


AsiaNet 62125

シャーン(リヒテンシュタイン)、テネロ(スイス)、2015年10月12日/PRニュースワイヤー/ --






ナノフローセルAGは2016年、スイス ティチーノ州テレノに「クワント・シティ」と呼ぶ最先端の研究開発センターの建設を計画しています。2万5000平方メートルの敷地におけるクワント・シティの活動では、フロー電池技術の研究とその更なる開発、ナノフローセル(R)(簡単に言うと、この中では2つのイオン流体が化学反応により電気を作り出しています)の新たな用途の試験を扱います。締結した用地購入契約に従って、2018年に完成が予定されています。ティチーノの現地では、エンジニア、研究者、弁護士として150人から200人の新規雇用が見込まれ、ティチーノ周辺地域では供給業者やサービス提供会社でさらに2500人ほどの雇用を間接的に生むか守るかすることになるでしょう。

     (写真: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20151007/274951 )

     (写真: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20151007/274952 )


ナノフローセルAGの最高技術責任者、Nunzio La Vecchiaは意欲的で、将来に関して楽観しています。「ナノフローセル(R)があるので、わが社は世界一革新的、持続可能、永続的なエネルギー技術を作り出す可能性を持っています。様々な用途があり、クワント・シティで開発を続け、実用化しようとしている技術です。現在の研究の状況維持に焦点を合わせるため、クワント・シティはわが社の成功に必要な技術的・科学的条件を備えた基盤を提供します」

土地利用と地域開発計画に沿ったクワント・シティ研究開発センターの完成は、2018年中頃の予定です。テネロ-コントラ市政もまた、この建設計画に関心を持っています。運営を行うのは、ナノフローセルAG の100%子会社で新設のナノリサーチSAです。





バーチャル・リアリティーを用いると、ナノフローセル(R)ハードウェアを様々な用途に合わせて縮小することも可能になるはずです。最高技術責任者、Nunzio La Vecchiaは、「ナノフローセル(R)には可動部がないため、理論上、このエネルギーシステムの縮小には限界がありません。わが社は、小さくも大きくもなれるのです。そして、それをわが社のバーチャル・リアリティーの研究でシミュレーション、調査、テストします」と語ります。


Nunzio La Vecchiaのチームは現在、ナノフローセル(R)を装備したクワントF少数連続生産の認証取得に懸命に取り組んでいますが、先発モデルのクワントEはすでにドイツのドイツ技術検査協会(TUV:テュフ)からドイツとヨーロッパでの個々の使用に関する認証を受けています。連続生産のための条件が合い次第、新型クワントはクワント・シティで少数連続生産に入ります。


Nunzio La Vecchiaは、「それと並行して自動車分野でのナノフローセル(R)の更なる開発を効率よく進められるように、テネロでの少数連続生産を選択しました。この生産様式は環境にとって非常に有益です」と述べています。






ナノフローセルAGは2013年末に創立、革新的研究開発の会社です。ナノフローセルAGの研究は、駆動技術の更なる開発とフロー電池技術の体系学に重点を置いています。2014年7月のSGS TUV Saarによる運輸省の認可取得、関連のドイツ・ヨーロッパの運転免許取得を受け、ナノフローセルAGは初のフロー電池搭載車であるクワントEを発売しました。同社の次の節目は、クワントF連続生産の許可と、他の産業や業種におけるナノフローセル(R)の更なる利用の開発です。そのため2014年には、ドイツのヴァルツフートにナノプロダクションGmbH、スイスにナノリサーチSAと、ナノフローセルAGの100%子会社を2社設立しました。



Hill+Knowlton Strategies GmbH

Ernst Primosch, CEO

DarmstadterLandstr. 112

60598 Frankfurt, Germany


直通: +49-69-97362-38



nanoFlowcell AG Plans to Construct "QUANT City" in Switzerland


SCHAAN, Liechtenstein and TENERO, Switzerland, Oct. 12 / PRNewswire=KYODO JBN / --

- New research and development centre for flow cell technology planned in

Tenero in Ticino Construction to begin at the start of 2016 - completion in 2018

- Up to 200 new jobs for engineers, researchers and lawyers

- Development of new applications for the nanoFlowcell(R)

- Small series production of the QUANT in a modular design

nanoFlowcell AG's plans for 2016 include the construction of a state-of-the-art

research and development centre named "QUANT City" in Tenero in the Swiss

canton of Ticino. Over an area of 25,000 square metres, the activities at QUANT

City will be devoted to research into and further development of flow cell

technology and the testing of new applications for the nanoFlowcell(R), in

which - to put it in very simple terms - two ionic fluids generate electricity

by means of a chemical process. Subject to the contract being signed for the

purchase of the site, completion is planned for 2018. Between 150 and 200 new

jobs are expected to be created at the site in Ticino for engineers,

researchers and lawyers, jobs that will indirectly create or safeguard around a

further 2,500 jobs with suppliers and service providers in the area around


     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20151007/274951 )

     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20151007/274952 )

With this state-of-the-art research, development and production facility,

nanoFlowcell AG intends to push further ahead with the many possible uses for

the nanoFlowcell(R) in industry and by consumers. From further developments in

the automotive sector through to use as an energy system for buildings and

applications in shipping, aerospace and rail traffic, the researchers and

developers at QUANT City will fathom out cost-effective and ecologically

worthwhile applications and transfer these into practical use.

