
マルケス研究所(Institute Marques)


AsiaNet 62084

バルセロナ(スペイン)、ロンドン(英国)、ミラノ(イタリア)、2015年10月6日/PRニュースワイヤー/ --







これが、バルセロナ大学医学部、解剖学/ヒト胚研究のアルベルト・プラッツ(Alberto Prats)教授の協力を得て,

マルケス研究所(Institut Marques)( http://www.institutmarques.com/ )のチームが行った研究(http://ult.sagepub.com/content/early/2015/09/29/1742271X15609367.full )の主な結論です。

『膣内の音楽に反応する胎児の顔の表情』と題する本研究は、英国超音波学会(BMUS:British Medical Ultrasound Society)の雑誌、ウルトラサウンド(https://www.bmus.org/bmus-journal-and-publications/ )で発表されました。

マルケス研究所生殖補助部長兼主席研究員で、この臨床研究の執筆者、Marisa Lopez-Teijon博士によると、「胎児が我われのように聞くためには、母親の膣から音楽が発せられなければならないことを発見しました。母親の腹部を通って伝わる音はほとんど聞こえません。母親の腹部とその内側の軟らかい組織は音波を吸収するのです」とのことです。




膣から音楽を当てる妊婦たちには、本研究用に特別に考案した装置が装着されました。これは、静かな会話やバックグラウンド・ミュージック程度の、平均54デシベルを発することができます。選ばれた音楽は、ヨハン・セバスチャン・バッハの無伴奏フルートのためのパルティータ イ短調BWV 1013でした。

研究チームが超音波検査を使って胎児の反応を比較したところ、統計学的に有意な結果が得られました。膣から音楽を当てると、胎児の87%が口と舌を動かし、その約半数は顎を大きく開き舌を一杯まで突き出すという、大変顕著な動きで反応したと、マルケス研究所の科学ディレクターで記事の共同執筆者でもあるアレックス・ガルシア・ファウラ(Alex Garcia Faura,)博士は述べています。腹部や音波で音楽を発した場合、胎児にこのような表情の変化は見られませんでした。


バルセロナ大学医学部、解剖学/ヒト胚研究のアルベルト・プラッツ(Alberto Prats,)教授によると、音楽は言語とコミュニケーションを刺激する脳の回路を活性化するため、発声動作を通して反応を誘導すると考えられるとのことです。


初めてMarisa Lopez-Teijon博士は、「我われは胎児と交信することができました。16週になれば音楽刺激に反応することができます。学習は子宮内で始まると言えるのです」と述べています。





http://www. fertility-experiences.com



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情報源:マルケス研究所(Institute Marques)


Spanish Researchers Discover the Way Through Which Foetuses Really Hear and Respond to Musical Stimuli



    The study is published in the British journal, Ultrasound, this week


    - The study demonstrates that a foetus of 16 weeks is already capable of

      properly hearing and responding to music as long as it is emitted from

      the mother's vagina.

    - The foetus can hardly hear sound from an external source and from its

      mother. It perceives it in a whispered, distorted form.  

    - In the case of music emitted from the vagina, 87% of foetuses move their

      mouths or tongues and almost half pull out their tongues as far as they

      will go. They perform vocalisation movements prior to the acquisition of


    - The device developed for the study enables foetal deafness to be ruled

      out. It also makes ultrasound scans easier and reduces the stress of

      parents during pregnancy.  

    After only 16 weeks of existence, foetuses hear and respond to music as

long as it is emitted from their mother's vagina. Foetuses respond to this

stimulus by opening their mouths and pulling their tongues out as far as

possible, making vocalisation movements - prior to the acquisition of language.

    This is the main conclusion of the study

[http://ult.sagepub.com/content/early/2015/09/29/1742271X15609367.full ]

conducted by the team of Institut Marques [http://www.institutmarques.com ],

which boasts the collaboration of Alberto Prats, Professor of Anatomy and Human

Embryology of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Barcelona.

    The study, entitled "Foetal facial expression in response to intravaginal

music emission", is published this week in the journal Ultrasound

[https://www.bmus.org/bmus-journal-and-publications ] of the British Medical

Ultrasound Society (BMUS).

    According to Dr. Marisa Lopez-Teijon, the Head of Assisted Reproduction at

Institut Marques and the principal researcher and author of the clinical study:

"We have discovered that the formula for foetuses to hear like us is to emit

music from the mother's vagina. They barely hear the sound that reaches them

through their mother's abdomen: the soft tissues of the abdomen and the inside

of the mother's body absorb the soundwaves".

    To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:



    Method and results

    The pregnant women to whom music was applied from the vagina were fitted

with a device designed specifically for the study. This was capable of emitting

an average intensity of 54 decibels, the equivalent of a quiet conversation or

background music. The music chosen was the Partita in A Minor for Flute Alone -

BWV 1013 by Johann Sebastian Bach.

    Using ultrasound scans, the research team compared the reaction of the

foetuses and the results were statistically significant. When music was applied

from the vagina, 87% of foetuses moved their mouths or tongues and

approximately half of them reacted with a very noticeable movement, opening

their jaws very wide and pulling out their tongues as far as possible, says Dr.

Alex Garcia Faura, the Scientific Director of Institut Marques and co-author of

the article. On applying music emitted through the abdomen or soundwaves, these

changes in the expressions of the foetuses were not observed.

    What is the reason for the foetus's response?

    According to Alberto Prats, the Professor of Anatomy and Human Embryology

of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Barcelona, we believe that the

music induces a response through vocalisation movements because it activates

brain circuits that stimulate language and communication.

    According to this hypothesis, once the formation of the inner ear is

complete, when the foetus receives an auditory stimulus that includes rhythm or

melody through the cochlea, very primitive brainstem centres that induce

vocalisation are activated in the area related to social behaviour.

    For the first time, Dr. Marisa Lopez-Teijon says, we have been able to

communicate with the foetus. From the 16th week, it is capable of responding to

musical stimuli. We can say that learning begins in the womb.

    About the Marques Institute

    Institut Marques is an integrated international centre for gynaecology,

obstetrics and assisted reproduction, which boast 90 years' history in

Barcelona. It possesses a team comprising 140 professionals and is

headquartered in Barcelona, Great Britain, Ireland and Kuwait. It also has its

own clinic in Italy, where it has become the first European fertility centre to

open its doors. It welcomes patients from over 50 countries who require medical

help to become parents.

    Further information:



    Press Event. Barcelona, October 6th, 11.30 h. (CET time)

    This section consists of Press Event live coverage or delayed broadcasting

on the following links:

    English: click on http://www.institutmarques.com/live.html

    French: click on http://www.institutomarques.fr/live.html

    Italian: click on http://www.institutmarques.it/live.html

    Spanish: click on http://www.institutomarques.com/live.html

    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150930/272299LOGO )

    SOURCE: Institute Marques




