コール ハーン、ZeroGrandライフスタイルコレクションをローンチ

コール ハーン

コール ハーン、ZeroGrandライフスタイルコレクションをローンチ

AsiaNet 62036


コール ハーン ジャパン マーケティングPR



E mail :shie.sato@colehaan.com


コール ハーンは、テクニカルプロダクツメーカーのマウンテンハードウェアとのマルチシーズンにわたるコラボレーションを発表します。

ニューヨーク、2015年10月7日 アメリカのライフスタイルフットウェア・アクセサリーのアイコニックブランドのコール ハーンは、素晴らしいテクニカルパフォーマンスを持つマウンテンハードウェアとマルチシーズンにわたるパートナーシップを結び、ZeroGrandアウターウェアコレクションを発売いたします。このコレクションでは都会の探検家に向けて、厳しい山で実証された機能性と洗練されたスタイルを届けていきます。



Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20151006/274454

Logo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20070907/NYF044LOGO

今回の発表と同時に、コール ハーンは、コラボレーションの背景にあるインスピレーション「Proven on the Mountain, Refined for the City(山で実証された機能、都市のためのスタイル)」を具体化するマルチチャネルキャンペーンを開始します。写真家のアラン・クラーク氏によって撮影された今回のキャンペーンは、ニューヨークの象徴的な超高層ビルを登る登山家チェーン・ レンぺとアンジ―・ペインを起用しています。

ZeroGrandアウターウェアの初コレクションは、アウターウェア6型とバックパック1型をローンチします。これらのコレクションは、都会でのトレンドにあわせ最高品質のパフォーマンスを提供していきます。コール ハーンのエレガントに対する追及とアウトドアアスリートの大胆なチャレンジをサポートするマウンテンハードウエアの情熱がZeroGrandアウターウェアの中でうまくコラボレートされています。


コール ハーンのチーフマーケティングオフィサー兼ゼネラルマネージャーのデイビッド・マドックスは、次のように述べています。「今回のパートナーシップは、スタイルと革新の上に築かれています。コール ハーンのフットウエア、ZeroGrandコレクションは、デザインと機能の頂点を極めています。ZeroGrandのスピリットをアパレルへも投影したく、マウンテンハードウェアとコラボレーションする事に到りました。」さらに、「お客様は、私たちの妥協のないスタイルと機能性を期待しています。私達はニーズに応えるべく革新的なプロダクト作りに取り組みました。」と締めくくりました。


マウンテンハードウェアとのコラボレーションによって誕生したアウターウェアーは、次のテクノロジーを備えています。軽量で耐久性も併せ持つ防水湿素材 ドライQ(R)アクティブ。湿気に抵抗し、耐久的な撥水機能を持つ800フィルQシールド撥水ダウンのQシールド(R)ダウン。業界最高レベルの暖かさを誇る化繊わたサーマルQ(R)エリート。


日本に於いて、メンズはZeroGrandコミュータージャケット、モータリングコート、トレンチコートの3型を、ウィメンズは、ZeroGrand ファンネルパーカー、ダウンジャケット、メトロコートの3型を展開し、どのアウターも秋らしい色合いが用意されています。そしてアウターウェアに加え、ユニセックスで使用できるバックパック、ZeroGrandデイパックを1型展開します。ZeroGrandデイパックは都市での雨の日から山での週末にも対応でき、日常のニーズに合わせて念入りに制作されています。内側には、電子透過を妨げるアルミニウム複合シース裏地のブラックアウトポケットがついており、無線自動識別チップ付きアイテムや電話を安全でハッキングされない状態に保ちます。内側と外側にある傘収納と、汚れた靴やジム用衣類を入れる取り外し可能な防水袋が、さらにこのバックパックの実用性を高めています。ZeroGrandデイパックは、チタニウム、ストーングリーン、ブラックの3色で展開します。

