
Office of Nick Xenophon


AsiaNet 61097








案件: ドン・シップウェイ/ケイ・シップウェイ夫妻と

南オーストラリア州選出 豪州連邦議会無所属上院議員



場所: 〒 650-8555 神戸市中央区


アシックス社 本社前にて

日時: 本日7月6日月曜日、午前11時(日本時間)


ドン・シップウェイ/ケイ・シップウェイ夫妻はアデレードで「スポーツ・ロッカー」という小売店を経営しており、同店ではアシックスのスポーツ・シューズの販売が売上の90%を占めています。また、ドン氏は豪州のプロ・バスケットボール・チームであるアデレード・サーティーシクサーズ の元コーチであり、ケイ夫人と共に南オーストラリア州のスポーツ界でも非常に尊敬を集めている存在です。


この状態が続けばシップウェイ夫妻は今後数週間で在庫が切れてしまうだけでなく、今年の9月までには店舗自体も閉店せざるを得ない状況に置かれています。スポーツ・ロッカーは間接コストを抑えることにより、同店で販売されるアシックス製品が最大25% 引きになるなど、年月をかけてアシックス製品のディスカウント店としての評価を築き上げてきました。




アシックス社の尾山基社長と面会すべく度重なる申し入れをしてきましたが、同社の神戸本社もオーストラリア本社も、ACCCによる本件の調査を理由に、この申し入れを拒否しています。ゼノフォン上院議員は先週にも、ACCCによる調査になんら影響が及ばぬよう、一切の先入観なく「いかなる者の権利にも不利益をもたらすことのない(法律用語でのいわゆる「without prejudice」という)」かたちで面会するようアシックス側に提案しましたが、アシックスはそれでもなお面会を拒否したのです。








日本メディアからのお問い合わせ用電話番号(日本語):080 4249 4203


Jeremy Roberts(ジェレミー・ロバーツ) +61 8 8232 1144 または

Senator Xenophon(ゼノフォン上院議員)+61 411 626 677 or (Japan) 080 4249 4203



Stomped On By Corporate Giant


KOBE, OSAKA & TOKYO, July 6, 2015/Medianet International=KYODO JBN/ --

In a desperate bid to save their small sports shoe retail business in Adelaide,

South Australia, Don and Kay Shipway have travelled to Kobe, Japan to ask why

ASICS is, after 30 years, cutting off their supply of ASICS shoes.

WHAT: Media conference with Don and Kay Shipway, and

          Independent Senator for South Australia, Nick Xenophon

WHERE: Outside ASICS Headquarters

          Kobe, Japan

WHEN: 11am today (Japan time), Monday 6 July

          noon Australian Eastern Standard Time)

In a case of 'David v Goliath' the husband-and-wife owners of a small sports

store in Adelaide, South Australia, have travelled to Japan to plead with the

global head of ASICS to reconsider its decision to stop supplying stock to

their store after 30 years.

Don and Kay Shipway are the proprietors of the Sports Locker store in Adelaide

and 90 per cent of their turnover is from selling ASICS sports shoes. Don is a

former coach of the Adelaide 36ers professional basketball team and both he and

Kay are highly respected in South Australia’s sporting community.

Earlier this year ASICS restructured its distribution arrangements and decided

to bypass an Australian distributor and supply stores directly. Bafflingly,

ASICS decided not to supply Sports Locker, despite renewing supplies for other

sports stores in South Australia.

The Shipways face running out of stock in coming weeks and closing down their

business by September this year. The Sports Locker store has gained a

reputation over the years for consistently discounting all of its ASICS lines

by up to 25 per cent, because of its low overheads.

Senator Xenophon has taken up the Shipway's cause after being approached by

them earlier this year. He has made numerous representations to ASICS and the

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), the national competition

regulator, over the ASICS decision and the trip to Kobe was "a last ditch

attempt to save this respected family business."

Senator Xenophon said there were wider implications for small businesses

throughout Australia.

"If this could happen to the Shipways it could happen to virtually any small

business. ASICS cutting off supply to the Shipways after 30 years shows a

chilling power imbalance between a large corporate multinational and a small

family business," said Nick.

Despite repeated requests to meet with ASICS President Mr Motoi Oyama, both the

Kobe head office and the Australian head office have refused the request,

citing the ACCC investigation. Senator Xenophon last week proposed ASICS meet

the Shipways on an entirely 'without prejudice' basis, so that it would not

impact in any way on the ACCC investigation. ASICS still refused to have a


"ASICS own Code says its business is 'built on trust and reputation' and

'acting with integrity is about more than ASICS' reputation'," said Nick.

"All Don and Kay want is to be treated fairly and not to lose their business

because of this baffling and unfair decision," said Nick.

In the absence of any last minute meeting arrangements, Don and Kay,

accompanied by Senator Xenophon, will hold a media conference outside ASICS

headquarters in Japan on Monday morning. They have prepared protest banners in

English and Japanese to display outside the headquarters.

ASICS sold more than $A3.8 billion in footwear, clothing and sports equipment

in 2014 and employs approximately 6,000 staff worldwide.   

"To date ASICS has treated this wonderful small family business with a total

lack of respect. This does not appear to be an honourable way to treat two

people who have sold ASICS shoes for over 30 years with distinction and

loyalty," said Nick.

Mr Shipway said that ASICS talks a lot about the importance of reputation but

"character", based on its actions, was more important.

"To date ASICS's character has been inconsistent with its corporate mantra 'A

Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body'. I really hope that coming to Kobe will lead to

a change of heart from the company. ASICS make great products and I hope to be

able to continue to sell ASICS to South Australians for years to come, but so

far it's looking very bleak for us," said Mr Shipway.

For media inquiries please phone:

Jeremy Roberts   +61(0)8-8232-1144 or +61(0)433-620-850

Senator Xenophon  (Japan) +61 411 626 677 or +81 80 4249 4203

Email contact: jeremy.roberts@aph.gov.au  

SOURCE: Office of Nick Xenophon




