


AsiaNet 60676 (0710)

【フォス・ド・イグアス(ブラジル)2015年5月29日PRN=共同通信JBN】電気システムやハイブリッドシステムの能力を備えている米国の世界大手エンジニアリング・研究・試験コンサルタント企業MIRA Ltd.はこのほど、ブラジルのエネルギー貯蔵に向けた新しいセンター・オブ・エクセレンス(COE)を開発するためFundacao Parque Tecnologico Itaipu (FPTI)と協力協定を結んだと発表した。





MIRA Brazilのアルマンド・カナレス・ゼネラルマネジャーは「MIRAがブラジルに設立されて以来ほぼ3年になるが、この間われわれはItaipu、FPTIと強力な関係を育ててきた。われわれは最新のエネルギー貯蔵ソリューションを開発するためこのような協力関係に入ったことは素晴らしいことであり、PTIとMIRA双方にハイテク関連ジョブを生み出すことによって、固有スキルベースの開発を支援する」と語った。



MIRA Ltdは最新のエンジニアリング、研究、製品試験の世界リーダーである。同社はほぼ70年間、世界に施設を配置する真の国際企業組織に成長した。MIRAの仕事は、自動車、国防、航空宇宙、鉄道産業に広がり、画期的なローカーボン、自律型車両技術の開発が含まれる。

ソース:MIRA Ltd

New MIRA and Itaipu Binacional Partnership Will Develop New Lithium Battery


FOZ DO IGUACU, Brazil, May 29 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    MIRA Ltd., a world-leading engineering, research and test consultancy with

capabilities in electrical and hybrid systems, has announced a collaborative

agreement with Fundacao Parque Tecnologico Itaipu (FPTI) to develop a new

centre of excellence for energy storage in Brazil.

    As the first project of the agreement, research and development for a new

and flexible architecture lithium battery for stationary power and

transportation applications will be the focus.

    The project entails the transfer of technology, and the joint development

of new intellectual property, enabling FPTI to develop a leading position in

energy storage technologies. The combination of MIRA expertise in the

international automotive market together with FPTI's knowledge of energy

production and storage for large stationary applications provides a solid base

for the new battery development centre.

    The modular approach for the battery will allow the design to cover the

storage of green energy such as wind and solar for stationary applications,

while in transportation, motorcycles, trucks and buses will be the primary


    In addition, the initial programme will provide the basis for further

low-carbon developments.

    Armando Canales, general manager at MIRA Brazil, said: "MIRA has been

established in Brazil for over three years, and during this time we have

fostered a strong relationship with Itaipu and FPTI. It is great that we have

entered into this collaboration to develop state-of-the-art energy storage

solutions, which support the development of the indigenous skills base by

creating high technology jobs for both PTI and MIRA."

    Declan Allen, Chief Operating Officer at MIRA, said: "Brazil is a key

strategic growth territory for MIRA and this exciting collaboration provides

the opportunity to apply and further develop relevant MIRA technology with the

demanding environments and duty cycles of the territory. It brings together two

ambitious and capable partners with the intention to demonstrate Brazil's

competitiveness in emerging technologies, with the associated environmental

benefits and contributions to the local economy."

    About MIRA

    MIRA Ltd is a world-leader in advanced engineering, research and product

testing. For almost 70 years it has grown into a truly international

organisation with facilities located around the world. MIRA's work spans the

Automotive, Defence, Aerospace and Rail industries and includes the development

of ground-breaking low carbon and autonomous vehicle technologies.





