
Mr. Wenliang Wang


AsiaNet 61297 (0953)


【ワシントン2015年7月23日PRN=共同通信JBN】米国のハリー・リード上院議員(民主党前院内総務、ネバダ州)は6月22日、中国・丹東鴨緑江河口の湿地帯を復元する保全活動でChina Rilin Industrial Groupのワン・ウェンリャン会長に感謝を表明した。同湿地帯は20万エーカー(約809平方キロ)あり、丹東鴨緑江河口湿地帯国家自然保護区によると「世界の何十万もの渡り鳥や渉禽類の採餌・休息地として極めて重要」とみられている。

写真- http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150722/240588

写真- http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150722/240589




保全の役割で言えば、湿地帯は世界で最も珍しい鳥類の一つ、ズグロカモメの採餌・休息地として知られるようになった。世界で7000羽しかおらず、うち2600羽以上がこの湿地帯をすみかとしている。Wetland Internationalは2014年、丹東鴨緑江河口湿地帯を「シギ類の最良の生息地」に指定した。





ソース:Mr. Wenliang Wang


Rachel Wilkinson or Aurora Driscoll Barker

The Rogich Communications Group


US Senator Recognizes Conservation Efforts of Wenliang Wang


WASHINGTON, July 23, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

On June 22, United States Senator and former Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV)

recognized Mr. Wenliang Wang, Chairman of the China Rilin Industrial Group, for

his conservation efforts to restore the Dandong Yalu River Estuary Wetland in

China. These wetlands that cover more than 200,000 acres are considered to be

of "great importance as a feeding and resting area for hundreds of thousands of

the world's migrating and wading birds," according to the Dandong Yalu River

Estuary Wetland National Nature Reserve.

Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150722/240588

Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150722/240589

The Senator said, "Mr. President, I rise today to recognize entrepreneur and

philanthropist Wenliang Wang for his commitment and dedication to restoring one

of the world's most impressive wetlands, the Dandong Yalu River Estuary Wetland

in China."

Reid went on to say that it was Mr. Wang's, "private efforts and personal

connection to the [Dandong] area that has influenced him to invest millions of

dollars in the restoration of the Dandong Yalu River Estuary Wetland."

According to the Dandong Yalu River Estuary Wetland National Nature Reserve,

there are approximately 5 million wading birds of 55 kinds that fly across 20

countries and regions from Alaska to Siberia, down south through East Asia,

Southeast Asia to Australia and New Zealand. The wetland is 1,860-3,100 miles

from breeding grounds in Alaska and Siberia, and 3,100-3,728 miles from

Australia and New Zealand where wading birds spend their winters. It is the

closest place near the north-pole tundra for the wading birds to get sufficient

foods before they go into breeding zones. Following its restoration, the

wetlands have become one of the most inhabited wetlands on these migratory

routes with over one million birds spending the winter, passing through, or

making the wetlands home because of its unique location, friendly eco environs

and abundant food supplies.

In March 2007, 12 bar-tailed godwits labeled "E7" in New Zealand were tagged

for the first time with satellite GPS tracking devices to monitor their

activities. On March 17th, 2007, the E7 left Miranda, New Zealand, flew 7 days

non-stop for 6,342 miles and reached the Dandong Yalu River Estuary Wetland.

This was the longest non-stop flight recorded for migratory birds. There were

several suitable places on the way where E7 could have landed, but they chose

to bypass those and continue on to the wetlands as bar-tailed godwits have high

loyalty to their resting places. For the next five weeks, the E7 resided in the

wetlands to prepare for their flight to Alaska that was recorded on May 1,

2007. Currently, there are 250 kinds of birds and 76 kinds of fish, 103 various

species of amphibians and mammals, and 365 different plants in the wetlands.

In terms of its role in conservation, the wetland has also become a popular

feeding and resting hub for one of the world's rarest birds, the Saunders's

Gull. There are only 7,000 of these birds left in the world, and over 2,600

have made the wetland their home. In 2014, the Wetlands International awarded

the Dandong Yalu River Estuary Wetland the title "Best Station for Plover


Over the past decade, Mr. Wang has made the Dandong Port one of the most

important gateways for northeast China, with an annual capacity of 138 million

metric tons. His business is now the largest taxpayer in Dandong, a city with a

population of nearly 2.5 million.

Additionally, Mr. Wang's business interests have expanded into different

sectors, including becoming one of the largest buyers of soybeans and corns

from US and Brazil to produce high quality soybean oils for Chinese markets.

Mr. Wang has given tens of millions to several universities including Harvard

and NYU here in the US, as well as 30 schools and 1,000 households annually in

impoverished areas of China. Recently, Mr. Wang made a commitment to invest

millions of dollars to grow mangroves in the US, Brazil and China in an effort

to save our shorelines and restore the wetlands.

"I applaud Mr. Wang for his commitment to protecting the internationally

significant Dandong Yalu River Estuary Wetland and wish him the very best in

his continued efforts to protect our environment and restore these important

sites," said Senator Reid.

SOURCE: Mr. Wenliang Wang


For more information contact:

Rachel Wilkinson or Aurora Driscoll Barker

The Rogich Communications Group





