巡洋戦艦フッド(HMS Hood)の船鐘の回収に成功

Vulcan Inc.

巡洋戦艦フッド(HMS Hood)の船鐘の回収に成功

AsiaNet 61442(1018)

【シアトル、ポーツマス(英国)2015年8月9日PRN=共同JBN】米国の慈善事業家で起業家のポール・G・アレン(Paul G. Allen)氏が率いる探査チームは、第2次世界大戦中の1941年に沈没した巡洋戦艦フッドの船鐘の回収に成功した。船鐘は修復されれば、同艦が北大西洋で戦艦ビスマルクによって撃沈された際に亡くなった1415人の戦死者にとって、敬意を表するにふさわしい有形記念物としての役割を果たすことになる。



アレン氏は「今年は第2次世界大戦終結70周年に当たる。この取り組みは、海で亡くなった多数の勇敢な水兵を追悼するものである。マイティー・フッド(Mighty Hood)の船鐘を回収するための探索に乗り出すことは、本当に名誉なことである」と語った。


どちらの探索作業も、難破船の探索と調査を専門とするBlue Water Recoveries Ltdのサポートを受けた。


Blue Water Recoveriesディレクターのデービッド・メアンズ氏は「船員仲間への思い出として船鐘を回収してほしいというフッドの乗組員1418人のわずか3人の生存者の1人テッド・ブリッグズ氏の最後の願いの1つをかなえらえたことに、非常に満足している」と語った。74年間、デンマーク海峡の深淵に沈んでいたにもかかわらず、船鐘は非常に良好な状態にある。その表面を飾っている刻銘は、その船鐘がまず1891年から1914年まで戦艦フッドの船鐘として使用された後、巡洋戦艦フッドでの使用のために保存されていたことをはっきりと示している。それゆえ、この船鐘は50年間にわたり、英国海軍の2隻の主力艦で戦闘を見守ってきた。船鐘に刻印された文字はまた、ユトランドの戦いで死亡した夫のホラス・フッド海軍少将を追悼して同艦を進水させたフッド夫人の願いも記録している。われわれが回収した船鐘は、フッドが英国の巡洋戦艦隊の旗艦として、いかに重要であったかを示す唯一の歴史的な遺物である。これは、明らかに特別の艦船のための特別の船鍾であった。そして、マイティー・フッドにふさわしい記念物として、その船員たちの軍務と犠牲を思い出させるものとしての役割を果たすだろう」と語った。


巡洋戦艦フッドは、沈没させられた英国海軍の艦船としては最大のものであり、単一の英国軍艦としては最大の人的損失をこうむった。その回収は、1941年の同艦の最後の任務よりも前に同艦に服務した退役軍人や同艦とともに戦死した人たちの遺族が会員となっている巡洋戦艦フッド協会(HMS Hood Association)によって全面的に支援されている。




船鐘の回収成功について、NMRNの館長、ドミニク・トウェドル教授は「巡洋戦艦フッドの船鐘を展示することは名誉であり、特権である。われわれの新しい展示室は、20世紀と21世紀の英国海軍の人々の英雄的行為、任務、犠牲を想起し、後世に伝えるものである。巡洋戦艦フッドの船鐘はこの物語の全容を封印しており、他の物品ではそれは不可能である。われわれは、1941年5月24日に巡洋戦艦フッドとともにビスマルクと戦った巡洋戦艦プリンスオブウェールズ(HMS Prince of Wales)の船鐘を既に保有している。少なくとも気持ちの上で2隻の艦船を再び結び合わせることは素晴らしい」とコメントした。


詳細は、英国海軍の広報担当官、電話44 7748932702まで問い合わせを。

▽ポール・G・アレン(Paul G. Allen)氏について

ポール・G・アレン氏は有力な投資家、企業家、慈善事業家で、これまでに20億ドル以上を慈善目的のために投じている。1986年にジョディー・アレン氏と共同でVulcan Inc.を設立し、同氏の事業と慈善活動を取り仕切っている。アレン氏はPaul G. Allen Family Foundationの共同設立者でもある。Vulcan Inc.は現在、世界中でアレン氏の広範な投資およびイニシアチブを管理運営している。2003年にはアレン脳科学研究所(Allen Institute for Brain Science)を設立、健康ないし病気の状態にある人間の脳についての理解を促進し、その10年後にはアレン人工知能研究所(Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence)に発展して人工知能の分野での開発機会を追求した。2014年、アレン氏は1億ドルを投じてアレン細胞研究所(Allen Institute for Cell Science)を設立、また別途1億ドルをエボラ出血熱の拡散防止のために出資した。アレン氏はマイクロソフトの共同創設者の1人であり、シアトル・シーホークス、ポートランド・トレールブレイザーのオーナーでもある。詳細はwww.paulallen.com 、www.vulcan.com を参照。


hoodbell@vulcan.com または+1-206-342-2526

ソース:Vulcan Inc.

HMS Hood's Bell Has Been Successfully Recovered


SEATTLE and PORTSMOUTH, England, Aug. 9, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

A research team led by US philanthropist and entrepreneur Paul G. Allen has

successfully recovered the bell of the battlecruiser HMS Hood, sunk in 1941

during World War II. Once restored, the bell will respectfully serve as a

tangible and fitting memorial for the 1,415 lives lost when the Bismarck sunk

the ship in the North Atlantic.

The bell was successfully recovered the 7th of August. Mr. Allen's team led the

operation using his yacht M/Y Octopus, which is equipped with a

state-of-the-art remotely operated vehicle (ROV).

The Ministry of Defence (MOD) and the Royal Navy are grateful for Mr. Allen's

generosity in recovering the bell at no cost to the MOD.

