made strategic investments, withdrawal or expiration of

governmental fiscal incentives, political instability and regional conflicts,

legal restrictions on raising capital or acquiring companies outside India, and

unauthorized use of our intellectual property and general economic conditions

affecting our industry. Additional risks that could affect our future operating

results are more fully described in our United States Securities and Exchange

Commission filings including our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year

ended March 31, 2014 and our Forms 6- K for the quarters ended June 30, 2014

and September 30, 2014. These filings are available at http://www.sec.gov.

Infosys may, from time to time, make additional written and oral

forward-looking statements, including statements contained in the company's

filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission and our reports to

shareholders. In addition, please note that the date of this advertisement is

January 9, 2015, and any forward-looking statements contained herein are based

on assumptions that we believe to be reasonable as of this date. The company

does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements that may be made

from time to time by or on behalf of the company unless it is required by law.

    Infosys Limited and subsidiaries

    Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Balance Sheets as of

    (Dollars in millions except equity share data)


                                             December 31, 2014   March 31, 2014


    Current assets

    Cash and cash equivalents                         5,080            4,331

    Available-for-sale financial assets                 239              367

    Investment in certificates of deposit                 -              143

    Trade receivables                                 1,437            1,394

    Unbilled revenue                                    465              469

    Prepayments and other current assets                438              440

    Derivative financial instruments                      5               36

    Total current assets                              7,664            7,180

    Non-current assets

    Property, plant and equipment                     1,385            1,316

    Goodwill                                            330              360

    Intangible assets                                    45               57

    Available-for-sale financial assets                 214              208

    Deferred income tax assets                           99              110

    Income tax assets                                   253              254

    Other non-current assets                             38               37

    Total non-current assets                          2,364            2,342

    Total assets                                     10,028            9,522


    Current liabilities

    Trade payables                                       28               29

    Derivative Financial Instruments                      5                -

    Current income tax liabilities                      421              365

    Client deposits                                       4                6

    Unearned revenue                                    139              110

    Employee benefit obligations                        165              159

    Provisions                                           71               63

    Other current liabilities                           962              792

    Total current liabilities                         1,795            1,524

    Non-current liabilities

    Deferred income tax liabilities                       8               11

    Other non-current liabilities                        10               54

    Total liabilities                                 1,813            1,589


    Share capital- INR 5 ($0.16) par value 1,200,000,000

    (600,000,000) equity shares authorized, issued and

    outstanding 1,142,805,132 (571,402,566), net of

    5,667,200 (2,833,600) treasury shares as of

    December 31, 2014 (March 31, 2014), respectively    109               64

    Share premium                                       659              704

    Retained earnings                                 9,592            8,892

    Other components of equity                      (2,145)          (1,727)

    Total equity attributable to equity holders of the

    company                                           8,215            7,933

    Non-controlling interests                             -                -

    Total equity                                      8,215            7,933

    Total liabilities and equity                     10,028            9,522

    Infosys Limited and subsidiaries

    Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Comprehensive Income

(Dollars in millions except share and per equity share data)


                         Three months  Three months   Nine months   Nine months

                                ended         ended         ended         ended

                         December 31,  December 31,  December 31,  December 31,

                                 2014          2013          2014          2013

Revenues                        2,218         2,100         6,552         6,157

Cost of sales                   1,360         1,341         4,057         3,974

Gross profit                      858           759         2,495         2,183

Operating expenses:

Selling and marketing expenses    124           104           362           327

Administrative expenses           142           129           430           411

Total operating expenses          266           233           792           738

Operating profit                  592           526         1,703         1,445

Other income, net                 136           117           419           301

Profit before income taxes        728           643         2,122         1,746

Income tax expense                206           180           607           482

Net profit                        522           463         1,515         1,264

Other comprehensive income

Items that will not be

reclassified to profit or


Re-measurement of the net

defined benefit

liability/(asset)                 (2)             4           (6)            10

Items that may be reclassified

subsequently to profit or


Fair value changes on

available-for-sale financial

asset                               8          (10)            16          (14)

Exchange differences on

translation of foreign

operations                      (169)            91         (428)         (844)

Total other comprehensive

income, net of tax              (163)            85         (418)         (848)

Total comprehensive income        359           548         1,097           416

Profit attributable to:

Owners of the company             522           463         1,515         1,264

Non-controlling interest            -             -             -             -

                                  522           463         1,515         1,264

Total comprehensive income

attributable to:

Owners of the company             359           548         1,097           416

Non-controlling interests           -             -             -             -

                                  359           548         1,097           416

Earnings per equity share

Basic ($)                        0.46          0.41          1.33          1.11

Diluted ($)                      0.46          0.41          1.33          1.11

Weighted average equity shares

used in computing earnings per

equity share

Basic                   1,142,805,132 1,142,805,132 1,142,805,132 1,142,805,132

Diluted                 1,142,827,396 1,142,805,132 1,142,815,423 1,142,805,132


    1. The unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Balance Sheets and

Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Comprehensive Income for the three

months and nine months ended December 31, 2014 have been taken on record at the

Board meeting held on January 9, 2015

    2. A Fact Sheet providing the operating metrics of the company can be

downloaded fromhttp://www.infosys.com.

    IFRS-INR Press Release:


    Fact Sheet:



    Investor Relations

    Sandeep Mahindroo



    Media Relations

    Sarah Vanita Gideon, India



    John Gallagher

    Brunswick Group for Infosys, USA



SOURCE: Infosys Limited




