
IBS Software Services


AsiaNet 61030(0861)



航空貨物業界が決定的瞬間を目撃した。ルフトハンザ・カーゴがウィーン、ミュンヘン、フランクフルトのハブ3カ所を含むネットワーク内の120ステーションで、IBSのiCargo ITソリューションを稼働させたからだ。フランクフルトはルフトハンザ・カーゴの国際展開にとって主要なハブであるばかりか、欧州で一二を争う繁忙なカーゴゲートウエーでもある。この大がかりな転換は、ルフトハンザ・カーゴ・フランクフルトが大きな業務の混乱もなく本腰を入れて活動したため、シームレスなシステム稼働開始を通じて達成された。システム切り替えは業界の利害関係者が注視してきた。この移行によりルフトハンザ・カーゴは、数十年使用できるコアITシステム近代化に向けて着実に前進することになった。

Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150629/752639




IBS GroupのV・K・マシューズ会長は「これはIBSにとって決定的瞬間だ。iCargoが世界一のエアカーゴ管理ソリューションであることが疑いないと証明された。稼働開始の成功は、IBSの能力、プロ意識、さらに、規律ある商慣行で知られるルフトハンザ・カーゴのようなグローバル企業の要求をサポートするコミットメントの証しである。わたしは実際、幹部がこの切り替えをルフトハンザグループ史上かつてなかったほどうまくいったシステム移行プロジェクトであると幹部が評したいくつかの例を知っている。iCargoは、ルフトハンザ・カーゴが経営効率と成長を加速させるために有意義なビジネスバリューを加えるのは間違いない」と語った。


Mathew Joshua


email: mathew.joshua@ibsplc.com

ソース:IBS Software Services

Air Cargo Industry Witnesses One of the Largest Systems Switch-over


FRANKFURT, Germany, June 30, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Lufthansa Cargo Takes a Big Leap Forward in its IT Legacy Migration Project

The Air cargo industry witnessed a defining moment when Lufthansa Cargo went

live with IBS' iCargo IT solution at 120 stations in its network, including the

three hubs - Vienna, Munich and Frankfurt. Frankfurt is not only Lufthansa

Cargo's main hub for its global operations, but also one of Europe's busiest

cargo gateways. This massive transformation was achieved through a seamless

system cutover, with Lufthansa Cargo Frankfurt operations in full swing and

without major business disruptions. The system switch-over has been keenly

followed by industry stakeholders. With this migration, Lufthansa Cargo is well

on its way to modernize its core IT system in use for multiple decades.

Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150629/752639

The successful migration of Lufthansa Cargo's largest hub to new generation

technology is set to send a strong signal to the airline industry,

traditionally wary of making the switch-over, that migration to new gen

technology solutions can be achieved successfully. The iCargo system will be

operated by around 4,500 Lufthansa Cargo users across the world and will

support the global cargo operations of Lufthansa Cargo to over 300 destinations

spread across 100 countries. The IT modernization project - a key component of

the Lufthansa Cargo 2020 strategy - replaces several key business IT systems

with a single platform integrating all the participants of the transport chain.

This will provide intelligent support of core processes and seamless

information flow ensuring business agility and serve as a catalyst for future

innovations. The new platform will enable Lufthansa Cargo to push the envelope

on industry initiatives such as e-Freight adoption and digitization of the


IBS' iCargo solution was selected by Lufthansa Cargo, one of the largest cargo

carriers in the world, to manage the airlines entire cargo movement worldwide.

The airline had assessed over 400 solution providers after an intense selection

process that lasted over 18 months before selecting IBS as the partner for

their IT modernization project.

"IBS has had the best offering in the industry and our decision to jointly

execute the project has verified to be the very best. The commitment of the IBS

team is as extraordinary as the seamless collaboration with the offshore team,

both being paramount for the overall project success. iCargo has proven to be

the right product regardless of station or hub size and delivered countless


driving functionalities. Our Lufthansa Cargo 2020 strategy has further

materialized. The modernized IT platform from now onwards acts a lever -

enabling us to efficiently introduce innovation and continuously the best

products for our customers," explained Dr. Karl-Rudolf Rupprecht, Member of the

Executive Board of Lufthansa Cargo.

"This is indeed a defining moment for IBS, proving beyond doubt that iCargo is

the No.1 air cargo management solution in the world. The successful cutover is

a testimony to IBS' capability, professionalism and commitment to support the

requirements of global organizations such as Lufthansa Cargo, renowned for its

disciplined business practices. In fact, I have been privy to several instances

where senior functionaries described the switch-over as one of the 'Best system

replacement projects ever in the history of Lufthansa Group.' iCargo will, I am

sure, add significant business value to Lufthansa Cargo to achieve increased

operational efficiencies and growth," said VK Mathews, Executive Chairman, The

IBS Group.

For media enquiries, contact

Mathew Joshua


email: mathew.joshua@ibsplc.com

Source: IBS Software Services




