


Asianet 61871 (1207)

【ベセスダ(米メリーランド州)2015年9月21日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】ヘルスケア業界向けの証拠に基づくソリューションの有力プロバイダーであるEvidera(http://www.evidera.com )は21日、クレーム、電子医療記録、登録データなど事実上すべてのタイプのリアルワールドデータソースに関するほぼリアルタイムの解析をサポートするよう設計された新しいソフトウエアプラットフォーム、Evalytica(TM)を発表した。Evalytica(TM)は標準的なデータフォーマットと公表された分析法を利用して、発表あるいは提案に使われる透明性と成果を提供する。

Logo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150918/267999LOGO

Evideraのジョン・ウィリアムズ社長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)は「Evalytica(TM)は、ツールが製品の安全性と有効性の証拠を作成、やりとりするのを可能にするテクノロジーのリーダーとしてのEvideraにとって、新しい領域を示す。米食品医薬品局(FDA)の(安全性に関する)センチネル計画、Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership(OMOP)、Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics(OHDSI)などのイニシチブからおこった医薬品の安全性解析に対するリアルワールドの証拠に増える集中は、Evalytica(TM)をますます重要なツールにする」と語った。





EvideraはSymphony Technology Group(http://www.symphonytg.com )の全額出資子会社で、健康経済、治療結果研究、市場アクセス、データ分析、疫学サービスを世界のライフサイエンス組織に提供している。詳しい情報はwww.evidera.comを参照。


Susan Potter Couch

Director, Marketing & Communications


Tel. +1-681-252-3342


Evidera Announces Evalytica(TM), Next-Generation, Cloud-Based Software for Fast, Transparent Analysis of Healthcare Data


BETHESDA, Md., Sept. 21, 2015 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

  Evidera (http://www.evidera.com/ ), a leading provider of evidence-based

solutions for the healthcare industry, is pleased to announce Evalytica(TM), a

new software platform designed to support near real-time analyses of virtually

any type of real-world data source, including claims, electronic medical

records, and registry data. Evalytica(TM) uses standard data formats and

published analytic methods that provide transparency and yield results that may

be used in publications or submissions.

   Logo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150918/267999LOGO

   "Evalytica(TM) marks a new frontier for Evidera as a leader in technology

enabled tools for generating and communicating evidence of product safety and

effectiveness," said Jon Williams, President and CEO, Evidera. "The increasing

focus on real-world evidence for drug safety analysis that has resulted from

the FDA Sentinel, the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP), and

the Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics (OHDSI) initiatives make

tools like Evalytica(TM) that much more important."

   Evalytica(TM) contains a growing repository of pre-built Analysis Apps that

provide extensive analytic capabilities in areas such as drug safety,

epidemiology, health economics, and comparative effectiveness, along with a

programming interface for custom Analytic App development. Collaboration

features, such as a library of reusable patient cohort and health outcome

definitions that can be curated, searched, shared and re-used across users and

analysis communities, foster collaboration and sharing based on an area of

common interest, such as therapeutic area, pharmaceutical product, or research


   Designed by a team of industry pioneers, Evalytica(TM) builds upon the

strengths of previous real-world analytics technologies while also addressing

their weaknesses. "Being able to draw upon one of the most well-respected

research teams in the life sciences industry has been a tremendous advantage

for us in developing Evalytica(TM)," said Stephanie Reisinger, Vice President

of Technology Solutions, Evidera. "Evalytica(TM) provides an option for users

to connect directly with Evidera scientists to get help with database

selection, cohort definition, analysis methodology, results interpretation or

any other question associated with an analysis."

   To schedule a demo of Evalytica(TM), or for more information, please visit:


   About Evidera

   Evidera, a wholly owned subsidiary of Symphony Technology Group

(http://www.symphonytg.com/ ), provides health economic, outcomes research,

market access, data analytic and epidemiology services to life sciences

organizations worldwide. For more information, visit: www.evidera.com.

   Media Contact

   Susan Potter Couch

   Director, Marketing & Communications


   Tel. +1-681-252-3342

   SOURCE: Evidera




