


AsiaNet 61110 (0887)



中国の「(シルクロード)一帯一路」戦略を実質的に展開するため、中国国家観光局は一連の「麗しい中国―2015 中国シルクロード観光年」イベントを提唱した。四川省はその中で、世界レベルの観光地となるべく、省内の主要観光資源の整備を加速化させる開発戦略と開発目標に焦点を当てた。このため、四川省は大胆なマーケティング改革策を実施したが、その内容は「シルクロード南路を旅してパンダのふるさとを訪ねる-欧州パンダ愛好家四川の旅」と銘打って、壮大な国際マーケティング・イベントを計画し、実行することだった。

このイベントのために選ばれた欧州のパンダ愛好家を中核とするドライブ旅行グループは6月12日、専門家、研究者、ならびに著名なメディア代表者とともに英国とスペインを同時出発し、パリで合流した。 使用車は成都で製造された特別仕様のスポーツ型多目的車(SUV)で、一行はエッフェル塔から凱旋門を通過、ベルリンでは神秘的な趣のあるシャルロッテンブルグ宮殿を経て、美しいドナウ川沿いを走行し、奇抜でロマンチックな国から国への冒険旅行を満喫し、その道すがらパンダをテーマにした四川観光の宣伝イベントを展開した。








ソース:Tourism Administration of Sichuan Province

European Panda Enthusiasts Drive from Paris to Chengdu as Part of 'Beautiful China 2015'


CHENGDU, China, July 7, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

To realize the development of China's "One Belt and One Road" strategy, the

China National Tourism Administration has proposed a series of activities

themed 'Beautiful China, 2015 - Year of Silk Road Tourism'.

Sichuan has focused on development strategies and targets that speed up the

construction of the province's major tourism resources in order to become a

tourist destination on the world stage. For this reason, Sichuan has made bold

marketing innovations by planning and carrying out a large international

marketing event named 'Traveling along the Southern Silk Road and Exploring the

Hometown of the Giant Panda - European Fans Visit the Panda's Hometown'.

The self-driving groups consist of European panda enthusiasts selected for this

event whom, along with specialists, scholars and well-known media, departed

England and Spain respectively on June 12, and met up in Paris. Driving their

specially liveried 'made in Chengdu' SUVs, they passed the historic Eiffel

Tower and Arc de Triomphe, through the mysterious Charlottenburg Palace in

Berlin and on along the beautiful Danube, enjoying a magical and romantic

cross-country adventure, all the while promoting panda-themed tourism in


As part of the event, the giant panda, Southern Silk Road and Sichuan tourism

are integrated perfectly for the first time. The giant panda is China's

national treasure loved by the world's people and has been an important

messenger for exchange between China and Europe for a long time. All the giant

pandas in European zoos are from Sichuan, their homeland.

With Sichuan as its starting point, the Southern Silk Road is an ancient

channel for trade contacts and cultural exchange between China and other

countries in Europe and Asia that opened over 2,000 years ago. As a place of

ultra-rich tourism resources rarely seen in the world, Sichuan has many natural

and cultural heritage sites including the primitive ecosystem of the giant

panda habitats in addition to world-famous tourist resorts like Jiuzhaigou,

Huanglong, Mt. Emei, Leshan Giant Buddha, Dujiang Weir and Qingcheng Mountain.

This event has therefore connected these world-class tourist elements like a

pearl necklace.

This is the first time panda lovers from across Europe have been invited to the

panda's hometown, and marks an opportunity of a lifetime for European tourists

to travel in Sichuan. The SUVs, which were made in Chengdu and represented the

city on the European leg of the tour, provided a vehicle through which the

panda lovers were able to live out a life-long dream while experiencing the

beautiful scenery on the long journey.

Photo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20150702/0861505911-a

Photo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20150702/0861505911-c

Photo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20150702/0861505911-b  

Photo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20150702/0861505911-d

SOURCE: Tourism Administration of Sichuan Province




