


AsiaNet 60204 (0507)

【ニューヨーク2015年4月20日PRN=共同通信JBN】日本の東京三菱UFJ銀行、みずほ銀行および三井住友銀行が、ポテン&パートナーズ(Poten & Partners)の2015年世界LNGプロジェクトファイナンスのリーダーランキングで上位3位を占めた。

このランキングは、4月17日に発行されたポテン&パートナーズの「世界市場におけるLNGファイナンス(LNG Finance in World Markets)」に掲載されている。

世界的なブローカー、コンサルタントおよびビジネスインテリジェンス提供の大手企業であるポテン&パートナーズが発表した初回ランキングでは、上位10行に日本の銀行5行がランクインした。オランダのINGが4位、フランスのソシエテ・ジェネラル(Societe Generale)が5位。






*2014年にアメリカは2つの最大規模のプロジェクトファイナンス、Cameron LNGおよびFreeport LNGを主導しているにもかかわらず、アメリカの金融業者からの融資はわずか7億8000万ドルであり、カナダ金融業者からの融資は5億1000万ドルだった。


ポテン&パートナーズ 上位LNG 融資元

順位  金融業者                        金融業者本店所在地           金額


1    三菱東京UFJ銀行                  日本                        1,583

2    みずほ銀行                        日本                        1,203

3    三井住友銀行                      日本                        1,072

4    ING                               オランダ                      789

5    ソシエテ・ジェネラル              フランス                      547

6     HSBC                             イギリス                      475

7     クレディ・アグリコル             フランス                      460

8     三井住友信託銀行                 フランス                      361

9     ナティクシス                     フランス                      342

10    三菱UFJ信託銀行                 日本                          311

11    スタンダードチャータード銀行     イギリス                      275

11    ロイズ                           イギリス                      275

13    オーストラリア・コモンウェルス銀行      オーストラリア         237

14    ビルバオ・ビスカヤ・アルヘンタリア銀行  スペイン               229

14    ドイツ銀行                              ドイツ                 229

総額                                                               8,388



Melanie Lovatt メールmlovatt@poten.com、電話+357 22 770 735









ソース:Poten & Partners

Japanese Banks Take Top Spots in Poten & Partners' 2015 Ranking of LNG Project Finance Lenders


NEW YORK, Apr. 20, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

   Japan's Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Mizuho and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking

Corp took the top three spots in Poten & Partners' 2015 ranking of the world's

LNG project finance lenders.

   The rankings appear in Poten & Partners' LNG Finance in World Markets

published April 17.

   Japanese banks took five of the top 10 positions in the inaugural rankings

published by Poten, a leading global brokerage, consultancy and business

intelligence publisher. The Netherlands' ING came in fourth and France's

Societe Generale was ranked number five.

   Forty eight lenders from 15 countries provided most of the global LNG

project finance funds in 2014. In total, banks included in the rankings

extended project finance loans of $12.28 billion in 2014.

   Other key findings of the rankings include:

    -- Eleven Japanese banks provided over $5 billion to LNG projects or 43%

       of total lending in 2014.

    -- Twenty European banks accounted for $4.8 billion of total lending.

    -- Other lenders in the Asia Pacific region, which included banks from

       Australia, Singapore, South Korea and China, provided $941 million.

    -- Despite the US hosting the two biggest project financings of 2014 -

       Cameron LNG and Freeport LNG - only $780 million came from US lenders

       and $510 million from Canadian lenders.

    -- Bank lending to LNG projects in 2014 eclipsed 2013's total of $9


Poten Top LNG Lenders                            Financier's         Amount

Rank  Financier                                 Main Location       $ millions

1     The Bank of Toyko-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd      Japan              1,583

2     Mizuho                                     Japan              1,203

3     Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp               Japan              1,072

4     ING                                        Netherlands          789

5     Societe Generale                           France               547

6     HSBC                                       UK                   475

7     Credit Agricole                            France               460

8     Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Ltd            Japan                361

9     Natixis                                    France               342

10    Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corp      Japan                311

11    Standard Chartered                         UK                   275

11    Lloyds                                     UK                   275

13    Commonwealth Bank of Australia             Australia            237

14    BBVA                                       Spain                229

14    Deutsche Bank                              Germany              229

TOTAL                                                               8,388


   Best efforts are made to provide accurate information. Some figures are

Poten estimates.

   For complete LNG lender list or media comments contact: Melanie Lovatt at

mlovatt@poten.com +357-22-770-735

   Rankings are based on LNG project financings that reached financial close in

2014. They include:

    -- Transactions with a total value of $50 million or more.

    -- LNG projects (both liquefaction only and liquefaction plus upstream),

       LNG ships, FSRUs, and other terminals as long as they are structured as

       non- or limited-recourse financings.

    -- Both uncovered loans and those that are covered by export credit


   About Poten & Partners

   Poten & Partners is a leading commodity and shipping broker, consultancy and

publisher of business intelligence. Our business intelligence division offers a

wide range of products and services that provide insight and analysis for the

LNG, LPG, shipping and asphalt markets. Headquartered in New York with offices

in Houston, London, Perth, Athens, Singapore and Guangzhou, this global network

provides unrivaled access to unique business intelligence and market data.

   Related link: http://www.poten.com

   SOURCE: Poten & Partners