マウンテンハードウェアとコラボレーション以外にもZeroGrandは多忙な都会人に向け、さまざまなプロダクトを展開してます。荒れた天候状態の中で無理なく最大限のコントロールが可能な流線型のZeroGrand X ブラント(TM)XSメトロアンブレラ。そして無重力状態で書くことが必要だった宇宙飛行士からヒントを得た革新的かつクラシックな加圧ZeroGrand Xフィッシャースペースペン(R)を展開する予定です。

また、ZeroGrandをライフスタイルコレクションへと導くアイテムとしてウィメンズのハンドバックコレクション、”Stagedoor”を展開します。そして、コール ハーンとマウンテンハードウエアのコラボレーションと同じく、フットウエアでもデザインと機能が結びつけられています。軽量・屈曲性・クッション性に優れたZeroGrandフットウエアのこの秋のコレクションは、メンズでは新作ZeroGrandトールブーツ(49,000円)とウィングオックスフォード(45,000円)、ウィメンズのウィングオックス(38,000円から)の新色が新たに発売されます。


2015年10月7日にローンチされるZeroGrandアウターウェアコレクションは、日本において、COLE HAAN銀座本店、COLE HAAN JAPANオンラインストア、マウンテンハードウェアの一部直店舗で販売されます。

ZeroGrandフットウェアとライフスタイルプロダクト、そしてStagedoorハンドバッグコレクションは、COLE HAAN JAPANオンラインストア、およびコール ハーンの一部店舗で販売予定です。

コール ハーンについて

コール ハーンは、ニューハンプシャーとグリーンランドに本社を、ニューヨークにはクリエイティブセンターを設けています。クラフトマンシップと タイムレスなスタイル、革新的なデザインを取り入れたメンズ&ウィメンズのシューズ、キッズシューズ、バッグ、 アウターウェア、アイウェア、アクセサリーを展開するアメリカを代表する、ライフスタイルアクセサリーブランドです。


マウンテンハードウェア(Mountain Hardwear, Inc.)は、革新的な高級アウトドアアパレル・機器・アクセサリーのリーダーです。大胆なアイデア、可能性に挑む意欲、そしてそのような努力から得られる喜び、友情、個人の成長を祝しています。時代を特徴づけるアスリートと協力して、軽量で使いやすく、精巧に作られたアウトドア用衣類と機器を開発しています。1993年に設立されたマウンテンハードウェアは、カリフォルニア州リッチモンドに拠点を置くコロンビア・スポーツウェア(Columbia Sportswear Company)の100%子会社で、アメリカ国内と世界58カ国でアウトドア・ランニング・スポーツ用品専門小売店を通して製品を流通しています。www.mountainhardwear.com



・ドライQ(R)ストレッチオゾニック(TM) : 防水機能


・Qシールド(R)ダウン: 撥水機能

湿気に抵抗し、耐久的な撥水機能を持つ800フィルQシールド(R) 撥水ダウン



【MEN’S】ゼログランド アウターウェア

ゼログランド コミュータージャケット 65,000円(税抜き)
















ゼログランド モータリングコート 62,000円(税抜き)
















ゼログランド トレンチコート 65,000円(税抜き)




・中わたには、業界最高の暖かさを誇る化繊中わたである 「サーマルQ(R)エリート」を採用。

・防水透湿ストレッチ素材「ドライQ(R)ストレッチ オゾニック(TM)のシェル ファブリック」を採用。









【WOMEN’S】ゼログランド アウターウェア

ゼログランド ファンネルパーク 65,000円(税抜き)





・防水透湿ストレッチ素材ドライQ(R)ストレッチ オゾニック(TM) を採用。驚くほど軽量で耐久性があり、100%防水、加えて優れた透湿性を備える。

・肩、フード、ヒップ部分のストレッチ オゾニック(TM)  オーバーレイは雨や車の水はね、野外での着席時の汚れを防ぎます。

・800フィルQシールド(R) 撥水ダウンは、極めて暖かく軽量です。登山専用の過酷な環境での使用を目的としたウェアにのみ採用されています。










ゼログランド ダウンジャケット 57,000円(税抜き)




