
China Today International


AsiaNet 60997(0843)

【北京2015年6月25日PRN=共同通信JBN】中国文化の意義ある要素に脚光を当てる十二宮郵便切手は、中国切手収集家の間でいつも人気を保ってきた。中国文化をテーマとする製品の著名企業であるChina Today Internationalは6月19日、国連の潘基文事務総長に金・銀記念版の中国十二宮切手を進呈した。

国際舞台の目に見える中国文化に特化している中国有数の企業の代表として、China Today Internationalの首席戦略担当、ポン・ビンガー氏が米議員団とともにニューヨークの国連本部に招かれ、国際文化交流に関するセミナーに参加した。彼は潘基文事務総長に、China Today International製の金と銀の中国十二宮切手を贈った。




China Today Internationalは対象範囲が広い文化企業で、中国の伝統・現代文化を代表する文化的記念品とコレクションの創作、デザイン、製造、販売、宣伝を専門にしている。同社は北京五輪、中国建国60周年、上海万博、2012年ロンドン五輪、2014年ブラジルW杯など主要文化イベントの開催、運営に関与した。故宮博物館の後援の下、文化機関や伝統的組織とのプラットフォーム共有など広範な協力関係に加えて、中国の国営郵便システム、銀行システムと長期的な戦略提携関係を結んでいる。

ソース:China Today International

Gold and Silver Edition of Chinese Zodiac Stamps Enters UN Headquarters


BEIJING, June 25, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Zodiac-themed postage stamps that highlight meaningful elements of Chinese

culture have always been popular among collectors of Chinese stamps. A noted

purveyor of products with Chinese cultural themes, China Today International,

presented a commemorative gold and silver edition of Chinese zodiac stamps to

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on June 19th.

As a representative of one of the leading firms in China specializing in

visibility of Chinese culture on the world stage, China Today International

chief strategist Peng Binge was invited, in concert with the United States

Congressional Caucus, to the New York headquarters of the United Nations, where

he attended seminars on the international cultural exchanges. He presented to

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon a collection of Chinese zodiac stamps made of

gold and silver from China Today International's facilities.

The collection is a set of stamps finely cast from the two precious metals and

issued to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the release of China's first

zodiac stamp. No such stamp in commemoration of the Chinese Zodiac made of

precious metals has been issued before. The limited edition commemorative

stamps have been approved by China Post. The master stamp engraver of the 1980

Year of the Monkey stamp, Jiang Weijie, as well as 12 master engravers

specializing in zodiac stamps worked together to create the unique

commemorative collection, whereby each stamp personifies the style of each

engraver and showcases the cultural appeal and charisma of Chinese culture.

Mr. Peng explained, in China's quest for consensus around the world and for

expanding cooperation, Chinese culture is a critical part of the appeal of the

country and the interest in the country expressed by the fans of the culture

and of the significance of that culture. The country's sophisticated culture

serves as a bridge across the world so audiences can learn about, understand

and fall in love with China. Efforts continue in different regions around the

world and through a multitude of channels to expand the understanding and

appreciation for Chinese culture. The era of globalization opens up many new

possibilities for promoting and spreading knowledge about Chinese culture

around the world and to be more open to learning about Chinese culture and

traditions. The changing times present an immense opportunity for Chinese

cultural firms who seek to "spread the word."

Mr. Peng added that, China is gaining more attention and supporters who express

sincere appreciation of Chinese culture, termed as China Fever as well as

Collection Fever - have never been more fervent, especially "Chinese

collections that can tell stories." Such collections not only provide richer

and more appealing cultural connections to collectors worldwide, but also

showcase a certain profile of China's development, which is another method of

drawing the interest of people who wish to be more intimately involved with


China Today International is an all-encompassing cultural company dedicated to

creating, designing, producing, selling and promoting cultural souvenirs and

collections representative of the country's traditional and modern cultures. It

has participated in the hosting and management of major cultural events,

including the Beijing Olympic Games, the 60th anniversary of the founding of

the People's Republic of China, the Shanghai World Expo, the 2012 London

Olympic Games and the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. The company has established a

long-term strategic partnership with both China's national post system and the

country's banking system in addition to having wide-ranging collaborative

relationships including shared platforms with cultural institutes and heritage

organizations under the aegis of the National Palace Museum.

SOURCE: China Today International




