
Lei Jia Music Studio


AsiaNet 59692(0323)



中国の国際的ステータスが向上するのに従い、中国で最も重要な祝日である春節(旧正月)のお祝いは西欧社会でも広がりつつあり、この機会に中国で最高のパフォーマンスアーティストを招いてショーを行うことが地元の中国系コミュニティーや米国、カナダの大学で学ぶ中国人留学生の間ばかりでなく、メーンストリームの社交界でも期待されるイベントとして定着しつつある。今年の春節では、有名な中国人パフォーマンスアーティストの公演があり、レイ・ジア(雷佳、Lei Jia)、ヨーヨー・マ、ラン・ランらがトロントやニューヨークで母国の音楽を披露し、地元のメーンストリーム聴衆の期待に応え、心からの歓迎を受けた。

Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150302/178687



北米のステージではレイ・ジアは中国の伝統フォークソング2曲「The Village of Sanshilipu」と「In Praise of Cattle」で聴衆を魅了した。パフォーマンスは暖かく受け入れられ、何度もカーテンコールで舞台に引き戻された。多くが非中国系の聴衆はレイ・ジアの歌声の音色の豊かさとその多様性、数オクターブに及ぶ音域の広さに驚くほどだった。客席の中国人の何人かは、レイ・ジアがThe Villageを歌いだすと最初のフレーズで涙を流した。


世界的に有名なトロント交響楽団とニューヨーク・フィルが同時にレイ・ジアを招いたのはどんな理由があったのだろうか。予想はしていなかったのだが、両者にとっては必然の選択だった。レイ・ジアはここ数年、自分の人気が急速に伸びていることを自覚していた。中国でも国外でも、素晴らしいパフォーマンスが聴衆の支持を得た。中国の伝統的なボーカル教育システムの中でレイ・ジアの歌は中国の伝統的なボーカル表現を最も正確に表現している。新しいグオフェンスタイルの音楽を支持してきた。中国のエッセンスを表現するとされているスタイルである。レイ・ジアはこのスタイルを幅広いアーティスティックな形式と現代的なコンテキストのなかで解析している。レイ・ジアのアルバム「Dandelion Sky」を聞いたグラミー賞審査委員会委員長のジョシュア・チークは「最も中国的な音声」だと褒めた。全国的な若手ボーカルミュージックのコミュニティーを代表する歌手として、レイ・ジアは中国の軍楽隊の内部ですごい人気があるばかりでなく、一般兵員の人気も高く、しばしば軍の大集団を前にして歌うこともある。このすばらしいパフォーマンスは近年、海外公演が増えたこともあって数少なくなっているが、その代わり中国の56民族の歌をまとめたアルバムを制作した。このアルバムは国家関係の贈り物として選択されたもので、中国と外交関係のある国の元首に贈られた。アルバムのおさめられた歌は各国の公共図書館のオーディオルームで試聴することができる。このような状況において、2つのオーケストラが人気の歌手を招く決断を下すのにためらいはなかった。


The Village of SanshilipuとIn Praise of Cattle を北米のステージで歌うことを決めたのはどのような理由からかを聞いたときに帰ってきた答えは、今年の春節のガライブニングでHomesickを選んだのと同じ理由だった。2曲とも山西省のフォークソングで、その素朴さのなかで中国音楽を代表している。より重要なのは、中国のディアスポロが、出身地がどこであれ、よく知っている歌があり、それを自分たちでも歌うことがある。レイ・ジアは2つの曲が「一鉢の水、一杯のワイン、雲、死ぬまでの恋」を聞く人々に思い出させ、ノスタルジックな故郷の暖かさや遠い親族を思い起こさせることを表現したかったのだ、という。

ソース:Lei Jia Music Studio

Lei Jia Brings Her Quintessentially Chinese Voice to North American Audiences


BEIJING, Mar.3, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

- Successful performances in Toronto and New York

As China gains in international stature, the country's most important annual

holiday, the Spring Festival (or Lunar New Year), is becoming an increasingly

celebrated event in the West, where inviting the China' best performers to put

on a show during the holiday is becoming something to be expected and to look

forward to, not only by the local Chinese community and Chinese students at US

and Canadian universities, but also by the mainstream society. During this

year's Spring Festival, several famous Chinese performers, including Lei Jia,

Yo-Yo Ma and Lang Lang, have brought the music and sounds of their homeland to

expectant audiences in Toronto and New York, where they received a strong

response and heartfelt welcome from the mainstream audiences.

Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150302/178687

On February 21 (the third day of the lunar year), snow and bitter cold could

not deter the audience from attending the sold out Chinese New Year concert put

on by the Toronto Symphony Orchestra. With a special invitation from the

orchestra, vocalist Lei Jia and pianist Lang Lang delivered an outstanding

performance, igniting the audience's enthusiasm again and again.

On February 24 (the sixth day of the lunar year), the New York Philharmonic

celebrated the Chinese New Year for the fourth consecutive year with a gala

concert at Lincoln Center. The amazing lineup of talent included Lei Jia and

Chinese-American cellist Yo-Yo Ma. This year's audience was noteworthy for the

high number of non-Chinese in attendance, including James Wolfensohn, former

President of the World Bank and many top Wall Street professionals. It was

difficult to get a ticket to the concert in the 2,600-seat hall.

On the North American stage, Lei Jia impressed the audience with two

traditional Chinese folk songs: The Village of Sanshilipu and In Praise of

Cattle. Her performance received such a warm response, that she found herself

having to repeatedly answer the curtain calls. The mostly non-Chinese audience

was amazed by the rich timbre and versatility of her voice as it traversed

several octaves. Some Chinese audience members cried when the young singer

commenced the first verse of The Village of Sanshilipu.

Why Lei Jia?

How is it that the two world famous orchestras, the Toronto Symphony Orchestra

and the New York Philharmonic, both happened to invite Lei Jia at the same

time? It was unexpected but a logical choice for both. Lei saw her fame rise

precipitously in recent years. The young singer won the favor of audiences both

in China and abroad with her outstanding performances. With her training within

the Chinese traditional vocal music system, her singing embodies the most

authentic of traditional Chinese vocal expression. She has long been an

advocate of the new guofeng style of music, a style viewed as an expression of

the essence of China, and has interpreted this style via a wide range of

artistic forms and modern contexts. After listening to her album, Dandelion

Sky, Joshua Cheek, Chairman of the Grammy Awards jury, praised her as "The Most

Chinese of Voices." As a representative of young singers from the national

vocal music community, she is highly popular not only with China's military

brass and but also with the rank and file, often delivering breathtaking

performance to large assemblages of the country's troops. These highly popular

performances have left her little time for performances abroad in recent years,

however she was featured on the album The Songs of the 56 Chinese

Nationalities, a musical collection that was chosen as a national gift sent to

the heads of state of every country with which China maintains diplomatic

relations. The songs of the album can be heard in the listening rooms of public

libraries the world over. These many accomplishments led to the two orchestras

not hesitating in their decision to invite the popular singer.

Why she chose to perform Shaanxi folk songs?        

When talking about why she chose to perform The Village of Sanshilipu and In

Praise of Cattle in North America, Lei said it was much the same reason why she

opted to sing the Homesick at this year's Spring Festival Gala Evening: both

The Village of Sanshilipu and In Praise of Cattle are Shaanxi folk songs, songs

that in their simplicity are highly representative of Chinese music, and, more

importantly, songs that most members of the Chinese diaspora, no matter where

they may have originated from in China, are usually quite familiar with and, in

many cases, can even sing. She expressed the hope that the two songs will

remind them of "a bowl of water, a glass of wine, a cloud, a lifetime love" -

nostalgic themes meant to remind the listener of their hometown and enable them

to experience the warmth of home and the concern that their kinfolk "back home"

feel for them.  

SOURCE Lei Jia Music Studio




