


AsiaNet 62006

ロンドン、2015年10月1日/PRNewswire/ --

シャンドン(Chandon)社は本日、大いに期待される新たなパートナーシップを、マクラーレン・ホンダ・フォーミュラ・ワン(McLaren Honda Formula 1)チームとの間で締結したと発表しました。F1史上最も成功しているチームの1つ、マクラーレンが、限りない挑戦精神を持つ生命力溢れるスパークリング・ワイン、シャンドンと手を結びます。このパートナーシップは、シャンドンの寛容な精神や、同社が重んじる「生きる喜び(joie de vivre)」や、人生に対する大らかなアプローチなどを完璧に体現しています。




パートナーシップは、本日、英国サリー州ウォーキングにあるマクラーレン・テクノロジー・センター(McLaren Technology Centre)で正式に締結され、モエ・ヘネシー(Moet Hennessy)の会長兼CEO、クリストフ・ナバール(Christophe Navarre)氏と、マクラーレン・テクノロジー・グループ(McLaren Technology Group)の会長兼CEO、ロン・デニス(Ron Dennis)氏が調印しました。






シャンドン社はこのような、優れた、実り多い出会いを呼び込む、寛容と協力の精神を礎に築かれました。著名なワイン専門家であったルノー・ポワリエ(Renaud Poirier)は、スパークリング・ワインの製造に最も適した土壌を求めて、世界へ探求の旅に出ました。彼は最初、1959年にアルゼンチンのメンドーザに到着し、同地のワイン醸造家達と協力して、フランスのワイン造りのノウハウを現地に適用しました。この多様な寛容性と、他とは異なる方法を受け入れるおおらかさが、新たな特筆すべき現地産スパークリング・ワインの数々へと結実しました。それから55年が経過した今日、シャンドンはアルゼンチン(1959)、米国(1973)、ブラジル(1973)、オーストラリア(1986)、インド(2013)、中国(2014)に葡萄農園を所有しています。信頼と尊敬を集めるブランド、シャンドンのワインは世界中で楽しまれています。








マクラーレン・チームは1963年に、ニュージーランドのレース・ドライバー、ブルース・マクラーレン(Bruce McLaren)によって設立されました。マクラーレンは世界選手権で20回、グランプリで180回以上優勝しています。マクラーレンは現在、F1で最も成功を収めているチームの1つとして、また世界で最も輝かしいハイテク・ブランドの1つとして世界的に知られています。



Chandon Becomes the New Official Partner of the Mclaren Honda Formula 1(TM) Team


LONDON, Oct. 1, 2015 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

Chandon announces an exciting new partnership with the McLaren Honda Formula 1

Team, signed today. As one of the most successful teams in Formula 1 history

McLaren meets Chandon, the vibrant sparkling wine with a boundless conquering

spirit. The partnership perfectly highlights Chandon's open spirit, 'joie de

vivre' and spontaneous approach to life.

To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:


The partnership is a long-term, global collaboration that will bring Chandon's

sparkling attitude to the famous McLaren Honda Formula 1 Team.

The partnership was made official today at the McLaren Technology Centre in

Woking, Surrey, England. It was signed by Christophe Navarre, Chairman and CEO


Moet Hennessy, and Ron Dennis, McLaren Technology Group Chairman and CEO.

Chandon and the McLaren Honda Formula 1 Team: two icons unite for a long-term


Formula 1 racing is a thrilling international spectacle, and the McLaren Honda

Formula 1 Team's passion and legendary champions have long been at the heart of

it all.

McLaren and Honda returned to the racetrack as partners at the start of the

2015 Formula 1 season. The partnership reunites one of the most dominant

pairings in motorsport history: between 1988 and '92 McLaren and Honda won

eight world championships and 44 grands prix, took 53 pole positions and set 30

fastest laps - all in just 80 grands prix.

"The McLaren Honda Formula 1 Team's story is characterized by human endeavor,

filled with heroic champions who have stood on sport's global stage. This is a

team that seizes the moment and remains open to new challenges," said

Christophe Navarre. "Chandon couldn't be happier to partner with the McLaren

Honda Formula 1 Team. This is a rich new occasion to bring our fans together

around the world, and to enjoy the depth of this connection."

Ron Dennis said: "It is extremely exciting that Moet Hennessy has chosen to

join with the McLaren Honda team through Chandon to form a unique, long-term

partnership. The fit between Chandon and McLaren Honda is a natural one with

both sharing a passion to innovate in whatever we do, combined with a unique

style and approach. It is a great privilege for everyone at McLaren Honda to

partner with Chandon, one of the iconic brands in the prestigious Moet Hennessy


Chandon was founded on this spirit of openness and collaboration: the kind that

invites outstanding, fruitful encounters. Renowned oenologist Renaud Poirier

set out to explore the world and find the best terroirs to create sparkling

wines. He first arrived in Mendoza, Argentina in 1959 and collaborated with

local winemakers, adapting traditional French winemaking know-how to local

varieties. The result, thanks to this versatile openness and laid-back approach

to doing things differently, was an exceptional new breed of local sparkling

wines. Today, more than 55 years later, Chandon's vineyards are present in

Argentina (1959), the US (1973), Brazil (1973), Australia (1986), India (2013)

and China (2014). An authentic and respected brand, Chandon wines are enjoyed

around the world.

Chandon and McLaren

No one knows how to embrace the times - and cutting-edge technology - like

McLaren and Chandon! Both incorporate their conquering spirit and impeccable

innovation: McLaren with its unparalleled racing cars, and Chandon in its

winemaking savoir-faire and global search for perfection in crafting its wines.

There is always a reason to celebrate, enjoy and unwind, whether at the end of

a challenging race, or the end of a good day! Chandon is the perfect sparkling

toast for the moments that are made possible when you remain open to life and

the beautiful opportunities it has in store.

Together, Chandon and McLaren Honda are present in the world's most

cosmopolitan cities. Formula 1 is in 19 countries across five continents, and

Chandon produces its wine in six countries, and is also available across five


About Chandon  

Chandon is one of the iconic Maisons of Moet Hennessy, which is part of the

LVMH group. A vibrant and casually chic new breed of sparkling wine, Chandon

was founded with a spontaneous, open spirit and a desire to create genuine

connections. Adapting French traditional winemaking know-how to local craft,

Chandon today has six wineries worldwide. Each one is the result of the

Maison's travels around the globe to find the best terroirs for creating its

sparkling wines: Argentina, the US, Brazil, Australia, India and China.

About McLaren Honda Formula 1 Team

New Zealand racing driver Bruce McLaren founded the McLaren team in 1963.

McLaren has won 20 world championships and over 180 grands prix. McLaren is now

globally renowned as one of sport's most successful competitors and as one of

the world's most illustrious high-technology brands.

McLaren-Honda and Chandon will commence their partnership from the 2016 F1


(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150930/272322 )

Source: Chandon




