

AsiaNet 62164









またルノーは、女性の上級役員の割合においても業界トップレベルとなっています。エグゼクティブコミッティメンバー11名のうち2名が女性です。ムナ・セペリは、CEOオフィス上級副社長を務め、マリー=フランソワーズ・ダムザンは、人事担当上級副社長を務めています。ダムザンはまた、ルノー・日産ア ライアンス人事担当取締役も兼任しています。






・ルノーは、国連の支持声明書に署名し、長期的な成長の要である中南米地域において男女平等の推進を表明した初の自動車メーカーとなりました。 国連が目標に掲げる「女性のエンパワーメント原則」は、女性の人権を確保し、あらゆる産業分野の経済活動および企業の序列において、女性の更なる参加を促すものです。



・ルノーは2014年、スペイン政府より「Label of Equality」を授与されました。これは同社の社内支援・キャリアネットワーク「Women@Renault」が評価されたものです。











■10月14日:「世界をどのように活性化するか?」をテーマとした会議。ルノーCEOオフィス上級副社長ムナ セペリが登壇。

■10月15日:ルノー・日産アライアンス主催の「幸福とクルマ」をテーマとしたセッション。ルノーのカラー・素材担当スタジオチーフデザイナーのシドニー カンプランが登壇。

■10月16日:ルノー・日産アライアンス主催「社内ベンチャー制度の新モデル」をテーマとしたセッション。ルノーCSR担当副社長兼ルノー財団マネージングダイレクターであり、COP21のアライアンスリーダーを務めるクレール マルタンが登壇。

ルノー・ダイバーシティ・イニシアティブの詳細はこちら: www.renault.com/en/groupe/developpement-durable/responsabilite-sociale-de-l-entreprise/pages/diversite.asp





Renault-Nissan Alliance Accelerates Gender Diversity


DEAUVILLE, France, Oct. 13 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

    - Percentage of women employees, particularly those in manager-level

positions, keeps increasing year over year

    - At Renault, 22% of global key positions are held by women; Nissan Japan

has more than triple the national average percentage of women

    - Renault and Nissan launch new programs to recruit, retain and promote

women--and to attract more female car buyers

    The Renault-Nissan Alliance, one of the world's largest car groups,

continues to make progress in its commitment to closing the gender gap. The

company launched numerous programs globally and particularly in the "home

markets" to recruit, retain and advance women.

    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140130/666713-a )

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20151012/276146 )

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20151012/276147 )

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20151012/276148 )

    The percentage of women employees at both Renault and Nissan has increased

from a year ago, particularly in manager-level positions.

    At Renault, women accounted for 18.4% of all employees globally in the most

recent study, up from 17.6% in 2013 and up from 10% in 2000. Women accounted

for 18.3% of Renault's manager-level positions globally in 2014, up from 17% in

2013. Women accounted for 22% of the company's 2,000 global "key positions," up

from 19.6% in 2013.

    Renault is a leader in the auto industry in terms of women at the most

senior ranks. Two members of the 11-person executive committee are women: Mouna

Sepehri, Executive Vice President of the Office of the CEO; and Marie-Francoise

Damesin, Executive Vice President for Human Resources. Damesin is also

Renault-Nissan Alliance Executive Vice President for Human Resources.

    Renault aims to have women account for 30% of engineering or technical

positions and 50% of sales positions worldwide by 2016. Renault also aims to

have women account for 25% of its key global positions by next year.

    At Nissan, women accounted for 11.7% of manager-level positions globally in

fiscal year 2014, up from 10.6% in fiscal year 2013. In Japan, women at Nissan

accounted for 8.2% of such positions, up from 7.1% in the previous year and

more than 5 times higher than 2004.

    Nissan remains an industry benchmark in its home market of Japan, with the

percentage of its women managers more than triple the national average for

large manufacturers. Nissan's goal is to have women represent 10% of managers

in Japan and 14% of all management positions globally by 2017.

    Renault-Nissan Alliance launches initiatives to close the global gender-gap

    2014 was an unprecedented year for new initiatives aimed at the

recruitment, retention and advancement of women across Renault and Nissan,

which together are responsible for one in 10 car sales globally:

    - Renault became the first manufacturing company to sign a United Nations

pledge to promote gender equality in Latin America, a key region for long-term

growth. The goal of the UN's Women Empowerment Principles is to ensure human

rights for women and to help women participate more fully in the economy,

across all industrial sectors and levels of corporate hierarchy.

