Silicon Valley Comes to Oxford 未来の職場で人間が機械に勝つ方法を討議

Said Business School

Silicon Valley Comes to Oxford 未来の職場で人間が機械に勝つ方法を討議

AsiaNet 60498(0641)



未来の労働者は、認識的作業や手作業のさまざまな分野で人間が行う労働にチャレンジする技術と対抗するため、「もっと人間らしく」なるべきだろう。同時に、われわれの有限の時間と注意力と競い合う無限の機器と無限のデータに押しつぶされないように「生産性」や「労働」の評価方法を再定義する必要がある。第14回Silicon Valley Comes to Oxford(シリコンバレーがオックスフォードに来る、 )は2015年5月17-18日に開かれ、未来の職場や雇用に対する拡張人間(ロボット)の影響や課題について話し合う。

オックスフォード大学准教授でオックスフォード・マーティン・プログラム=共同ディレクターのマイケル・オズボーン氏( )は、「Technology at Work: The Future of Employment(作業の技術、雇用の未来)」についてプレゼンテーションし、以下のように語る。「コンピューターは当初、明確なルールに基づく作業などルーティンワークを実行するために利用された。しかしビッグデータの出現で、マシンラーニングのアルゴリズムは、法律文書の作成からトラックの運転まで、ルーティンワーク以外のさまざまな労働も簡単に置き換えるようになった。さらに最先端のロボットは向上した知覚と機敏さを手に入れ、今まで以上に複雑な手作業が可能になった」



マイクロソフトUK( )の最高ビジョン責任者、デーブ・コプリン氏は「Rise of the Humans: How to Outsmart the Digital Deluge(人間性の向上、デジタル洪水をいかに生き抜くか)」について講演する。同氏は、ルーティンワークのコンピューター化によってわれわれはレジャーや複雑でやりがいのある仕事により多くの時間がさけるはずだったが、その反対のことが起きたと主張する。われわれは「データの洪水」におぼれ、意義ある現実の仕事から遠ざけられた。さらに、われわれは「生産性」や「生産率」にとらわれるあまり「結果ではなく手段で決まる世界では、スマートに働くことが選択できず、可能な選択肢はより一生懸命働くことだけである」という。

Evernoteのフィル・リビン最高経営責任者(CEO)( )は異なる意見のようだ。同氏は、企業が心掛けなければならないのは、生産性と効率の向上やデジタル化労働力の増強につながるツールや技術に遅れないことであると考える。CEOは新興企業であれ大組織であれ、増幅知能(A.I.)技術がいかに従業員にデジタル世界の中に居場所を見つけ、つながりを感じさせるかを話すことになる。

オズボーン准教授のほかに、オックスフォード大学人間性の未来研究所のニック・ボストロム教授( )は、人間性の技術的進歩が意味することと、懸念すべきことについて提言する。教授が2014年に著した「Superintelligence(スーパーインテリジェンス)」は、マシンのインテリジェンスが人間のインテリジェンスを超える時代にどう備えるかを考察した。しかしマシンのインテリジェンスは人間の知覚の深さとその幅を獲得したり、効果的な説得や交渉、安らぎ、ケアに必要な微細な社会的シグナルに応答したりできるだろうか。


1. Silicon Valley Comes to Oxfordについて

14年目を迎えたSilicon Valley Comes to Oxfordは世界の2つの頭脳センターを橋渡しし、活発で迅速な方法で上級特別クラス、パネル討論、全体会議、ネットワーキング・イベントなどを織り交ぜ、イノベーションと起業家現象における大問題と将来の方向性を探る。オックスフォード大学サイード・ビジネススクールが立ち上げた欧州でも屈指の起業家フォーラムは、シリコンバレーなどから企業幹部や有識者をオックスフォードに招き、オックスフォード大学の学部や調査・学生メンバーと英国の起業家エコシステムとの交流を図る。

Silicon Valley comes to Oxford 2015は、シリコンバレーなどからそうそうたるVIPの顔ぶれがそろう。成功した起業家や新興企業の創設者、ベンチャーキャピタリスト、資金提供者、理論家、ロビイストらが参加する。幅広い技術やトレンドが考察され、将来の方向性を見極める機会となる。





Jonaid Jilani

Press Officer

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Email: or

Josie Powell

Senior Press Officer

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ソース:Said Business School

Silicon Valley Comes to Oxford to Discuss How Humans Can Win Against Machines in the Workplace of the Future


OXFORD, England, May 14 / PRN=KYODO JBN / --

    - Many more occupations now at risk of computerisation, but technology

still no substitute for perception, creativity and social skills

    The workers of the future will have to become "more human" in order to

compete with technology that will increasingly challenge human labour in a

range of cognitive as well as manual tasks. At the same time, we will have to

redefine our measures of "productivity" and "work" if we are not to collapse

under the pressures of infinite devices and infinite data vying for our finite

time and attention. The fourteenth Silicon Valley Comes to Oxford


], on 17th - 18th May 2015, will discuss the impacts and challenges of

augmented humanity on the workplace and employment in the future.