Nunzio La Vecchia, Chief Technical Officer at nanoFlowcell AG, is motivated and

also optimistic for the future: "With the nanoFlowcell(R), we have the

potential to create the most innovative, sustainable and enduring energy

technologies in the world. It is a technology that has many applications and

that we at QUANT City will continue to develop and intend to make market-ready.

In order to focus on maintaining our current research edge, QUANT City will

give us an infrastructure with the technical and scientific requirements

necessary for our success."

The completion of the QUANT City research and development centre, which is in

line with both land use and regional development plans, is planned for the

middle of 2018. The municipal administration of Tenero-Contra is also

interested in the construction project.  The operator will be the newly founded

company nanoResearch SA, a wholly-owned subsidiary of nanoFlowcell AG.

nanoResearch SA

nanoResearch SA will be responsible for research and development. Aside from

the intensive further development of the nanoFlowcell(R), the tasks of the

company, which was founded in November 2014, will also include the marketing of

the patent and licence rights to the nanoFlowcell technology. For this reason,

international patent agents and lawyers will also work at QUANT City.

Using virtual reality to achieve the goal

Virtual reality will be at the core of the research work carried out at QUANT

City. In order to pursue a combination of research and development at this

location, nanoFlowcell AG will relocate its existing "nanoFlowcell DigiLab"

from Zurich to Tenero. A vital role in the principle of virtual reality is

played by the graphic representation of reality and its physical and chemical

characteristics in an interactive, virtual environment. This will involve the

graphic implementation, representation and assessment in real time of

computer-supported results from the research and development activities.

State-of-the-art 3D animations and simulation software will be used for this.

With the help of virtual reality, it should also be possible to push ahead with

the scaling of the nanoFlowcell(R) hardware for different applications. "As the

nanoFlowcell(R) contains no moving parts, there are in theory no limits to the

scaling of this energy system. We can be small, but we can also be big. And

that's what will be simulated, investigated and tested in our research with

virtual reality," says CTO Nunzio La Vecchia.

Small series production of the QUANT sports car in a modular design

Nunzio La Vecchia's team is currently working hard on obtaining approval for

the series production of the QUANT F with the nanoFlowcell(R), whose

predecessor model, the QUANT E, has already been approved by TUV in Germany for

individual use in Germany and Europe.  As soon as the requirements are met for

series production, the new QUANT will go into small series production in QUANT


A modular design of the QUANT will be produced here, which means that finished

components such as the chassis, axle systems, on-board systems and engine and

gear components will be delivered pre-manufactured to QUANT City and will

undergo final assembly here.

"We have opted for small series production in Tenero so that we can also

proceed effectively alongside it with the further development of the

nanoFlowcell(R) in the automotive field. This type of production can only be of

benefit to the environment," says Nunzio La Vecchia.

QUANT Academy

As a centre for the further development of flow cell technology, nanoFlowcell

AG in QUANT City will in future also be responsible for scientific tasks. In

addition to fundamental research, the research and teaching around flow cells

will also be a fixed part of QUANT City through collaborations with

universities, institutes and other scientific establishments. To this end, the

"QUANT Academy" will be founded, which will combine all areas of research and

development within the nanoFlowcell AG company group. Scientific work such as

degree dissertations and doctoral theses on flow cell technology and also on

ionic fluids as energy sources of the future can and will in future be carried

out at QUANT City within the QUANT Academy. To this end, nanoResearch SA will

offer not just the premises but also the technical and scientific requirements.

Prospective scientists, engineers and doctoral candidates will thus be given

the opportunity to learn from and carry out research with leading figures from

the fields of research and teaching as well as gaining practical experience in


The municipal council of Tenero on the planned QUANT City construction project

in Ticino:

"We have been following the development of QUANT City with great interest since

2010, and thus from the very start. In addition, in June we looked into the

plans to set up a production and research facility in Tenero for Quant

vehicles. In keeping with the approved planning, the municipal council in

Tenero supports unreservedly this development on the site of the former paper

factory, especially as the QUANT City project is also in keeping with regional

interests for the future development of Tenero."

About nanoFlowcell AG

nanoFlowcell AG, which was founded at the end of 2013, is an innovative

research and development company. The focus of the research carried out by

nanoFlowcell AG is on the further development of drive technology and the

systematics of flow cell technology. With the granting of approval from the

Ministry of Transport by SGS TUV Saar in July 2014 and the associated driving

permit for Germany and Europe, nanoFlowcell AG launched the first car with flow

cell drive onto the roads, the QUANT E. The next milestone for the company will

be the authorisation for series production of the QUANT F and the development

of further uses for the nanoFlowcell(R) in other industries and business areas.

To this end, two wholly-owned subsidiaries of nanoFlowcell AG were founded in

2014, nanoProduction GmbH in Waldshut in Germany and nanoResearch SA in


Media contact

The press team at nanoFlowcell AG would be pleased to answer any queries and

can be reached at:

Hill+Knowlton Strategies GmbH

Ernst Primosch, CEO

Darmstadter Landstr. 112

60598 Frankfurt, Germany


D: +49-69-97362-38

SOURCE: nanoFlowcell AG