・ドライQ(R) ストレッチ オゾニック(TM) のシェルファブリックは、驚くほど軽量で耐久性があり


・袖と裾ポケット部分のストレッチオゾニック(TM) オーバーレイは雨や車の水はね、野外での着席時の汚れを防ぐ。


・中わたには、湿気に抵抗し、耐久的な撥水機能を持つ 800フィルQシールド(R)撥水ダウンを使用。









ゼログランド メトロコート 59,000円(税抜き)




・業界最高の暖かさを誇る化繊中わたである サーマルQ (R)エリート 。

・ドライQ (R)ストレッチ オゾニック(TM) のシェルファブリックは、驚くほど軽量で耐久性があり













ゼログランド デイパック 23,000円(税抜き)



・ゼログランド デイパックは、登山家が重い荷物を山に運び、いかなる状況からも荷物を安全に保つことが出来るように開発されたデザイン・構造に基づいています。
















ゼログランドXブラント(TM) XSメトロアンブレラ(ブラック)


ゼログランドX フィッシャースペースペン(R)(ブラックマット)

NASAは、水中、極端な温度、そして無重力状態の中で逆さまに書くことが出来る宇宙飛行士のための加圧ペンを開発するため、1960年代初期にFisher Pen Co.との交渉を始めました。個体アルミニウムから形成された、フィッシャースペースペンのクラシックなデザインは、インダストリアルアートの顕著な例となっています。


Cole Haan Debuts ZeroGrand Lifestyle Collection


NEW YORK, Oct. 7, 2015 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

     -- Cole Haan announces a multi-season collaboration with technical

                   products company Mountain Hardwear

Cole Haan, the iconic American lifestyle footwear and accessories brand and

retailer, is proud to announce its newest multi-season partnership with the

leaders of high-end performance apparel and gear brand, Mountain Hardwear, to

create the ZeroGrand Outerwear collection. This collection has been proven on

the mountain and refined for the city to deliver the highest level of style,

functionality and performance for the modern urban explorer.

Experience the interactive Multimedia News Release here:


Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20151006/274454

Logo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20070907/NYF044LOGO

Coinciding with the launch, Cole Haan is releasing a multi-channel campaign

that embodies the inspiration behind the collaboration, "Proven on the

Mountain, Refined for the City." Shot by photographer Alan Clarke, the campaign

captures real life mountaineers, Cheyne Lempe and Angie Payne, scaling iconic

skyscrapers in New York's extraordinary skyline.

The inaugural ZeroGrand Outerwear collection debuts six outerwear pieces and

one backpack style. These garments provide the most premium expression of

performance wear staples elevated for today's consumer that face rigors of city

living in style. Cole Haan's dedication to Elegant Innovation and Mountain

Hardwear's commitment to empowering outdoor athletes to live boldly meet nicely

in the ZeroGrand range of apparel.

"This partnership is built on a common understanding of style and innovation.

Our ZeroGrand footwear is the pinnacle expression of the kind of elegant

innovation Cole Haan is famous for. When we wanted to marry our style

sensibility with the very best in engineered garments, we went to Mountain

Hardwear," said David Maddocks, Chief Marketing Officer & GM of Business

Development at Cole Haan. "Our consumers are looking for style and

functionality without sacrificing one over the other. We worked together to

create a revolutionary line of smart products for everyday needs," he concluded.

The ZeroGrand Outerwear collection introduces new innovative propositions along

with features and design benefits without sacrificing fashion for function. The

collection utilizes the same high-performance fabrics and insulation Mountain

Hardwear pioneered for the needs of mountaineers, skiers, hikers and other

outdoor athletes. However, these styles are not intended for the outdoor

market; these pieces have been created to meet the needs of the on-the-go city

lifestyle, making them the ultimate essentials for the fall and winter season.

