コンテンツはますますコンテクスチュアルに Waggener Edstromがアジア・太平洋市場を調査

Waggener Edstrom Communications

コンテンツはますますコンテクスチュアルに Waggener Edstromがアジア・太平洋市場を調査

AsiaNet 60597 (0679)



*Waggener Edstromがコンテンツ・マーケティングのビジネス・インパクトに関するアジア・太平洋地域調査の第2版を発表

独立系の大手総合コミュニケーションエージェンシー、Waggener Edstrom Communications(WE)は、同社独自のアジア・太平洋地域研究調査「Content Matters: The Impact of Brand Storytelling Online in 2015(コンテンツが重要:2015年ブランドストーリーテリング・オンラインのインパクト)(http://apac.waggeneredstrom.com/what-we-do/digital-influence-insights/content-matters/ )の第2版をリリースした。

Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150522/218033-INFO



WE Studio DでAPACを担当するヘンリー・ウッド氏は「Content Mattersリポート第1版の成功を受けて、われわれは消費者がオンライン上でブランドについて、実際どのように考えているかをさらに深く調査したいと思った。今回の調査ではさまざまな興味ある事実が浮かび上がった。簡潔に言うと、コンテンツが唯一の万能薬ではないということが分かった。効果的なコンテンツは、地理、プラットフォーム、業界、デバイスが混入するカクテルである。カーブで後れをとらないために、マーケターは投資を最優先して価値をつかみ取るうえで役に立つデータに裏づけされた知見を持たなければならない」と語った。







Waggener Edstromのマシュー・ラッキー上級副社長(アジア・太平洋地域担当)は「総合コミュニケーションエージェンシーである当社は、われわれが解読したビジネス・ニーズのすべてが確実にデータで裏づけられていることにコミットしている。当社独自の内部知見、分析ツール、専門家を動員して、われわれはAPACレベルの調査を行い、なにがブランド・アドボカシーに関する消費者の関心を高めるのかを解明し、このデータを使って当社のクライアントが業績につながるよりインパクトがあるコンテンツ作りができるように支援することができる」と語った。



Waggener Edstrom Communications(WE)は独立系のグローバル・コミュニケーションエージェンシーである(http://waggeneredstrom.com/ )。詳細はウェブサイトhttp://www.WaggenerEdstrom.com を参照。

ソース:Waggener Edstrom Communications


Leslie Meyer

Waggener Edstrom Communications

+86 (021) 5301 2379


Content Increasingly Contextual: Marketers Need to Account for Device, Platform, Location and Sector When Hunting ROI


SINGAPORE, May 22, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

-- Waggener Edstrom Launches the Second Edition of Their Asia-Pacific Study on

the Business Impact of Content Marketing

Leading independent integrated communications agency Waggener Edstrom

Communications (WE) has released the second edition of its proprietary

Asia-Pacific research study, Content Matters: The Impact of Brand Storytelling

Online in 2015 (


) .

Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150522/218033-INFO

This year's report explores the correlation between devices and social media

platforms as it relates to purchase behavior, revealing the factors that drive

consumer brand advocacy and how those dynamics vary across industry and

geography in Asia-Pacific.

The 2015 study surveyed over 4,000 consumers in nine markets across

Asia-Pacific, including Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Hong Kong,

Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and South Korea. It also covered nine

industries, including Beauty, Consumer Electronics, Finance & Banking, Food &

Beverage, Healthcare, Mobile Devices & Tablets, Personal Care, Restaurants &

Dining, and Travel & Tourism.

"Riding on the success of the first Content Matters report, we wanted to take a

deeper dive into what consumers really think in relation to brands online, and

the research provided some fascinating facts," said Henry Wood, APAC Lead, WE

Studio D. "Simply put, we learned that content is never a sole panacea.

Effective content is a cocktail of geography, platform, industry and device. In

order to stay ahead of the curve marketers must have data-driven insights that

help prioritize their investments and capture value."

    - It's all about the ecosystem

      The data show that consumers want cross-channel experiences, via an

      ecosystem of online and offline touch points. However, the dominant

      platforms shift according to industry and geography. In South Korea, for

      example, regardless of industry, blogs dominate purchasing decisions; in

      the Philippines, social media carries the greatest purchase influence.

      And in the majority APAC markets, corporate websites are key for Finance

      & Banking decisions, while Restaurant & Dining purchases rely most

      heavily on word of mouth.

    - Content is a local game

      Although Facebook and WhatsApp currently dominate the region, the third

      most preferred social network is different in almost every market.

      Singapore consumers are hot for Instagram, Indonesians love to tweet,

      and China is bonding via WeChat. Furthermore, willingness to engage with

      brands and motivation is market-led. For example, access to discounts is

      the key reason consumers follow a brand in Hong Kong (46%) and Indonesia

      (38%); in China, it's simple love for the brand; in India, it's because

      consumers find the content inspirational. What this means for campaign

      design is Southeast Asia should be promotion-led, while marketers will

      need to focus on brand in China and charm in India.

    - Multiple devices matter

      The data indicate that consumers are using multiple screens to engage

      with brands and gather information prior to purchase, pivoting between

      two devices, typically a smartphone and a computer. Additionally, not

      only are they amalgamating branded content before taking action, but

      they do so in different ways depending on their location.

"As an integrated communications agency, we are committed to making sure

everything we do maps to business needs and is backed by data. Using our own

internal insights and analytics tools and experts, we're able to conduct

APAC-level research to ascertain what drives consumer interests when it comes

to brand advocacy, and use this data to help our clients create more impactful

content that links to commercial outcomes," said Matthew Lackie, Senior Vice

President, Asia Pacific, Waggener Edstrom.

Download the report: (


) .  

Waggener Edstrom Communications (WE) is a global independent communications

agency (http://waggeneredstrom.com/) . To learn more, visit


SOURCE: Waggener Edstrom Communications

CONTACT: Leslie Meyer, Waggener Edstrom Communications, +86 (021) 5301 2379,





