メキシコ飲食業界が2015年Global 50 Best Restaurants Awardsで4位入賞

The Mexico Tourism Board

メキシコ飲食業界が2015年Global 50 Best Restaurants Awardsで4位入賞

AsiaNet 60760(0746)



今週発表されたところによると、メキシコの飲食業界は6月1日にロンドン・ギルドホールで開催されたWorld’s 50 Best Restaurants Awardsの世界ランキングでレストラン3軒がベスト50以内に入賞、レストランの数でイタリアとペルーと肩を並べ同率4位にランクされた。トップは米国でスペインとフランスがそれに続いた。50 Best Restaurants Academyが毎年選ぶBest 50レストランは世界中から優れた料理を求めて、自分自身の専門力に基づいて選択するアカデミー会員1000人の評価に基づいている。会員は国際的飲食業界におけるプロである。今回選ばれたメキシコのレストラン3軒は以下の通り。


メキシコ市のQuintonil は35位:シェフはホルヘ・バジェーホでエンリケ・オルベラの弟子である。クラフティングデッシュの新しいスターとしてはやされて、料理のエコロジカルな特質を薄めることに務めてきた。新鮮な季節物や忘れ去られたハーブ、おばあちゃんが使っていた食材を使用することで知られるQuintonilは、食材の多くを自分自身の都会菜園から調達している。その結果は驚くべき香り高い料理と栄養価である。

メキシコ市のBiko は37位にランクされた:シェフはミケル・アロンゾ、ブルーノ・オテイザ、ジェラール・ベルバーの3人。トレンディーなポランコ地区に店を構え、Bikoはバスク地方のフレーバーとメキシコのフレッシュな食材を融合したレパートリーを提供している。両国からそれぞれのベストを集めて命を吹き込んだテクスチャーとテーストは、料理の限界を突き破り、他の料理からは一線を画している。

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150603/748142



賑やかな市場やストリートフードから豊かで伝統的な調理と、数千年の歴史を経たフレーバー、最後に今日の現代的なクリエーティブな飲食業界シーンでメキシコは美食家たちのパラダイスとされている。さらに意識を高めメキシコの食材を利用することを開拓、手の込んだ製品を試作するため、メキシコ飲食業界は今年3カ月間、3年連続でWorld’s Best Department Store として表彰されたロンドンのセルフリッジ百貨店において特別展示を開催した。


ソース:The Mexico Tourism Board

Mexican Gastronomy Honoured With Three Top Restaurant Awards at 2015 Global 50 Best Restaurants Awards


LONDON, June 4, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

- Growing recognition signals strong influence in the global gastronomy

movement and its increasing contributions to the Mexican economy

This week it was announced three restaurants in Mexico were recognised at the

World's 50 Best Restaurants awards held June 1, at the Guildhall in London

where Mexico ranked fourth on the global list of most awarded countries and

tied with Italy and Peru, following only the U.S., Spain, and France. The 50

Best Restaurants Academy's annual celebration of global gastronomy celebrates

restaurants around the world for their culinary prowess based on reviews by

their 1,000 members, each selected for their expertise in international

gastronomy. The three restaurants recognised are:

- Pujol in Mexico City ranked 16th, Chef Enrique Olvera: No stranger to the

list, Pujol offers reinvented traditional Mexican with attention to detail.

Olvera's transcends his food into perfectly curated designs, allowing each

flavor to be distinctly exposed and savored. The complexity of his sauces are

phenomenal and he elevates his menu to constantly explore and push the

boundaries to expand into new gastronomical territory.

- Quintonil in Mexico City ranked 35th, Chef Jorge Vallejo: A student of

Enrique Olvera, Jorge Vallejo has been hailed as a rising star for crafting

dishes while committed to reducing the ecological footprint of his food. Known

for focusing on fresh seasonal ingredients, forgotten herbs and grans, and

indigenous produce, Quintonil sources much of its own produce from the

restaurant's urban orchard. The results are astounding dishes bursting with

flavour and nutritional value.

- Biko in Mexico City ranked 37th, Chefs Mikel Alonso, Bruno Oteiza, Gerard

Bellver: Nestled in the trendy Polanco area, Biko presents a dazzling

repertoire combining Basque flavours with Mexico's fresh ingredients. The best

of both countries come to life in an array of textures and tastes that break

down culinary barriers and set it apart from the crowd.

     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150603/748142 )

Mexican gastronomy and its related industries are priority areas for

development by the government of Mexico, both in terms of tourism and culture

promotion as well as supporting producers, exporters, artisanal products and

restaurants. These gastronomy related industries are growing faster than the

overall economy and with multiple initiatives underway domestically and

internationally, this trend is expected to only increase based on this week's


Mexico's Secretary of Tourism, Claudia Ruiz Massieu, attended the event and

shared, "This is an unprecedented honour for Mexico's gastronomy movement.

Since the UNESCO designation was awarded to Mexico and France cuisine as

intangible cultural heritages, the rich flavours, diverse ingredients and

cooking styles and innovative chefs have been making an indelible mark on the

world. We are witnessing a moment of revolution in global gastronomy trends and

Mexico is at the forefront."

From lively markets and street food, to rich traditional preparations and

flavors with thousands of years of history, and, finally, today's modern and

creative gastronomy scene, Mexico has been heralded as a foodie's paradise. To

further raise awareness and encourage experimentation with Mexican ingredients

and artisanal products, Mexican gastronomy was featured for three months this

year at Selfridges in London, awarded as the World's Best Department Store for

three consecutive years.

Mexico continues to expand to meet the growing demand for its food products, as

well. Already the world's largest exporter of avocado, tomato, papaya, mango,

beer, tequila and mezcal, specialty products including craft beer, wines,

spirits, oils, vanilla, coffee and chocolate are growing at incredible levels.  

These exports, combined with the thriving restaurant and foodie culture they

inspire, are supporting growth amongst the millions of Mexicans involved in

farming, production, food service and hospitality industries, across the


SOURCE: The Mexico Tourism Board




