

AsiaNet 61396


アトランタ、2015年8月12日/PRNewswire/ --


モバイル機器の診断および安全なデータ消去のソルーションを全世界へ供給する業界有数の企業、ブランコ・テクノロジー・グループ ( http://www.blanccotechnologygroup.com/ )は本日、新しい研究 (http://www2.blancco.com/mobile-diagnostics-research)レポート『複雑な問題:モバイルによるフラストレーションとチャーン(It's Complicated: Mobile Frustrations & Churn)』を発表しました。この詳細なレポートは、消費者によるモバイル機器の利用習慣について探求し、モバイル機器のライフサイクルを通じて頻繁に起こる機能関連の諸問題の種類や頻度について明らかにしています。

(ロゴ: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130418/608188


「消費者が助けを求めて店舗へ足を運ぶ際、大抵の場合その人物は、顧客サービス・エージェント、販売担当者、そして修理の専門家はいずれも自身のモバイル機器のトラブルを解決し、修理できる天才だという先入観を持っています。」と、ブランコ・テクノロジー・グループの一部門であるエクスカリバー・テクノロジーズ(Xcaliber Technologies)、SmartChk のCTO、アミット・マハジャン(Amit Mahajan)氏はコメントしています。「実際には、サポート・スタッフの大半は若く未熟で、十分なトレーニングを受けていません。そして、そうしたスキルの空白部分を埋めることのできるモバイル診断ソルーションや、オンサイトのテクノロジーは存在しないのです。」








ブランコ・テクノロジー・グループ(Blancco Technology Group)について



ブランコ・テクノロジー・グループの一部門であるエクスカリバー・テクノロジーズのSmartChk は、モバイル・アセットの診断や、ビジネス・インテリジェンスにおける世界的なイノベーターです。 同社は、顧客と協力しながら、更にその顧客の体験を、モバイル・アセットのテスト、診断、修理を行うためのシームレスなソルーションを提供することで、改善します。SmartChk (又はエクスカリバー・テクノロジーズ)は、導入の前後において世界トップクラスのサポートを提供し、同社の顧客が測定可能なビジネス上の成果を引き出せるようにします。


SHIFT Communications for Blancco Technology Group (米国)


David Heffernan

電話: +1-(617)-779-1839

電子メール: blancco@shiftcomm.com

SAY Communications for Blancco Technology Group (ヨーロッパ)


Robert Hickling

電話: +44-(0)-20-8971-6427

電子メール: blancco@saycomms.co.uk



専務理事Ragini Bhalla

電話: +1-(678)-829-8465

電子メール: ragini.bhalla@blanccotechgroup.com



Blancco Technology Group Study Reveals Faulty Mobile Devices and Ineffective Care Play Integral Role in Mobile Carrier and OEM Churn



    - Global Survey Finds 31 Percent of Respondents Would Switch to Different

Mobile Carriers; 33 Percent Would Jump Ship to Different Device Manufacturers

    Blancco Technology Group [http://www.blanccotechnologygroup.com ], a

leading, global provider of mobile device diagnostics and secure data erasure

solutions, today released its new research study

[http://www2.blancco.com/mobile-diagnostics-research ] - It's Complicated:

Mobile Frustrations & Churn. The in-depth report investigates consumers' mobile

device usage habits and uncovers the complexity in the types and frequency of

functionality issues that often arise throughout their life cycle.

    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130418/608188 )

    According to the global survey of over 1,400 mobile users, patience isn't

always a virtue and 49 percent of respondents will seek help within the first

three days of experiencing device issues. Plus, 9 percent would seek help in

less than three hours. But one of the most noteworthy findings indicates that

the combination of faulty mobile devices and ineffective care would cause 31

percent of respondents to switch to different mobile carriers and another 33

percent would change their device manufacturers.

    "When consumers head in-store for help, they're usually under the

assumption that customer service agents, sales representatives and repair

specialists are geniuses in troubleshooting and fixing their mobile devices,"

says Amit Mahajan, CTO of SmartChk by Xcaliber Technologies, a division of

Blancco Technology Group. "In reality, a vast majority of support staff are

young, immature and lack adequate training - and there isn't any mobile

diagnostics solution or technology onsite to close that skills gap."

    With Accenture reporting that large network operators handle more than one

million repairs each month, Mahajan attributes the rapid growth in the number

and complexity of customer service complaints and repairs to what he describes

as a "return and churn" problem. "Since nearly 60-80 percent of devices being

returned are not actually faulty, consumers are swapping their perceived

'faulty' devices for new ones or having to spend money on replacement phones,

when they could, in fact, easily be repaired. Given that the costs associated

with these 'no fault found' returns can range from $50-$100 per device, it's

also putting a significant, yet avoidable, burden on network operators' retail

operations," concludes Mahajan.

    Additional key findings from the report include:

    - Faulty mobile functionality is the norm, not the exception. 31 percent of

respondents typically experience problems/issues with their mobile devices at

least once a month and as often as several times in a year.

    - Short-lived batteries and frozen/crashed apps are the root of mobile

woes. 38 percent of respondents cite battery life as the most common type of

device issue they experience, while 13 percent say frozen/crashed apps occur

most frequently.

    - Camera/video quality and lack of storage space rank low among consumer

priorities. Only 2 percent of respondents cite poor camera/video quality as the

most frustrating fault with their devices, despite our 'selfie-obsessed'

culture. Meanwhile, just 8 percent are bothered by insufficient storage space.

    - Seeing is believing - consumers want tangible proof of device errors. For

26 percent of respondents, a physical report displaying all diagnostics tests

run on their device would 100% affect their satisfaction and loyalty with their

mobile carriers and device manufacturers. Plus, it would factor into the

overall satisfaction of 31 percent of respondents.

    The study surveyed over 1,400 consumers in the United States, Canada, UK

and Australia and was fielded from June 5, 2015 through June 11, 2015. The

responses are comprised of consumers, aged 25-65 years old, who own at least

one mobile device (smartphone or tablet).

    About Blancco Technology Group

    Blancco Technology Group is a leading, global provider of mobile device

diagnostics and secure data erasure solutions. We help our clients' customers

test, diagnose, repair and repurpose IT devices with the most proven and

certified software. Our clientele consists of equipment manufacturers, mobile

network operators, retailers, financial institutions, healthcare providers and

government organizations worldwide. The company is headquartered in Alpharetta,

GA, United States, with a distributed workforce and customer base across the


    Blancco, a division of Blancco Technology Group, is the global de facto

standard in certified data erasure. We provide thousands of organizations with

an absolute line of defense against costly security breaches, as well as

verification of regulatory compliance through a 100% tamper-proof audit trail.

    SmartChk by Xcaliber Technologies, a division of Blancco Technology Group,

is a global innovator in mobile asset diagnostics and business intelligence. We

partner with our customers to improve their customers' experience by providing

seamless solutions to test, diagnose and repair mobile assets. SmartChk (or

Xcaliber Technologies) provides world-class support, pre and post

implementation, allowing our customers to derive measurable business results.

    Media Contacts:


    SHIFT Communications for Blancco Technology Group (US)

    David Heffernan, Account Manager

    T: +1-(617)779-1839

    E: blancco@shiftcomm.com


    SAY Communications for Blancco Technology Group (Europe)

    Robert Hickling, Senior Account Manager

    T: +44-(0)20-8971-6427

    E: blancco@saycomms.co.uk


    Blancco Technology Group

    Ragini Bhalla, Senior Director of Global Communications

    T: +1-(678)829-8465

    E: ragini.bhalla@blanccotechgroup.com

SOURCE: Blancco Technology Group




