Wi-Fi、旅行アプリ、デジタルウォレットがビジネス旅行を変容 GBTAの調査で判明

Global Business Travel Association

Wi-Fi、旅行アプリ、デジタルウォレットがビジネス旅行を変容 GBTAの調査で判明

AsiaNet 61206(0921)



Wi-Fi、旅行アプリ、デジタルウォレットを含むモバイル・テクノロジーは世界のビジネス旅行客の体験を変容させている-。アメリカン・エキスプレスと提携するGlobal Business Travel Association (GBTA、グローバルビジネストラベル協会)の教育・研究部門、GBTA Foundation(GBTA財団、http://www.gbta.org/foundation/Pages/default.aspx )の初のGBTA Global Business Traveler Sentiment Index(TM、ビジネス旅行者感情インデックス)がこのような結論を出した。

GBTA Foundationのジョセフ・ベイツ副理事長は「大規模な技術転換がビジネス旅行の姿を変えている。この急激な変容の中核にはWi-Fiがあり、それは旅行者にとって不可欠のテクノロジーになった。旅行者はWi-Fiとモバイル・テクノロジーによって、ホテルの客室でも空港でも、あるいは9000メートル上空でもつながっていることができる。この変容は加速する一方であり、 ビジネス旅行者は常につながり、週7日24時間コネクトできるモバイルアプリを要求する」と語った。

アメリカン・エキスプレス・グローバル・コーポレート・ペイメンツのスーザン・シャンパンヒューズ上級副社長は「Business Traveler Sentiment Indexは、ビジネス旅行者が旅に関するできることとできないことへの姿勢と体験の断片を与えてくれる。これはトラベルプロバイダーが問題領域に取り組み、顧客を引きつけてロイヤルティーを維持する役に立つ」と話した。









最後に、Business Traveler Sentimentの大きな違いは国によって立ち現れている。たとえば、メキシコのビジネス旅行者はすべてのインデックス項目で平均以上を得点した。一方、米国、オーストラリア、英国の旅行者は全体のビジネス旅行感情で平均のやや上、ドイツ、ブラジル、カナダは平均のすぐ下を示した。日本のビジネス旅行者は、ソーシャルメディア体験を除くすべてのインデックス項目で最も満足度が低かった。

アメリカン・エキスプレスと手を組んだ GBTA Business Traveler Sentiment Index(TM)の調査は2015年3月17日から4月6日、オーストラリア、ブラジル、カナダ、ドイツ、日本、メキシコ、英国、米国のビジネス旅行者を対象に、オンラインパネルを通じて行われた。


リリース全文(http://www.gbta.org/PressReleases/Pages/rls_071615.aspx )またはGBTA Business Traveler Sentiment Index(TM)のサマリー(https://business.americanexpress.com/us/business-trends-and-insights/business-traveler/business-travel-insights-global-business-traveler-sentiment-index?extlink=va-us-corp-ch-JulGBTAReportPR )を参照。

ソース:Global Business Travel Association


Colleen Gallagher

+1 703-236-1133


Scott Gerber

+1 202-463-0067


Constant Connectivity, Mobile Applications, and Digital Wallets Part of "Technological Transformation" Changing the Face of Business Travel, According


ALEXANDRIA, Va., July 16, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

-- Index Examines Travel Trends in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Japan,

Mexico, United Kingdom and United States

Mobile technologies - including Wi-Fi, travel apps and digital wallets - are

transforming business travelers' experience around the globe. That's according

to the first-ever GBTA Global Business Traveler Sentiment Index(TM), research

from the GBTA Foundation [ http://www.gbta.org/foundation/Pages/default.aspx ]

, the education and research arm of the Global Business Travel Association

(GBTA), in partnership with American Express.

"A massive technological transformation is changing the face of business

travel," said Joseph Bates, Vice President, GBTA Foundation. "At the heart of

this radical disruption is Wi-Fi, which has become the indispensable technology

for travelers. Wi-Fi and mobile technologies allow travelers to stay connected

whether in their hotel rooms, at the airport, or at 30,000 feet. This

transformation will only accelerate, and business travelers will demand

always-on connectivity and mobile applications that allow them to stay in touch


"The Business Traveler Sentiment Index provides a snapshot of the attitudes and

experiences of business travelers about what is working and what isn't when it

comes to travel," said Susan Chapman-Hughes, senior vice president, American

Express Global Corporate Payments. "This will help travel providers address

areas of concern and help attract and retain loyalty from their customers."

The index makes four key findings:

1. Technology continues to transform the business travel experience.

2. Despite overall satisfaction with travel, a number pain points have emerged,

causing deep frustration among business travelers - such as getting through

security and high airline fees.

3. Travelers are optimistic about the health of their industry, though less

hopeful about the overall state of their country's economy.

4. The level of satisfaction in business travel varies widely by country.  

Business travelers from Mexico are the most satisfied, while travelers from

Japan are the least satisfied, among countries surveyed.

As employees travel for business, they need to stay connected - meaning mobile

devices and applications play a more important role than ever.  Travelers,

across the board, believe that Wi-Fi is "vital to their work productivity" -

Mexico (90%); Brazil (87%); Canada (83%); United States (81%); United Kingdom

(80%); Australia (75%); Germany (70%) and Japan (52%).

Additionally, business travelers, while generally satisfied with their trip

experience, encounter several "pain points" that cause ongoing frustration,

including airline delays, trouble getting through airport security, high

airline fees and lack of Wi-Fi.

Travelers remain concerned about the health of the overall economy, but tend to

be much more optimistic about their industry. At least half of travelers from

Mexico (65%), the U.S. (54%), the UK (52%) and Canada (50%) report that the

overall health of their industry is excellent.

Finally, major differences in Business Traveler Sentiment emerged on a

country-by-country basis. Business travelers from Mexico, for instance, score

higher than average across every Index component. Meanwhile, travelers in the

United States, Australia and the UK all score just above average on overall

business travel sentiment, while those from Germany, Brazil and Canada score

just below average. Japanese business travelers are the least satisfied across

all Index components, except social media experience.

The GBTA Business Traveler Sentiment Index(TM), in partnership with American

Express, was fielded March 17 to April 6, 2015, to business travelers within

Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Japan, Mexico, the UK and the U.S. through

an online research panel.

Overall, 3,851 respondents qualified for the study (their primary residence is

located in one of the eight countries, they are employed part- or full-time,

and they have taken four or more business trips in the prior 12 months).

View the full release [ http://www.gbta.org/PressReleases/Pages/rls_071615.aspx

]  or see the GBTA Business Traveler Sentiment Index(TM) - At a Glance

executive summary [


] .

SOURCE: Global Business Travel Association

CONTACT: Colleen Gallagher, +1 703-236-1133, cgallagher@gbta.org; Scott Gerber,

+1 202-463-0067, scott.gerber@463.com  




