
TCL Corporation


AsiaNet 60898(0802)

【深セン(中国)2015年6月15日PRN=共同通信JBN】第3回中国・南アジア博覧会が6月12日、中国商務省と雲南省人民政府の共同主催、南アジア諸国の政府貿易主管部門の共同参加で開幕した。南アジア、東南アジアのほとんどの国からの国家指導者級に加え、中国の李源潮国家副主席が同エキスポに出席、TCL Corporation(TCL集団)のトムソン李東生会長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)の案内でTCLのパビリオンを視察するとともに、TCLの中国南西部と東南アジアの市場開発計画に関する報告を聞いた。

キャプション:中国の李源潮国家副主席にTCL製品を紹介するTCL Corporationのトムソン李東生会長(Photo -


TCL Corporationの李東生会長兼CEOは同博覧会で、南アジアと東南アジアはTCL Corporationのグローバル化戦略の重点地域であると述べた。第3回中国・南アジア博覧会は、TCLが製品を南アジア・東南アジアに提供できる最適なプラットフォームを提供する。南アジア・東南アジア地域は、TCLが国際的な事業展開を拡大する跳躍台として役立つ。李会長はまた、TCLが近い将来、雲南省に生産施設を建設し、南アジア、東南アジア市場に手を広げ、この施設を拠点として同省の地理的有利性と好都合な中国の国家政策(例えば一帯一路構想)を活用して広大な国際市場に打って出ることを明らかにした。中国は雲南省都の昆明を起点とし、東南アジアの10カ国と南アジアのバングラデシュ、インドを結ぶ鉄道4路線を建設する計画であり、昆明を拠点とするTCLの生産施設は雲南省を通じて関連市場に浸透する支援基地の役割を果たすだろう。



Marta Chen


ソース:TCL Corporation

TCL Talks about its Plan to Expand into Southeast Asian Market on China-South Asia Expo


SHENZHEN, China, June 15, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

The 3rd China-South Asia Expo, co-sponsored by China's Ministry of Commerce and

Yunnan Provincial Government and co-organized by the trade government offices

of several South Asian countries, opened on June 12. The national leaders from

nearly every South and Southeast Asian country attended the expo, as well as

Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao, who, accompanied by TCL Corporation

Chairman and CEO Tomson Li Dongsheng, conducted an inspection tour of TCL's

pavilion and listened to TCL's report on its plans for the development of the

markets in the southwestern part of China and in Southeast Asia.

Photo -

With the Chinese economy becoming increasingly outward looking, China's Yunnan

province, as an important hub connecting the country's landlocked southwestern

regions to both southern and southeastern Asia, is playing an important role as

the gateway to those regions.

TCL Corporation chairman and CEO Li Dongsheng said at the expo that South Asia

and Southeast Asia are the focus of TCL's globalization strategy. The 3rd

China-South Asia Expo provides a very good platform from which TCL can present

its products to South and Southeast Asia, regions that can serve as

springboards for the further expansion of its international operations. Mr. Li

also revealed that TCL will soon set up production facilities in Yunnan in the

near future and further expand into South and Southeast Asia and, from there,

move into the larger international market by leveraging its geographic

advantage and the favorable national policies of China (e.g. China's One Belt,

One Road initiative). With China's plan to build the starting point of four

rail lines in Yunnan province's capital of Kunming to connect to ten countries

across Southeast Asia as well as to Bangladesh and India in South Asia, TCL's

Kunming-based production facilities could serve as a base of support to

penetrate the related markets through Yunnan.

In addition, TCL had earlier said that the emerging markets such as Indian

market are a major focus of its 2015 globalization strategy. On the 3rd

China-South Asia Expo, India is also a guest of honor, which serves as another

reason why TCL considers Yunnan province a key part of its overall strategy and

has been taking an active part in China-South Asia expos.


Marta Chen


SOURCE  TCL Corporation




