
寧波市(中国)- Ningbo Municipal Bureau of News


AsiaNet 61881(1218)

【寧波(中国)2015年9月21日新華社=共同通信JBN】中国東部の淅江省にある寧波は、市の経済開発を強化するため10月10日から14日まで開催するNingbo Week of Talents, Science and Technology(寧波人材・科学技術週間)を通じて、内外のハイテク人材と革新的プロジェクトを誘致することを目指している。






2006年に第1回が開催されたNingbo Week of Talents, Science and Technologyは、9年連続して市の人材戦略に重要な役割を果たし、30以上の国・地域の人材、研究センター、大学が参加した。








詳しい情報はhttp://english.ningbo.gov.cn/ を参照。

ソース:Ningbo Municipal Bureau of News

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Ningbo to Attract High-Tech Talents


NINGBO, China, Sept. 21, 2015 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--

Ningbo, in East China's Zhejiang province, is to attract high-tech talents home

and abroad and innovative projects in the city via its upcoming Ningbo Week of

Talents, Science and Technology from Oct 10 to 14 to strengthen the city's

economic development.

The five-day event will provide more than 7,800 job opportunities to high-tech

talents who are intended to work in the city. Among the job vacancies, 300 of

them will be offered annual salaries from 150,000 yuan to 800,000 yuan.

In addition, more than 700 scientific and technological achievements are

presented for industrialization and commercialization.

It will invite 4,000 companies and more than 6,000 high-tech talents to gather

together and discuss cooperation details. There will be 20 activities under

five categories.

The activities include job fairs for different categories of talents, startup

competitions for various industries, a talent development forum and scientific

and technological program cooperation fairs.

This year's event is expected to provide new driving forces to the city's

development under the Belt and Road Initiative and its target of constructing

portal economic circle.

First held in 2006, the Ningbo Week of Talents, Science and Technology has been

playing an important role to the city's talent strategy for nine consecutive

years. It has attracted talents, research centers and universities from more

than 30 countries and regions to participate.

The number of participants has exceeded 280,000 people, while 24,000 of them

signed to settle and work in the city. Also, a total of 200 high-end research

centers have been established through the event.

With a history of 1,200 years, Ningbo was among the first batch of portal

cities that were open to foreign trade. From its outward trade and economic

performances, Ningbo is one of the most investment attractive cities in China.

It is also among the top 10 cities in the country in terms of development


In recent years, Ningbo has been attaching great importance to innovation,

especially in inviting high-tech talents to participate in its innovative


By the end of last year, a total of 1.73 million high-tech talents chose to

work in Ningbo, growing by 59.4 percent from the end of 2011. Among them, there

are 1,066 overseas engineers. They have been contributing efforts to the

development of the city.

To further encourage more talents to Ningbo, the city launched a 25-article

preferential policy to attract more talents. The policy is considered as the

one that shows municipal government's strongest desire to welcome talents.

The new policy will grant funds to key projects up to 100 million yuan. For

startup companies with good performance established by talents, a 5 million

yuan fund at top will be provided. A whole series of housing, education,

healthcare services will also be improved to be friendlier to the talents

coming to Ningbo.

As the city Mayor Lu Ziyue put out, talents will be the main driving force of

the city's development of high-tech industries. Ningbo is determined to provide

offers as appealing as possible for talents. In 2014 alone, Ningbo spent 514

million yuan in works related to attracting talents and improving their living


For more information: http://english.ningbo.gov.cn/

Source: Ningbo Municipal Bureau of News

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