Proven Mountain Hardwear technologies are found in individual styles including;

Dry.Q(R) Stretch Ozonic(TM) shell fabric recognized for its lightweight,

durable and 100% waterproof, yet breathable elements, 800-fill Q.Shield(R)

water-resistant down that is infused with permanent water repellency to resist

moister absorption, and Thermal.Q(TM) Elite, a proprietary synthetic insulation

and the warmest synthetic outerwear insulation available.

"Our designers usually solve problems to save lives and maximize experience for

outdoor athletes. With Cole Haan, we were presented with a different problem:

how do you keep a hard-driving, fast moving urban explorer warm, dry and

protected without slowing them down or asking them to compromise style," says

Robert Fry, Global Director of Product Merchandising and Design at Mountain


The Women's styles include the ZeroGrand Funnel Parka, Down Jacket and Metro

Coat and Men's styles include the ZeroGrand Commuter Jacket, Trench Coat and

Motoring Coat, offered in varying hues. The ZeroGrand Commuter Pack, designed

for a day in the city but able to handle a weekend on the mountain, is

thoughtfully crafted for everyday needs. This style includes an interior

Blackout Pocket lined with a composite aluminum sheathing to prevent electronic

transmission, keeping any items with a radio frequency identification chip and

phones safe and unhackable. An internal and external umbrella stash and a

removable waterproof bag to store dirty shoes or gym clothes further add to the

utilitarian elements of this backpack. The ZeroGrand Commuter Pack is available

in Titanium, Stone Green and Black.  

Additionally, Cole Haan partnered with a few favorite brands that share the

same dedication to functionality and innovation to develop a curated collection

for the city dweller on the move. Included in this collection is the

aerodynamic ZeroGrand X BLUNT(TM) XS Metro Umbrella, which effortlessly

provides maximum control in rough weather conditions; the

ZeroGrand X S'well(R) Water Bottle, which keeps drinks at preferred

temperatures, and the innovative yet classic pressurized ZeroGrand X Fisher

Space Pen(R), inspired by astronauts that needed to write in zero gravity


To further round out the extraordinary lifestyle collection, Cole Haan is also

offering Men's and Women's ZeroGrand footwear and the Women's Stagedoor handbag

collection. Similar to the Cole Haan and Mountain Hardwear ZeroGrand Outerwear

collection, the elegant collision of tradition and modernity is combined in the

craftsmanship and engineering of the footwear. The ZeroGrand footwear is

astonishingly lightweight, adaptively flexible, and responsively cushioned. The

collection includes, the ZeroGrand Tall Boot ($298) and Longwing Oxford ($268)

for Men and ZeroGrand Hiker Boot ($248) and Wing Ox ($198) for Women. The

Stagedoor handbag collection, inclusive of the Stagedoor Tote ($398) and Studio

Bag ($298), have a sporty attitude and streamlined shapes, a perfect addition

to the assortment. Made of modern fabrics like lightweight nylon and perforated

leather, and featuring high-tech rubberized hardware, these bags feature high

performance functionality both inside and out.

Beginning on October 6, 2015, the ZeroGrand Outerwear collection will be

available on ColeHaan.com and in Cole Haan stores, as well as available in a

limited way through Mountain Hardwear direct-to-consumer sales in the US.  The

ZeroGrand footwear and lifestyle product, as well as the Stagedoor Handbag

collection will be available on ColeHaan.com and Cole Haan stores.

About Cole Haan

Cole Haan LLC, with its Global Headquarters in Greenland, New Hampshire and

Creative Center in New York City, is an iconic American lifestyle accessories

brand and retailer of premium men's, women's and children's footwear, handbags,

leather accessories, outerwear and eyewear. Cole Haan stands for its commitment

to craftsmanship, timeless style and design innovation. For more information,

visit ColeHaan.com and follow @ColeHaan.

