100万米ドル「Drones for Good」コンテスト、57か国から多数の参加者を誘引


AsiaNet 59292

100万米ドル「Drones for Good」コンテスト、57か国から多数の参加者を誘引

ドバイ(アラブ首長国連邦)、2015年1月26日/PRニュースワイヤー/ --





2014年2月、アラブ首長国連邦が開催した政府サミット(Government summit)で発表された、この「Drones for Good」コンテストは、通常、軍事衝突を連想するドローンの使用に、新たな視点を提供するものです。セミファイナリストが19人選抜され、この中には、向上した捜索救助、スラムでのサービス提供、森林再生、地雷探知にドローンを使用するプロジェクトが含まれます。勝者は、2015年2月6、7日にドバイで開催されるUAE「Drones for Good」アワードのファイナルコンテストで決定されます。

Mohammed Abdullah Al Gergawi内閣補佐大臣は、政府サービスを向上するというUAE政府の成果に沿った、今回の世界的反応を称賛しました。

「今回のコンテストは、公益に提供するクリエイティビティやイノベーションを利用するという我々のコミットメントを反映しています」とAl Gergawi大臣は言います。「発案のそれぞれが世界を変える可能性を持っており、人々に対し、我々が新たなやり方で技術を利用する方法について考えることをインスパイアしてくれることを願っています。」





情報源: 内閣府、内閣補佐省


US$1m 'Drones for Good' Competition Attracts Huge Participation from 57 Countries


DUBAI, UAE, Jan. 26, 2015 / PRN=KYODO JBN /--

   - More than 800 entries highlight exciting opportunities in use of drone

technology to meet public needs  

   The global competition launched by the United Arab Emirates, offering US$1

million for the best innovative civilian application of drone technology, has

received more than 800 local and international entries from 57 countries,

highlighting the exciting opportunities offered by drones to meet public needs.

   To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:


   The 'Drones for Good' competition unveiled at the Government Summit, hosted

by the United Arab Emirates in February 2014, provides a new perspective to the

use of drones, usually associated with military conflict. Nineteen

semi-finalists have been selected, including projects using drones for enhanced

search and rescue, service delivery in slums, reforestation and landmine

detection. The winner will be chosen at the final competitions of the UAE

Drones for Good Award, to be hosted in Dubai on February 6-7, 2015.

   His Excellency Mohammed Abdullah Al Gergawi, Minister of Cabinet Affairs,

praised the global response, which aligns with the UAE government's efforts to

improve government services.

   "The competition reflects our commitment to harness creativity and

innovation to serve the public good," he said. "Each proposal could change the

world, and hopefully inspire people to think about how we can use technology in

new ways."

   Spain led the submissions with 62 entries, followed by the United States,

(47), India (34), Saudi Arabia (18), Colombia and Poland (15), and the United

Kingdom (11).

   Proposals from the semi-finalists include use of drones to detect drowning

people and tow to safety (Poland); replant deforested areas (UK); provide

better landmine detection (Spain); offer aerial support to Coast Guard rescues

(New Zealand); map and track disaster zones to aid response (Saudi Arabia); and

allow access to confined spaces and safely fly close to humans/rescue missions


   Entries also include projects to plant seeds and collect plant samples

(Sudan); eliminate fog in environmentally friendly way (UAE); town planning


s], especially in slums, through mapping, surveying and physical planning

(Kenya); quicker transfer of transplant organs from donor centres (Spain);

better surveillance of parklands to combat poachers, control wildlife and

reduce fire risks (Spain); and transportation of food, medicine, water, solar

power, lighting and temporary shelters to stranded communities (Australia)

   In addition to the US$1 million prize for the winner, the semi-finalists

will demonstrate their drones to venture capitalists and other potential

investors, helping to bring their ideas to the commercial market.

   SOURCE: Ministry of Cabinet Affairs, Prime Minister’s Office