"This year marks the 70th anniversary of the conclusion of World War II, and

this effort commemorates the hundreds of brave sailors who were lost at sea,"

said Allen. "It is a true honour to undertake the expedition to recover the

bell from 'The Mighty Hood'."

The bell was first discovered and photographed in July 2001. The bell was found

lying on the seabed well away from the parts of the battlecruiser’s hull. A

2012 Allen-led expedition to recover the bell was hampered by prevailing

weather conditions and technical difficulties.

Both operations were supported by Blue Water Recoveries Ltd which specialises

in the search and investigation of shipwrecks.

The bell is in good condition but will require a year-long expert conservation

and restoration effort because it has spent so long in deep seawater.

Director of Blue Water Recoveries, David Mearns, said:

"I am extremely pleased that we have been able to fulfil one of the last wishes

of Ted Briggs, one of only 3 survivors of Hood's crew of 1,418 men, to recover

the ship's bell as a memorial to his shipmates.  Despite 74 years of immersion

in the hostile depths of Denmark Strait the bell is in very good condition.  

The inscriptions decorating its surface clearly indicate that the bell was

preserved for use on the battlecruiser Hood after first being used as the bell

of the Battleship Hood from 1891 to 1914.  This bell has therefore seen action

in two Capital ships of the Royal Navy spanning a period of 50 years.  An

engraving on the bell also records the wishes of Lady Hood who launched the

ship in memory of her late husband Rear Admiral Sir Horace Hood KCB DSO MVO who

was killed in the battle of Jutland.  The bell we recovered is a unique

historical artefact, which shows just how important Hood was as flagship of the

British Battlecruiser Squadron.  This was clearly a special bell for a special

ship and it will forever serve as a fitting memorial to the Mighty Hood and a

reminder of the service and sacrifice of her men."

Commenting on the successful recovery, First Sea Lord, Admiral Sir George

Zambellas said:

"A magnificent symbol of the power of the Royal Navy in the inter-war years,

'The Mighty Hood' is one of the greatest fighting ships in our nation's long

and glorious maritime history. That she was lost with her guns thundering in

defence of the convoys that formed Britain's lifeline is a tragic reminder of

the high price that our island nation paid for survival, and for the freedom

and prosperity we enjoy today. Her story, her sacrifice, continues to inspire

the Royal Navy today. The recovery of the Ship's Bell will help ensure the

1,415 men lost, and the name Hood, will always be remembered by a grateful


HMS Hood is the largest Royal Navy vessel to have been sunk, causing the

largest loss of life suffered by any single British warship and the recovery is

fully supported by the HMS Hood Association whose members include veterans who

served in the ship before her final mission in 1941, and relatives of those

lost with her.

President of the Association is Rear Admiral Philip Wilcocks, whose uncle was

among those who died on board HMS Hood. Admiral Wilcocks said:

"The HMS Hood Association is extremely grateful to Paul Allen, David Mearns and

the crew of M/Y Octopus for their tremendous efforts and professionalism in

recovering the bell of HMS Hood from the dark depths of the Denmark Strait. In

particular, Paul Allen's support has been outstanding and we applaud his

personal commitment to the recovery operation.

"There is no headstone among the flowers for those who perish at sea. For the

1,415 officers and men who lost their lives in HMS Hood on 24 May 1941, the

recovery of her bell and its subsequent place of honour in the National Museum

of the Royal Navy in Portsmouth will mean that future generations will be able

to gaze upon her bell and remember with gratitude and thanks the heroism,

courage and personal sacrifice of Hood's ship's company who died in the service

of their country."

Once conservation of the bell is complete, it will be put on display by the

National Museum of the Royal Navy (NMRN) and will form a major feature of the

new exhibition dedicated to the 20th and 21st century Navy, which opened at the

National Museum of the Royal Navy in Portsmouth Historic Dockyard in 2014. It

is a fitting location as HMS Hood was based in Portsmouth.

Commenting on the successful recovery of the bell Professor Dominic Tweddle,

Director General NMRN, said:

"It will be an honour and privilege to display the bell from HMS Hood. Our new

galleries recall and commemorate the heroism, duty and sacrifice of the people

of the Royal Navy in the 20th and 21st centuries.  HMS Hood's bell encapsulates

the whole of that story as no other single object could.  We already have the

bell of HMS Prince of Wales which together with the HMS Hood engaged the

Bismarck on 24th May 1941, and it will be splendid to reunite the two ships at

least in spirit."

The wreck of HMS Hood is designated under the Protection of Military Remains

Act 1986. As well as providing a memorial, the recovery has prevented it from

being taken by any illegal operation for personal gain.

For further information please contact Royal Navy Press Officer on 44 7748932702

About Paul G. Allen

Paul G. Allen is a leading investor, entrepreneur and philanthropist who has

given more than $2 billion to charitable causes over his lifetime. He founded

Vulcan Inc. in 1986 with Jody Allen to oversee his business and philanthropic

activities. He is also the co-founder of The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation.

Today, Vulcan Inc. oversees a wide range of Allen's investments and initiatives

throughout the world. In 2003, he created the Allen Institute for Brain Science

to accelerate understanding of the human brain in health and disease and, a

decade later, launched the expansion of the Allen Institute for Artificial

Intelligence to explore opportunities for development in the field of AI. In

2014, he donated $100 million to establish the Allen Institute for Cell Science

and committed another $100 million to stopping Ebola. Mr. Allen is also the

co-founder of Microsoft and owner of the Seattle Seahawks and Portland Trail

Blazers. For more information, go to www.paulallen.com and www.vulcan.com.


hoodbell@vulcan.com or +1-206-342-2526

SOURCE: Vulcan Inc.




