


AsiaNet 61625

上海、ウォルフスブルク(ドイツ)、2015年8月30日/PRニュースワイヤー/ --

・アジアで初公開:フォルクスワーゲン・グループ・チャイナとYUZ美術館が共同で上海に「レイン・ルーム(Rain Room)」を紹介



相互参照:写真はAP Images(http://www.apimages.com)とhttp://www.presseportal.de/nr/9260/ で入手可能です。

フォルクスワーゲンは、フォルクスワーゲン・グループ・チャイナの「レイン・ルーム」展示への関与をきっかけに、中国での文化パートナーとしての活動を開始します。土曜日の夜に上海にオープンした展示会が、「レイン・ルーム」の中国初の展示となります。イギリスとドイツのアーティストの共同企業であるランダム・インターナショナルが創造したこの芸術作品は、すでにロンドンとニューヨークでの展示で大きな注目を集めており、今回初となる上海では、これまでの展示規模を超える150 m2のスペースが使用されます。

(写真: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150827/261714 )

(写真: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150827/261715 )

300人の招待客に向けて、YUZ美術館を運営するYUZ財団創設者のBudi Tek氏、Hans-Ulrich Obrist 氏とともにニューヨークでの「レイン・ルーム」の展示責任者を務めた、ニューヨーク近代美術館(MoMA)の総合主任キュレーター兼MoMA PS1のディレクターKlaus Biesenbach氏、およびフォルクスワーゲン・グループ・チャイナの社長兼CEOでありフォルクスワーゲンAG重役会メンバーであるJochem Heizmann博士兼教授が、創造的な対話にとっての展示会の役割を強調しました。

この展示会を支援すると同時に、フォルクスワーゲンは、西洋の芸術とアジアの芸術の間の新しい架け橋作りに大きく貢献しています。このようにして、フォルクスワーゲンは、中国での活動と、他の国際的パートナーとの協力を結び付けています。2011年以来、アメリカのフォルクスワーゲングループとMoMAおよびMoMA PS1の間では密接な協力関係にあります。加えて、フォルクスワーゲングループは、2013年以来、ベルリンの旧国立美術館とも協力関係を続けています。

Jochem Heizmann博士兼教授はオープニングで次のように述べています。「新しい発見を求める気持ちを呼び起こすような疑問をなんとかして投げかけているのは、とりわけアーティストであることが多く、それ故に、芸術と文化が革新の背後にある推進力となっています。そのため、フォルクスワーゲンは、最大の信念を持って創造的な作品との交流を進めています。今回の展示会支援を通して、当社は、人々に新しいインスピレーションと環境持続可能性の重要性についての興味深い視点を与える創造的なプラットフォームを築く始まりの合図を出すことになります。」






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Benita von Maltzahn

電話: +49(0)5361/9-89-31-8

ファックス: +49(0)5361/9-57-89-31-8



Rita Werneyer

電話: +49(0)5361/9-79-86-4

ファックス: +49(0)5361/9-56-85-22-2




Larissa Braun

電話: +86-10-6531-5482


情報元: VW Volkswagen AG


Volkswagen Launches Cultural Engagement Initiative in China With Opening of the Rain Room Exhibition in Shanghai


SHANGHAI and WOLFSBURG, Germany, Aug. 30, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

- Premiere in Asia: Together, Volkswagen Group China and YUZ Museum bring Rain

Room to Shanghai

- The largest installation to date of the artwork by Random International

- Opening with around 300 guests from the fields of culture, economics and


- Cross reference: Picture is available at AP Images (http://www.apimages.com)

and http://www.presseportal.de/nr/9260/  -

Volkswagen begins its activities as a cultural partner in China with the

involvement of Volkswagen Group China in the Rain Room exhibition. Opened on

Saturday evening in Shanghai, the exhibition marks the first display of Rain

Room in China. The artwork created by the British-German artist collective,

Random International, has already been met with great interest with displays in

London and New York and for the first time occupies an area of 150sqm in

Shanghai so that it surpasses all previously exhibited versions.  

     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150827/261714 )

     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150827/261715 )

Speaking to 300 invited guests, Budi Tek, founder of the YUZ foundation which

operates the YUZ museum, and Klaus Biesenbach, Chief Curator at Large at the

Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York and Director of MoMA PS1, who, together

with Hans-Ulrich Obrist, was responsible for exhibition of Rain Room in New

York, as well as Prof. Dr Jochem Heizmann, President and CEO of Volkswagen

Group China and member of the Executive Board of Volkswagen AG, underlined the

role of the exhibition for the creative dialogue.

With the support of the exhibition, Volkswagen is making an important

contribution to the construction of new bridges between Western and Asian art.

In this way, Volkswagen is linking its activities in China to collaboration

with its other international partners. Since 2011, there has been a close

partnership between Volkswagen Group of America and MoMA as well as MoMA PS1.

Additionally, Volkswagen Group has maintained a partnership with the

Nationalgalerie-Staatliche Museen zu Berlin since 2013.  

Prof. Dr Jochem Heizmann said at the opening: "Art and culture are the driving

force behind innovation, because often it is above all artists who manage to

ask questions which awaken the urge for new discoveries. Volkswagen therefore

promotes interaction with creative work with the greatest conviction. By

supporting this exhibition, we will provide the starting signal to establish a

creative platform which offers people new inspiration and provides an

interesting perspective on the significance of environmental sustainability."

With Rain Room, the artist group Random International has created an

installation which combines technology and creative interaction in a unique

way.  Rain Room is a room in which it is constantly raining. As soon as people

move inside the room, however, the rain is interrupted precisely at these

points. This makes highly-developed digital control possible which provides an

unexpected refuge for the visitor in the middle of torrential rain. Rain Room

was first displayed in London and subsequently in the New York Museum of Modern

Art (MoMA). At the arrangement of Volkswagen, the idea matured to give the

Chinese public the opportunity to experience this work. This idea was finally

implemented together with the YUZ Foundation.

The YUZ Museum Shanghai exhibits Rain Room from 1 September to 31 December 2015

within the framework of a project partnership with Volkswagen Group China. The

exhibition is supplemented with artistic learning opportunities for different

ages which were also developed by YUZ Museum with the support of Volkswagen

Group China. Volkswagen Group China will additionally invite Chinese users to

reflect individually on the topic of water using various online channels in

order to connect awareness of art and the environment.

Notes for editors:

Volkswagen Group China

Volkswagen employees around 91,000 staff in China and currently produces models

for the Group trademarks Volkswagen Pkw, Audi, and SKODA for the Chinese market

in the SVW and FAW-VW joint ventures at 20 locations. The vehicle production

includes the local provision of engine and vehicle components.

This press release and accompanying image material can be found at




Volkswagen Group Communications

Head of Cultural Engagement

Benita von Maltzahn

Telephone: +49(0)5361/9-89-31-8

Fax: +49(0)5361/9-57-89-31-8


Spokesperson Cultural Engagement

Rita Werneyer

Telephone: +49(0)5361/9-79-86-4

Fax: +49(0)5361/9-56-85-22-2


Volkswagen Group China


Larissa Braun

Telephone: +86-10-6531-5482


Source: VW Volkswagen AG