About Mountain Hardwear

Mountain Hardwear is a leader in innovative, premium outdoor apparel, equipment

and accessories. We celebrate bold ideas, the drive to challenge the edges of

our potential, and the joy, friendships and personal growth that come from that

endeavor. We work with era-defining athletes to develop lightweight,

easy-to-use and incredibly well-crafted outdoor clothing and equipment.

Mountain Hardwear, Inc., founded in 1993 and based in Richmond, CA, is a

wholly-owned subsidiary of Columbia Sportswear Company and distributes its

products through specialty outdoor, running, and sporting goods retailers in

the United States and 58 countries worldwide. www.mountainhardwear.com


Proven Mountain Hardwear technologies are found in individual styles including;

    - Dry.Q(R) Stretch Ozonic(TM) (Waterproof Where You Need It):

Durable, Dry.Q(R) Stretch Ozonic(TM) shell fabric is waterproof yet breathable

to keep you try without making you sweat. Its interior lining is engineered

with millions of micropores, large enough to let humid air escape but too small

to let water in.

    - Q.Shield(R) Down (Nature's Best insulation):

Traditional down loses warmth and loft when it gets wet. 800-fill-power

Q.Shield(R) Down fibers repel moisture to deliver warmth and comfort in wet


    - Thermal.Q(TM) Elite (Warmth Without Weight):

Ounce for ounce, the warmest mad-made jacket insulation available.

Thermal.Q(TM) Elite mimics the complex filament structure of down, creating

millions of tiny pockets to trap warm air next to your body.


Men's ZeroGrand(TM) Commuter Jacket, $475  

    - Three available colors: Black, Titanium & Dark Compass

    - Uses the warmest, most technically advanced down


    - Dry.Q(R) Stretch Ozonic(TM) shell fabric is incredibly lightweight,

      durable and 100% waterproof, yet breathable -- you get waterproof

      protection without the clammy feeling of a raincoat

    - Stretch Ozonic(TM) shell overlay at the collar, shoulders and arms shed

      light rain. Perfect for use with an umbrella

    - Strong, abrasion, tear-resistant Ghost Whisperer(TM) Fabric is the

      lightest downproof nylon shell fabric available

    - 800-fill Q.Shield(R) water-resistant down is nature's best insulator,

      infused with permanent durable water repellency to resist moisture


    - 800-fill down is extremely warm and lightweight, used only in the most

      premium and technical mountaineering outerwear

    - Water-repellent nylon with durable water resistant overlay to shed water

    - Stretch fabric for a lighter feel and better movement

    - Seams are covered with waterproof tape


    - Flap-covered pockets to keep wind and moisture out

    - Jacket length allows this style to be paired with a suit

Men's ZeroGrand(TM) Motoring Coat, $450

    - Two available colors: Black & Stone Green

    - Exceptional insulation provides the protection of a winter coat without

      the weight or bulk of a conventional overcoat


    - Thermal.Q(TM) Elite is a proprietary synthetic insulation, which is the

      warmest by weight synthetic outerwear insulation available

    - Dry.Q(R) Stretch Ozonic(TM) shell fabric is incredibly lightweight,

      durable and 100% waterproof, yet breathable -- you get waterproof

      protection without the clammy feeling of a raincoat

    - Stretch fabric for a lighter feel, better movement and a nice drape

    - Seams are covered with waterproof tape


    - Zippered hand pockets with waterproof zippers (polyurethane kiss


    - Zippered interior stash pocket

    - Waterproof center front zipper (polyurethane kiss coating) with 2-way

      zipper heads so you can unzip the jacket from the bottom when sitting


    - Two flap covered snap closure exterior chest pockets

    - Flap with snap closure covers zippers to keep out wind and rain. Edge of

      flap has abrasion-resistant polyurethane overlay to prevent soiling and


    - Elastic at cuffs keep wind out

    - Packs down nicely for travel

Men's ZeroGrand(TM) Trench Coat, $475

    - Two available colors: Black & Titanium

    - Warmth and water protection meet lightweight freedom of movement.