    'Computers were initially used to carry out routine tasks involving

explicit rule-based activities, which tended to be viewed as freeing people

from mundane and repetitive work,' says Michael Osborne, Associate Professor,

University of Oxford, and Co-Director, Oxford Martin Programme on Technology

and Employment [ ], who

will be presenting on Technology at Work: The Future of Employment. 'But big

data means that algorithms from Machine Learning can now easily substitute for

labour in a much wider range of non-routine tasks, from legal writing to

truck-driving. In addition, advanced robots are gaining enhanced senses and

dexterity, allowing them to perform more complex manual tasks.'

    Professor Osborne will talk about his research predicting the jobs and

occupations most at risk from computerisation in the future, and also about the

new jobs and emerging industries that are likely to replace them. Fraud

detection, legal research, healthcare diagnostics, telemarketing and reception

duties are all at risk, he will explain, while wind energy engineers, solar

energy installation managers, nanotechnology engineers, and informatics nurse

specialists are likely to be in demand - as well as Zumba instructors and beach

body coaches.

    'Tasks that are non-susceptible to computerisation require creative and

social intelligence,' he says. 'For workers to win the race against technology,

therefore, they will have to acquire creative and social skills - forcing a

revaluation of our attitudes to education and development.'

    Dave Coplin, Chief Envisioning Officer for Microsoft UK

[ ], will talk about The

Rise of the Humans: How to Outsmart the Digital Deluge. He argues that, while

the computerisation of routine tasks was meant to free up our time for leisure

and for more complex and interesting work, the opposite has happened. We are

drowning in a "deluge of data" that can keep us from doing meaningful, real

work. In addition, our obsession with "productivity" and the "rate of output"

means that 'in a world defined by its processes and not its outcomes, working

smarter is not an option and the only feasible alternative is simply to work


    Phil Libin, CEO of Evernote

[ ], may disagree. He

believes that companies need to keep up with the tools and technologies that

result in a more productive, efficient and plugged-in work force. He can talk

about how A.I. (or Augmented Intelligence) technology can ensure that employees

feel plugged in and connected, whether they're in a start-up or larger


    Professor Osborne will join Professor Nick Bostrom, Director, Future of

Humanity Institute [ ], to

discuss What do humanity's technological advancements really mean for us and

should we be worried? Professor Bostrom's 2014 book, Superintelligence,

suggests how we might prepare for the time when machines' intelligence far

exceeds that of humans. But will they ever be able to match the depth and

breadth of human perception, or respond to the subtle social signals needed for

effective persuasion, negotiation, comfort and care?

    Notes to editors:

    1 About Silicon Valley Comes to Oxford

    Now in its fourteenth year, Silicon Valley Comes to Oxford bridges two

world centres of ideas to explore the big issues and future directions of

innovation and entrepreneurial phenomena in a vibrant and fast paced mix of

masterclasses, panel debates, plenaries and networking events. The leading

European entrepreneurship forum, pioneered by the University of Oxford's Said

Business School, brings business leaders and luminaries from across Silicon

Valley and beyond to Oxford for a period of focused interaction with faculty,

research and student members of Oxford University and the British

entrepreneurial ecosystem.

    Silicon Valley comes to Oxford 2015 will once again have an impressive line

up of visiting VIPs from the Valley and beyond, including established

entrepreneurs, founders of start-ups, venture capitalists and funders,

theorists and policy influencers. A wide range of technologies and trends will

be explored, providing the opportunity to identify future directions.

    2 About The Entrepreneurship Centre at Said Business School

    3 About Said Business School

    Said Business School at the University of Oxford blends the best of new and

old. We are a vibrant and innovative business school, but yet deeply embedded

in an 800 year old world-class university. We create programmes and ideas that

have global impact. We educate people for successful business careers, and as a

community seek to tackle world-scale problems. We deliver cutting-edge

programmes and ground-breaking research that transform individuals,

organisations, business practice, and society. We seek to be a world-class

business school community, embedded in a world-class University, tackling

world-scale problems.

    To register to attend, or for further information please contact the press


    Jonaid Jilani, Press Officer, Mobile: +44(0)7860-259996, Tel:

+44(0)1865-614678, Email: or

    Josie Powell, Senior Press Officer, Mobile +44(0)7711-387215, Tel:

+44(0)1865-288403, Email: or

    Source: Said Business School




