
Kommuninvest i Sverige AB


AsiaNet 59599 (0276)

【エレブル(スウェーデン)2015年2月25日PRN=共同通信JBN】スウェーデンの地方政府債務事務所Kommuninvest i Sverige ABがこのほど発表した2014年収支報告書によると、同機関は安定した結果と資本の強化を報告している。営業利益は7億2900万スウェーデン・クローナ(SEK)(前年7億5800万SEK)で、報告されたレバレッジ比率は0.76%(同0.57%)に上昇した。2014年12月31日現在の貸出額は2230億SEK(同2090億SEK)。












年次収支報告全文はKommuninvestのウェブサイト(http://www.kommuninvest.org )でダウンロードして読むことができる。






Kommuninvest i Sverige ABはスウェーデンの地方自治体と県議会が所有しており、安全でコスト効率のよい融資、融資サービス、スキル開発、協力を通じてその金融活動をサポートすることを目的としている。Kommuninvestはスウェーデンの地方政府に対する最大の信用提供者である。


President & CEO Tomas Werngren, tel. +46-70-645-06-69

Deputy CEO Maria Viimne, tel. +46-70-333-69-02

Head of Media Relations Bjorn Bergstrand, tel. +46-70-886-94-76 or


ソース:Kommuninvest i Sverige AB

Kommuninvest Annual Accounts 2014: Continued Capital Build-Up Ahead of Leverage Ratio


OREBRO, Sweden, Feb. 25 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     The Swedish local government debt office, Kommuninvest i Sverige AB,

reports stable results and a strengthening of capital, according to its annual

accounts for 2014. Operating profit was SEK 729 (758) million and Kommuninvest

increased its reported leverage ratio to 0.76 (0.57) percent. At 31 December

2014, lending amounted to SEK 223 (209) billion.

    2014 in review

    - The local government sector's funding needs continued to increase, with

strong population growth, urbanisation and demographic changes driving

investment needs. Kommuninvest's lending rose to SEK 222,803.7 (208,644.0)


     - Kommuninvest maintained its position as the largest lender to Swedish

municipalities and county councils/regions, with a market share of 44 (44)

percent of the local government sector's total borrowing.

     - Operating profit was SEK 729.4 (757.6) million, the second highest to

date and reflecting the owners' directive regarding the long-term build-up of


     - The balance sheet total was SEK 312,052.1 (277,458.7) million and net

interest income was SEK 915.2 (969.5) million.

     - Kommuninvest meets all of the requirements regarding risk-weighted

capital adequacy. The core Tier 1 capital ratio was 34.6 (37.0) percent, the

Tier 1 capital ratio was 34.6 (37.0) percent and the total capital ratio 49.3

(59.5) percent. Total equity increased to SEK 2,375.4 (1,727.6) million.

     - The leverage ratio, calculated according to the EU Capital Requirement

Regulation CRR, was 0.76 (0.57) percent. Including the subordinated loan issued

to Kommuninvest Cooperative Society, the leverage ratio was 1.09 (0.91)


     - Two (four) new members were added in the Kommuninvest Cooperative

Society. Total membership at year-end was 280 (278) members, of which 272 (270)

municipalities and 8 (8) county councils/regions.

    Comments by Tomas Werngren, President and CEO

    - Kommuninvest's owners have a clear plan for meeting the future leverage

ratio requirement, as demonstrated by both profit for the period and the

capital measures taken in 2014.

    - Our lending growth shows that we continue to fulfil our mission:

assisting Swedish municipalities and county councils to efficiently build up

welfare in Sweden.

    The complete annual accounts are available for download at Kommuninvest's

web site: http://www.kommuninvest.org

    This release contains such information that Kommuninvest is required to

disclose pursuant to the Swedish Securities Markets Act and/or the Swedish

Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for disclosure

on 25 February 2015 at 08:00 a.m.

    Comparative earnings figures relate to the same twelve month period

previous year (1 January-31 December 2013). Comparative balance sheet figures

relate to 31 December 2013.


    [1] The loan terms for the subordinated loan are such that the loan is not

eligible for inclusion as Tier 1 capital according to CRR. Kommuninvest intends

to replace the existing subordinated loan with a new one or with another

capital form that is eligible for inclusion as Tier 1 capital well in advance

of year-end 2017.

    About Kommuninvest

    Kommuninvest i Sverige AB is owned by Swedish municipalities and county

councils with the purpose of supporting their financial operations through

secure and cost-efficient financing, financing advice, skills development and

cooperation. Kommuninvest is the largest supplier of credit to Swedish local


    Contact persons for enquiries

    President & CEO Tomas Werngren, tel. +46-70-645-06-69

    Deputy CEO Maria Viimne, tel. +46-70-333-69-02

    Head of Media Relations Bjorn Bergstrand, tel. +46-70-886-94-76 or


    SOURCE: Kommuninvest i Sverige AB