    - Thermal.Q(TM) Elite is a proprietary synthetic insulation, which is the

      warmest by weight synthetic outerwear insulation available

    - Dry.Q(R) Stretch Ozonic(TM) shell fabric is incredibly lightweight,

      durable and 100% waterproof, yet breathable -- you get waterproof

      protection without the clammy feeling of a raincoat

    - Stretch fabric for a lighter feel and better movement -- unusual in a


    - Seams are covered with waterproof tape


    - Packs down small for travel but still offers the insulation equivalent

      of a heavy ski jacket

    - Insulated hood with volume adjustments around circumference to adjust

      opening/coverage and at back of hood to adjust volume and brim length

    - Zippered hand pockets with waterproof zippers

    - Two internal napoleon pockets, one with waterproof zippers

    - Center front zipper with 2-way zipper heads so you can unzip the jacket

      from the bottom when sitting down

    - Flap with snap closure covers zippers to keep out wind and rain. Edge of

      flap has abrasion-resistant polyurethane overlay to prevent soiling and


    - Vented back at hem for freedom of movement

    - Elastic at cuffs to keep wind out


Women's ZeroGrand(TM) Funnel Park, $475

    - Two available colors: Black & Mountain

    - Uses the warmest, most technically advanced down

    - The lightest shell fabric and light stretch waterproof overlays are

      featured in critical areas such as the hood, shoulders and below the

      waist, which are exposed to the elements


    - Dry.Q(R) Stretch Ozonic(TM) shell fabric is incredibly lightweight,

      durable and 100% waterproof, yet breathable -- you get waterproof

      protection without the clammy feeling of a raincoat

    - Stretch Ozonic(TM) shell overlay at hood, shoulders and hem protects

      from rain, splashes from traffic, and rain hitting near the hem when

      walking under an umbrella. Overlay also protects from dirt and abrasion

      when sitting down by covering the seat area

    - Water-repellent nylon with durable water resistant overlay to shed water

    - 800-fill Q.Shield(R) water-resistant down is nature's best insulator,

      infused with permanent durable water repellency to resist moisture


    - 800-fill down is extremely warm and lightweight, used only in the most

      premium and technical mountaineering outerwear

    - Strong, abrasion, tear-resistant Ghost Whisperer(TM) Fabric is the

      lightest downproof nylon shell fabric available

    - Stretch fabric for a lighter feel and better movement

    - Seams are covered with waterproof tape


    - 3/4 length coat -- Hits mid-thigh

    - Oversized hood with cowl neck that overlaps at collar front to keep wind

      and water out

    - Flap covered pockets keeps wing and moisture out

    - Hidden elastic cuff closures

    - Centerfront zipper with 2-way zipper heads so you can unzip the jacket

      from the bottom for sitting down

Women's ZeroGrand(TM) Down Jacket, $375

    - Three available colors: Black, Mountain, & Red Element

    - Uses the warmest, most technically advanced down


    - Dry.Q(R) Stretch Ozonic(TM) shell fabric is incredibly lightweight,

      durable and 100% waterproof, yet breathable -- you get waterproof

      protection without the clammy feeling of a raincoat

    - Stretch Ozonic(TM) shell overlay at hem and cuff protects from rain and

      offers dirt and abrasion resistance

    - Water-repellent nylon with durable water resistant overlay to shed water

    - 800-fill Q.Shield(R) water-resistant down is nature's best insulator,

      infused with permanent durable water repellency to resist moisture


    - 800-fill down is extremely warm and lightweight, used only in the most

      premium and technical mountaineering outerwear

    - Strong, abrasion, tear-resistant Ghost Whisperer(TM) Fabric is the

      lightest downproof nylon shell fabric available

    - Stretch fabric for a lighter feel and better movement

    - Seams are covered with waterproof tape


    - Shorter version hits at the hip

    - High cowl neck (no hood)

