

AsiaNet 60958

ニュースリリース ― 即時発表



世界中の熱烈なレースファンが見守る中、インターラッシュ(Interush Inc.)がスポンサーを務める88番アストンマーティンV12ヴァンテージGT3に搭乗するのは、クラフト・バンブー・アストンマーティン所属のフランク・ユウとリチャード・ライアン両選手です。先頃韓国にて開催されたGTアジア・シリーズ開幕戦の第1レースでは、ポールポジションからスタートし、1時間の疾走を経て3位フィニッシュを果たした経験豊富な実力派ドライバーです。




インターラッシュがスポンサーを務めるレース・イベントの詳細は、http://www.interushracing.com/ja/ をご覧ください。

また、今回および今後のレースを含むGTアジア・シリーズのハイライトは、https://www.facebook.com/interushracingJP?fref=ts をフォローしてご覧ください。

インターラッシュ・レーシング(Interush(R) Racing)は、インターラッシュがスポンサーを務める車両が参戦するレースについての最新情報を提供しているウェブサイトであり、躍進を続けるアジアのIT市場に特化したマーケティング活動を行うInterush Media, LLC(カリフォルニア州アーバイン)により運営されています。インターラッシュに関する詳細はhttp://interush.com をご覧ください。Interushおよびそのロゴは、インターラッシュのグループ企業の一社であるInterush Technology, Ltd.により、米国および他の国々で登録された商標です。本文中で言及されているその他の商標は、該当所有者にそれぞれ帰属します。


Interush and Aston Martin Racing Fans Look Forward to the Second Race of the GT Asia Series in Okayama, Japan


IRVINE, Calif., June 23, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

   The start of the race season is well underway, with the second race of the

GT Asia Series coming up in Okayama, Japan this weekend, and international

racing fans across the globe are getting ready for this exciting event.

   Veteran drivers Frank Yu and Richard Lyons will both race the

Interush-sponsored #88 Aston Martin V12 Vantage GT3, with many Interush and

Aston Martin race enthusiasts in attendance cheering them on. The talented

drivers from the Craft-Bamboo Aston Martin Race team are very eager to get back

into the #88 after the last GT Asia race in South Korea, where they won 3rd

place in the first one-hour race, after claiming the pole position for the

first round.

   Interush will be sponsoring a hospitality tent at the event, where their

Affiliates can meet up with one another throughout the race weekend. The race

will be an especially fun one to watch, due to the challenging track of the

Okayama International Circuit built within the surrounding mountainous terrain.

The circuit also has an interesting history of being built in the early 90s by

golf course magnate Hajime Tanaka as a membership-only track for the wealthy.

Today the venue provides high-end facilities within a secluded location for all

race fans to enjoy.

   "It was excellent to see a podium win from our drivers at the first race and

I anticipate another successful turnout this weekend," said Martin J. Matthews,

who will be attending the Okayama race in person. "We're honored to have

partnered with the Craft-Bamboo Aston Martin Race team again this season and

are happy to help provide these exciting experiences to race fans and


   The GT Asia Series is part of the Asian Festival of Speed (AFOS), which

includes two other events: the Audi R8 LMS Cup and the Porsche Carrera Cup

Asia. The GT Asia series involves 11 races across five countries, with the

series' next race to be held at Japan's Fuji International Speedway on July


   For more information on Interush-sponsored racing events, visit:

http://www.interushracing.com. Fans can follow the Interush Racing Facebook

page at: https://www.facebook.com/Interushracing for highlights from this and

upcoming races in the series.

   Interush(R) Racing is a website where all Interush Affiliates can discover

the latest news about company-sponsored race information. Interush Racing is

powered by Interush Media, LLC of Irvine, California, which markets within the

rapidly expanding information technology sector in Asia. For more information,

visit: http://interush.com. Interush and the Interush logo are registered

trademarks of Interush Technology, Ltd., a member of the Interush group of

companies, registered in the United States and other countries. Other

trademarks referenced are the property of their respective owners.

    SOURCE: Interush




