アスタナ経済フォーラム2015 欧州とアジアの新パートナーシップを展望


アスタナ経済フォーラム2015 欧州とアジアの新パートナーシップを展望

AsiaNet 60566(0670)

【アスタナ(カザフスタン)2015年5月20日PRN=共同通信JBN】アスタナ経済フォーラム2015(Astana Economic Forum 2015)が5月21-22日、「Infrastructure - a dirver of sustainable economic growth(インフラストラクチャー-持続的経済成長の原動力)」を主要議題としてカザフスタンのアスタナで開催される。






「The revival of the Great Silk Road: new economic perspectives(グレート・シルクロードの再生:新しい経済展望)」と題する会議では、グレート・シルクロードの経済的可能性を明らかにし、互いに利益となる貿易・経済協力を提案する。さらに、各地域の経済成長に及ぼすインフラ・プロジェクトの効果についての問題も提起され、欧州とアジアを結ぶ交通・物流ハブとしてのカザフスタンの開発事例が紹介される。新しいシルクロードに関する組織は、産業や物流の各センターを結び付けるという基本原則に基づき、産業や建設などの分野での開発を検討する。会議には米国国務省経済企業局筆頭次官のカート・トン氏、シルクロード基金社長のワン・ヤンジ氏、ユーラシア経済委員会通商担当のアンドレイ・スレプニョフ氏らが出席する。

シルクロード諸国の第2回目の代表者会議は「ABII: new driver of the development of the Silk Road economic belt(アジアインフラ投資銀行(ABII):シルクロード経済ベルト発展の新原動力)」と題して、ABIIのリスク最小限化や業務の透明性を含む効果的な基準の採用について話し合う。代表者会議にはカザフスタン経済予算計画省次官のマラト・クサイノフ氏、中国産業経済連合副会長兼事務局長のション・メン氏らが出席し、発言する。



(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150514/743719


ソース:Astana Economic Forum

Astana Economic Forum 2015 Europe and Asia: New Partnership Perspectives


ASTANA, Kazakhstan, May 20, 2015 / PRN=KYODO JBN / --

Astana Economic Forum 2015 is set to take place in Astana, Kazakhstan 21-22 of

May, with the main topic of the forum being "Infrastructure - a driver of

sustainable economic growth".

To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:


The Europe and Asia forum aims to raise discussion around the issues of

modernisation of public administration institutes, as well as the role of state

institutes in stimulating innovations.

A group of experts, heads of financial institutions and high-level statesmen

will also be looking at how a partnership between Europe and Asia would ensure

global growth and create a competitive ecosystem to support innovation efforts

in both regions.

Among the speakers are Zhao Xiaoyu, Vice President of State development Bank of

China; Aleksander Kwasniewski, Polish ex-President; Romano Prodi, former Prime

Minister of Italy and former President of the European Commission, and many


A conference entitled "The revival of the Great Silk Road: new economic

perspectives" will demonstrate the economic potential of the Great Silk Road,

while proposing mutually beneficial trade and economic cooperation. Also, the

question on the impact of infrastructure projects on each region's economic

growth will be raised, with a case presented for the development of Kazakhstan

as a transport and logistics hub, connecting Europe and Asia. A New Silk Road

system considers the development of industrial, constructive and other spheres

of economy, based on the radial principle of connecting industrial and logistic

centres. The conference will be attended by Kurt Tong, Principal Deputy

Assistance Secretary, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs U.S. Department

of State; Wang Yanzhi, President of the Silk Road Fund; Andrey Slepnev,

Minister for Trade of the Eurasian Economic Commission, among other speakers.

At the second Summit of Silk Road countries, "ABII: new driver of the

development of the Silk Road economic belt", the implementation of effective

labour standards of Bank, including minimisation of risk and transparency of

performance, will be discussed. The summit will be attended by Marat Kussainov,

First Vice Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Xiong

Meng, Executive Vice Chairman and Secretary General of the Chinese Federation

of Industrial Economics, among other speakers.

The final documents will be signed and effected, and the most important

memorandums and agreements are to be forged, by the end of the AEF 2015. Astana

Economic Forum is the first dialogue platform in Eurasia to seek the answers to

the most current debates.


(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150514/743719 )


SOURCE: Astana Economic Forum