    - Renault launched a women recruitment program in its Algerian factory that

resulted in 350 new hires --40% of which were women. This makes the Renault

plant in Oran one of the auto industry's best in the world for gender equity.

    - Renault has a growing internal women network called Women@Renault which

now counts more than 4500 members in key markets (Algeria, Argentina, Brazil,

Colombia, France, India, Korea, Morocco, Romania, Russia, Spain and Turkey).

    - In 2014, Renault received the coveted "Label of Equality" from the

Spanish government. The government particularly praised Renault for its

"Women@Renault" internal support and career network.

    - Nissan introduced an official mentoring program for women manager

candidates in Japan. The program is available for female general managers and

offers reinforcement on issues of leadership, strategy and career advancement.

    - Nissan launched a workshop for young women engineers. The workshop, which

is held twice a year, offers women advice on how to build a career before

having children.

    - Nissan continues to expand the "Ladies First" retail program in Japan.

Ladies First dealerships are managed and staffed mostly by women. The

dealership in the Tokyo suburb of Fuchu features stylish interiors, a nursing

room and a spacious area where children can play and is aimed at making the

shopping experience more welcoming to women and first-time buyers.      

    - By the summer of 2015, Nissan had 151 Ladies First dealerships. Nissan

plans to have 300 across Japan by the end of 2016. It is also considering

expanding the program to overseas markets. Nissan will take lessons learned

from the "Ladies First" project and apply it wherever applicable.

    - Nissan is also boosting the percentage of women salespeople. Women

represented 8.5% of salespeople in Japan in mid-2015, up from 7% at the end of

2014. Nissan aims for 10% by 2018.

    Renault-Nissan focuses on mentoring at Women's Forum

    Renault and Nissan provide an update on gender progress and diversity every

year in advance of the Women's Forum for the Economy and Society. This year's

conference takes place Oct. 14-16 in Deauville, France. The annual gathering,

which the Alliance has supported since 2006, aims to level the playing field

for women in industry academia, politics and society.

    The Renault-Nissan Alliance sends 50 top-performing women from around the

world to the conference. This year, the car group will host a special session

about mentoring for all internal delegates.

    In addition, the Renault-Nissan Alliance will have three public speakers at

this year's event.

    - Oct. 14: Mouna Sepehri, Executive Vice-President Office of the CEO, will

participate in the plenary session "How do you energize the World?"

    - Oct. 15: The Renault-Nissan Alliance will host a session on "Wellbeing

and the car" with Sidonie Camplan, Studio Chief Designer, Colors and Material,


    - Oct. 16: The Renault-Nissan Alliance will host a session on

"Intrapreneurship, a new model" with Claire Martin, Vice-President Renault CSR,

MD Renault Foundation and Alliance Renault-Nissan Leader for COP21.

    For more information on Renault's diversity initiatives, go to:



[http://C:\Users\a179986\AppData\Local\Temp\Temp1_Women's Forum Deauville


ociale-de- l-entreprise\pages\diversite.asp ]

    For more information on Nissan's diversity initiatives, go to:


[http://C:\Users\a179986\AppData\Local\Temp\Temp1_Women's Forum

Deauville2014-V8-doc.zip\www.nissan-global.com\EN\COMPANY\DIVERSITY ]

    About the Renault-Nissan Alliance

    The Renault-Nissan Alliance is a strategic partnership between Paris-based

Renault and Yokohama, Japan-based Nissan, which together sell one in 10 cars

worldwide. The companies, which have been strategic partners since 1999, sold

8.4 million cars in nearly 200 countries in 2014. The Alliance also operates

strategic collaborations with automakers including Germany's Daimler, China's

Dongfeng, India's Ashok Leyland and Japan's Mitsubishi Motors. It also owns a

majority stake in the joint venture that controls Russia's top automaker,






com ]


    Aline Henry

    Renault-Nissan Alliance



    Alejandra Kaufman

    Renault SAS



    Toshitake Inoshita

    Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.



    SOURCE: Renault-Nissan Alliance




