"TalxFun," Newest Online English School, Launched in Taiwan


FUJI, Japan, Oct. 15, 2015 /Kyodo JBN/ --

UNHOOP Co., Ltd.

"TalxFun," Newest Online English School, Launched in Taiwan

UNHOOP Co., Ltd. announced the launch on October 15 of its new online English school, "TalxFun," in Taiwan. If students avail themselves of a monthly plan within the campaign period, they can enjoy English lessons at home starting at a discounted rate of NT$625 in their first month.

Unhoop brings the joy of learning English in Taiwan through the launch of TalxFun. Unhoop has been providing ESL learners of "hanaso," its online English school in Japan, with quality lessons via Skype for more than five years now. Through TalxFun, the company hopes to provide the same expertise in online ESL teaching to its future students.

We will have an opening campaign together with our new service release. First-time enrollees can get a 50% discount on their first monthly plan. They can also avail themselves of a ticket plan, which will be NT$1,000 off with a 10% increase in the number of lessons when they purchase it for the first time. This opening campaign lasts only up to December 15, 2015. Students can also use two free trial lessons before they enroll even after the opening campaign.

- About TalxFun

TalxFun is an online English school launched on October 15, 2015. Students can enjoy a one-on-one English lesson with a tutor via Skype at an affordable price. TalxFun's tutors are graduates from prestigious universities in the Philippines and have diverse personalities, interests and professions. These tutors can provide English conversation lessons for beginners and intermediate students. TalxFun's lessons are more convenient than the traditional classroom setup. Students can take their lessons anywhere and on any day they want!

Details: http://www.talxfun.com

About UNHOOP Co., Ltd.

Preseident and CEO: Wataru Shigemori

Established: August 10, 2009

Paid-up Capital: 25,000,000 yen

Business Area: Online English school






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