AACSB International が新会長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)を任命

AACSB International

AACSB International が新会長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)を任命

AsiaNet 59159 (0051)

【タンパ(米フロリダ州)2015年1月14日PRN=共同通信JBN】AACSB International (AACSB 国際マネジメント教育協議会)(http://www.aacsb.edu/ )は14日、 CFA Institute 米州部マネジングディレクターのトマス・(トム)・R・ロビンソン(Thomas R. (Tom) Robinson)氏(http://www.aacsb.edu/about/governance/executive-team/co-ceo )を次期会長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)に任命した、と発表した。1916年に設立されたAACSB International (AACSB)は最も歴史の長い世界的な認証機関および会員制団体であり、マネジメント教育とビジネススクールの発展に貢献している。

Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150112/168473

ロビンソン氏はジョン・フェルナンデス(John Fernandes)現会長の後を継ぐ。フェルナンデス会長は2013年に在任15年を過ぎた時点で退任する意向を表明していた(http://www.aacsb.edu/About/governance/executive-team/ceo.aspx )。フェルナンデス会長はAACSBが米国内を中心に活動していた時代から全世界的な会員制団体、認証機関、マネジメント教育機関として成長してきたことに多大な貢献を果たしてきたことで広く評価されている。同会長の指導の下、協会は事業を継続しながら米フロリダ州タンパに本拠を移転、そのグローバルな戦略的事業展開の礎石を築いてマネジメント教育界におけるイノベーションを推進した。




「トム・ロビンソン氏を次期会長兼CEOに選出した理事会の決定は全会一致だった」とAACSB次期会長選出委員会のジャン・ウィリアムズ委員長は述べた。ウィリアムズ委員長はテネシー大学ノックスビル校のHaslam College of Business名誉学長である。「その長所と複数の業界 に於ける経験、戦略的なリーダーシップのスキルが認知されていること、グロバリゼーションの専門知識、それに実践ビジネスとの固いつながりはわれわれが求めていたものと正確にかさなりあう。彼のビジョンと経験はAACSBが次のシーダーシップに進んで成長するのに必要な人材である」


CFA Institute で働く前、ロビンソン氏はマイアミ大学会計学部の終身教員でMaster of Professional Accounting Program のディレクターを務めていた。同Department Chairman 代理だった。また10年間公的機関の会計担当を務め、独立したファイナンシャルアドバイザーと税務コンサルタントとしても働いた。ペンシルバニア大学で経済学士、ケースウェスタン・リザーブ大学Weatherhead School of Managementで修士、博士号を取得した。公認財務アナリスト(CFA)、公認投資コンサルタント(R)(CFP(R))、公認会計士(CPA)、Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA)の資格を有している。



▽AACSB Internationalについて

AACSB International(The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business)は1916年に設立され、現在は世界86カ国・地域で1450以上の教育機関、ビジネス界、各種機関と連携関係にある。認証を与えること、ソートリーダーシップ、付加価値あるサービスを提供することを通じて、世界各地で質の高いマネジメント教育を進めるのがAACSBの使命である。AACSBはまた、学部学生、修士および博士課程にある大学院生にビジネスおよび会計学を教えている教育機関に対して認証を与える主要な機関として、世界各地で広範囲な会議、セミナーを開催している。AACSBの世界本部は米フロリダ州タンパにあり、アジア太平洋地域ではシンガポールに本部を置いている。また欧州、中東、アフリカの本部はオランダのアムステルダムにある。

ソース:AACSB International


Amy Ponzillo, Manager, Public Relations, AACSB International,


AACSB International Names New President and CEO


TAMPA, Fla., Jan. 14, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    AACSB International (http://www.aacsb.edu/ ) announced today the

appointment of Thomas R. (Tom) Robinson

(http://www.aacsb.edu/about/governance/executive-team/co-ceo ), current

Managing Director of the Americas at the CFA Institute, as its new President

and Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Founded in 1916, AACSB International (AACSB)

is the longest serving global accrediting body and membership association

devoted to the advancement of management education and business schools


    Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150112/168473

    Robinson will succeed John Fernandes, who announced in 2013 that he would

be retiring after 15 years of service.  Fernandes

(http://www.aacsb.edu/About/governance/executive-team/ceo.aspx ) is widely

credited with growing AACSB from a US-based accrediting body to a full-service

global membership association, accrediting body, and advocate for management

education. Under his leadership the organization seamlessly relocated its

corporate headquarters to Tampa, Florida, USA; embraced globalization as a

cornerstone to its strategic operations; and drove innovation across the

management education arena.

