


AsiaNet 59501 (0184)

【バンコク2015年2月16日インフォクエスト=共同通信JBN】タイ商務省・国際貿易振興局(DITP、The Department of International Trade Promotion)は16日、2015年のバンコク国際ファッションフェア&バンコク国際皮革製品フェア(BIFF&BIL)の開催を発表した。今回のBIFF&BIL 2015はIMPACT Muang Thong ThaniのChallenger Hall 1-2で3月11-15日の日程で開催され、新しいコンセプト「Catching the Creative Spirit」の下で全面的にニュールックを演出する。


2015年の第33回BIFF&BILは進化するファッションワールドに沿って、目を奪うニュールック、より革新的なコンセプトと現代的な空間デザインによって新たな高みに誘い、展示者とバイヤー双方のニーズに対応する。差し迫った2015年BIFF&BIL Bangkokは、ASEANの創造的デザインを世界に推し進める目的を持たせた「Catching the Creative Spirit」のコンセプトを強調する。新しい革新的な展示コンセプトを持ったこのユニークな会場は2万平方メートルの場所を占め、すべて斬新かつ現代風の設営されている。選ばれた国内および海外の展示者が1000ブースに500社余り集合して、最新の製品やサービスを展示する。BIFF&BIL 2015は上流、中流から下流まですべてをカバーして、繊維、アパレル、レザー製品までまったく包括的な展示であり、ファッションデザインの繊維、紡糸、機織り、染色、プリント、仕上げまですべてが寄り集まる。BIFF&BIL Bangkok 2015によってタイは、ASEANの繊維取引とファッション製品の中継拠点になることを実証する。






BIFF&BIL Bangkok 2015がASEANのトレンドセッターであることを強調するため、ファッションと繊維産業の熱心な貢献者であるアナタイ・チョラチャットピニョ准教授は次回のSpring/Summer 2016に向けて、「Spirit of Thailand」と呼ばれるカラー、スタイル、材料におけるタイのトップトレンドを紹介する。それは優れた職人技につながるユニークな地理的特性(Tropical Artisan)、独自の植民地時代の建築様式を生み出す社会的るつぼ(Indochina)、タイ人の生き生きした笑い顔の絶えない人間性(Snooksnan)、現代における性の興味深い複雑さ(Gender Futurism)などタイの文化的・社会的な時代思想(精神)のエッセンスの刺激を受けている。

BIFF&BIL 2015の詳しい情報は以下を参照。

Website: www.biffandbil.com and www.thaitradefair.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/BIFF-BIL-Bangkok/1478506112399564




Ms. Jutarat Saritwong

Tel: +66 2275 5312 ext. 204

Email: jutharat@xcon.co.th

ソース:Department of International Trade Promotion, Ministry of Commerce


"Catching the Creative Spirit": Bangkok International Fashion Fair and Bangkok International Leather Fair 2015 By Department of International Trade Promotion, Ministry of Commerce

BANGKOK, Thailand, Feb. 16 /InfoQuest=KYODO JBN/

Department of International Trade Promotion (DITP), Ministry of Commerce

invites you to attend the 33th time of Bangkok International Fashion Fair and

Bangkok International Leather Fair or BIFF&BIL. This time, BIFF&BIL 2015, which

will be held during March 11-15, 2015 at Challenger Hall 1-2, IMPACT Muang

Thong Thani, will portray the new whole new look under the new concept,

"Catching the Creative Spirit."

Organized by the Department of International Trade Promotion, Ministry of

Commerce, Thailand, the Bangkok International Fashion Fair & Bangkok

International Leather Fair (BIFF&BIL) has proven to be a true sourcing hub of

quality fashion products of the ASEAN region.

In line with the evolving fashion world, the 33rd BIFF&BIL in 2015 takes to new

heights with an exciting new look, more innovative concept and modern spatial

design to cater to the needs of both exhibitors and buyers. For the upcoming

2015 edition, BIFF&BIL Bangkok underlines the concept of "Catching the Creative

Spirit" with aim to push forward the creative designs of ASEAN to the world.

With new innovative exhibition concept, this unique meeting point covers the

area of 20,000 square meters, set in an entirely fresh and modern setting. Over

500 companies in 1,000 booths from selected domestic and overseas exhibitors

present their latest products and services. Covering from upstream, midstream

to downstream, BIFF&BIL 2015 is a fully comprehensive display of textiles,

apparel and leather goods where the whole range of textile manufacturing

starting from fiber, spinning, weaving, dyeing, printing and finishing to

fashionable designs come together. With BIFF&BIL Bangkok 2015, Thailand proves

to be the hub of textile trading and fashion products of ASEAN.   

As a one-stop shop for fashion sourcing, BIFF&BIL showcases the newest 4 zones

to increase the accessibility to product categories and help customers to reach

their purchase decisions more effectively.

1) The Salon: a display of formal attire, workwear, specialty and occasional

wear, fine lingerie and underwear, fashion accessories, classic leather

products and footwear for formal and business occasions.

2) The Street: a display of casual wear, denim, sportswear and outerwear,

street and urban wear, children’s wear, sports underwear, fashion accessories,

casual leather goods and footwear for casual occasions together with leisure

and sport bags.

3) The Heritage: a display of products of ethnic origins including silk, cotton

and other ethnic merchandise.

4) The Source: a display of raw materials and related manufacturing services

ranging from fibers and yarns, textiles, clothing accessories, fashion

machinery and chemicals, raw leather materials and tanneries, leather

components and accessories to leather machinery and chemicals.

To stress that BIFF&BIL Bangkok 2015 in the trendsetter of ASEAN, Asst. Prof.

Anothai Cholachatpinyo - a contributor who keens in fashion and textile

industries, shares top Thailand's trends in colors, styles and materials for

the upcoming Spring/Summer 2016, called "Spirit of Thailand." Inspired by the

essence of Thai cultural and social zeitgeists, from the unique geographical

character that leads to exquisite craftsmanship (Tropical Artisan), the social

melting pot that gives birth to unique Colonial architecture (Indochina), the

lively, all-smiley personality of Thai people (Snooksnan) and the intriguing

complexity of sexuality in the modern age (Gender Futurism).

For more information about BIFF&BIL 2015, please visit:

Website: www.biffandbil.com and www.thaitradefair.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/BIFF-BIL-Bangkok/1478506112399564

Trade Day: March 11-13, 2015 during 10.00 am - 06.00 pm

Public Day: March 14-15, 2015 during 10.00 am - 09.00 pm

Contact person name and tel.

Ms. Jutarat Saritwong

Tel: +66 2275 5312 ext. 204

Email: jutharat@xcon.co.th

SOURCE: Department of International Trade Promotion, Ministry of Commerce