    - Center front zipper with 1-way zip

    - Internal stash pocket at hip

Women's ZeroGrand(TM) Metro Coat, $400

    - Three available colors: Black, Stone Green, & Mountain

    - Warmth and water protection offered at a phenomenally light weight and

      with downright American freedom of movement


    - Thermal.Q(TM) Elite is a proprietary synthetic insulation, which is the

      warmest by weight synthetic outerwear insulation available

    - Dry.Q(R) Stretch Ozonic(TM) shell fabric is incredibly lightweight,

      durable and 100% waterproof, yet breathable -- you get waterproof

      protection without the clammy feeling of a raincoat

    - Stretch fabric for a lighter feel, better movement and a nice drape

    - Durable stretch nylon outer fabric is waterproof and breathable so you

      don't get clammy

    - All seams are taped to prevent water from seeping in


    - Parka length -- hits at the hip

    - Zippered hand pockets with flap to keep out wind and rain

    - Zippered interior stash pocket

    - Center front zipper with 2-way zipper heads so you can unzip the jacket

      from the bottom when sitting down

    - Knit gaskets lock out wind

    - Packs down nicely for travel

ZeroGrand(TM) Commuter Pack, $150

    - Three available colors: Black, Stone Green, & Titanium

    - Designed for a day in the city but able to handle a weekend on the

      mountain. Thoughtfully crafted for the needs of a workday- homes for

      electronics, an umbrella, shoe covering, etc

    - The ZeroGrand Commuter Pack is based on design and construction

      developed so that alpinist could haul heavy loads into the mountains and

      keep them safe from any and all conditions


    - Body is waxed polyester with the soft feel of waxed cotton. Polyester is

      naturally hydrophobic and the waxing process makes it more waterproof

    - Ripstop weave gives the fabric additional tear strength and stops a

      puncture from turning into a tear

    - Bottom is a lightweight, abrasion-resistant and waterproof transparent

      polymer coated fabric


    - The interior Blackout Pocket is lined with a composite aluminum

      sheathing to prevent electronic transmission. This protects any items

      with radio frequency identification chips like credit cards, passport,

      and phone to keep them safe and unhackable

    - Waterproof zippered front stash pocket for quick access to frequently

      used items

    - The two main compartments feature a padded laptop sleeve lined with soft

      fleece for smooth exit and entry

    - Main compartment has gussets to prevent things from falling out

    - Umbrella holder sleeve sized to fit the ZeroGrand X BLUNT(TM) umbrella

    - Internal pocket is sized to fit a pair of shoes

    - Removable waterproof bag to hold dirty shoes or gym clothes

    - Stretch neoprene pocket to protect and secure electronics

    - Convertible shoulder straps can be detached and slipped into a sleeve on

      the backpanel to turn the pack from a daypack into a tote


ZeroGrand(TM) X BLUNT(TM) XS Metro Umbrella in Black, $49

Tested in wind tunnels, drenching downpours, and hailstorms, BLUNT(TM)

umbrellas feature a tension canopy and unflappable aerodynamic structure that

holds steady in even the most demanding conditions.

ZeroGrand(TM) X S'well(R) 1 7 Oz Satin Water Bottle, $35

Therma S'well(TM) technology keeps drinks cold for 24 hours and hot for 12. As

a proud UNICEF supporter, S'well(R) contributes to clean water initiatives

around the world.

ZeroGrand(TM) X Fisher Space Pen(R) in Black Matte, $27

NASA approached Fisher Pen Co. in the early sixties to develop a pressurized

pen for astronauts that could write upside down, underwater, in extreme

temperatures, and zero gravity conditions. Shaped from solid aluminum, the

classic design of the Fisher Space Pen(R) is an outstanding example of

industrial art.

For more information, contact:

Kimry Blackwelder, Cole Haan

Phone: +1-212-763-3060

E-mail: kimry.blackwelder@colehaan.com

SOURCE:  Cole Haan