    Described as a highly effective leader, Robinson is respected globally

across the industry and brings a diverse background which spans the private

sector, academe, and association management. As President and CEO, he will work

alongside the Board and a global network of staff, members, and volunteers to

bridge AACSB's current and future visioning initiatives. Such initiatives will

build upon the strengths of the present, examining AACSB's role in shaping the

future of business and business schools.  

    "The global landscape for management education has shifted dramatically,

requiring business schools to examine their roles in society," said Linda

Livingstone, chair of the AACSB Board and dean of The George Washington

University School of Business. "Tom's strategic leadership experience and

global business knowledge, coupled with his unique perspective on business

education will help AACSB in its efforts to better understand, and ultimately

shape the roles that management and management education should play."

    Robinson's understanding of the certification process, experience in

building and servicing new markets, and expertise in developing educational

programming will also help further enhance AACSB's level of quality assurance,

thought leadership, and membership services at the global level.

    "The Board's decision to select Tom Robinson as AACSB's next president and

CEO was unanimous," said Jan Williams, chair of the AACSB CEO Selection

Committee, and dean emeritus of the Haslam College of Business at the

University of Tennessee at Knoxville. "His strengths and experience across

multiple industries, proven strategic leadership skills, globalization

expertise, and solid connections to business practice is precisely what we set

out to find. His vision and expertise is exactly what AACSB needs as the

organization enters its next chapter of leadership and growth."

    "It is an honor to assume the role as AACSB's President and CEO," said

Robinson. "AACSB is a visionary organization with a powerful mission, and I

look forward to building on the strong foundation John Fernandes has created. I

am eager to work with the Board, and an incredibly talented team of volunteers

and staff to continue to enhance the organization's global footprint, increase

the value of services provided, and work with business schools to foster

innovation, impact, and engagement within the communities they serve."

    Prior to his work at the CFA Institute, Robinson was a tenured faculty

member in Accounting at the University of Miami, where he directed the Master

of Professional Accounting Program and served as Acting Chairman of the

Department. He also spent ten years in public accounting, and served as an

independent financial advisor and tax consultant. Robinson holds a bachelor's

degree in economics from the University of Pennsylvania, and a master's and

doctorate from the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve

University. He also holds certifications as a Chartered Financial Analyst

(CFA), Certified Financial Planner(R) (CFP(R)), Certified Public Accountant

(CPA), and Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA).

    Robinson will join AACSB effective March 1st, and Fernandes will remain on

board through April 30th to assist with the organizational transition. A more

detailed history for Robinson, and high-resolution photo can be found on the

AACSB website (http://www.aacsb.edu/about/governance/executive-team/co-ceo ).

    About AACSB International

    AACSB International (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of

Business), founded in 1916, is an association of more than 1,450 educational

institutions, businesses, and other organizations in 86 countries and

territories. AACSB's mission is to advance quality management education

worldwide through accreditation, thought leadership, and value-added services.

As the premier accreditation body for institutions offering undergraduate,

master's, and doctorate degrees in business and accounting, the association

also conducts a wide array of conferences and seminar programs at locations

throughout the world. AACSB's global headquarters is located in Tampa, Florida,

USA, its Asia Pacific headquarters is located in Singapore, and its Europe,

Middle East and Africa headquarters is located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

    SOURCE: AACSB International


    Amy Ponzillo, Manager, Public Relations, AACSB International,





