
NSFOCUS Information Technology Co., Ltd


AsiaNet 62415

【サンタクララ(米カリフォルニア州)2015年11月5日PR Newswire】NSFOCUS Information Technology Co., Ltdは3日、韓国最大の分散型サービス拒否(DDoS)トラフィック・スクラビングセンター、SecureIDC(www.secureidc.co.kr )がNSFOCUS をDDoS攻撃防御の独占パートナーに選定したと発表した。

SecureIDC (旧SYSWIN)はソウルに本社がある韓国の通信企業、SK Broadbandの支援を受けエンドユーザー顧客にホスティング、DDoS対策、その他のセキュリティーサービスを提供し、韓国国内に限らずアジア太平洋地区の他の市場にも積極的に進出している。


厳格な評価プロセスの結果、NSFOCUSのAnti-DDoS System (ADS 8000シリーズ)が過酷なDDoS軽減要件を満たす唯一のプラットフォームに決まった。NSFOCUS ADS装置はSecureIDCとその顧客をDDoS攻撃のネガティブな影響から保護し、顧客に監視下の攻撃状況をリアルタイムで知らせる。



SecureIDCのヘオ・オヤン最高経営責任者(CEO)は「NSFOCUS ADSの設置はSecureIDCが大量TCPフラッドを軽減するのに役立っている。また、ポータル機能によって、エンドユーザーはトラフィッククリーニング性能をリアルタイムで見られる。NSFOCUS ADSの採用はTCPでピーク時最大50MppsのDDoS攻撃を止める助けになり、われわれのブランドに対する顧客の信頼獲得につながっている」と語った。


NSFOCUSは、包括的な製品ラインをもつ世界的なサイバーセキュリティー・ベンダーである。2000年に創設された同社は、分散型サービス拒否(DDoS)攻撃軽減、侵入防止システム(IPS)、次世代ファイアウォール(NGFW)、標的型攻撃(APT)対策、ウェブアプリケーションファイアウォール(WAF)、および脆弱性検査でエンタープライズレベル、キャリアレベルのソリューションを提供する。サイバーセキュリティー研究と開発に15年以上の経験があるNSFOCUSは、世界中の顧客が高水準のインターネット・セキュリティー、ウェブサイト稼働率、事業運営を維持し、オンライン・システムが常時利用可能な状態を保つことを支援してきた。詳細はウェブサイトwww.nsfocus.co.jp を参照。

ソース:NSFOCUS Information Technology Co., Ltd


NSFOCUS Anti-DDoS System Deployed at the Largest Scrubbing Center in South Korea


SANTA CLARA, Calif., Nov. 5, 2015 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

NSFOCUS Information Technology Co., Ltd today announced that SecureIDC

(www.secureidc.co.kr), the largest DDoS traffic Scrubbing Center in South

Korea, has selected NSFOCUS to be its exclusive partner for protection against

DDoS attacks.

SecureIDC (formerly SYSWIN), provides hosting, Anti-DDoS and other security

services to its end-user customers. Backed by SK Broadband, a Seoul-based

Korean telecommunications company, SecureIDC is staffed with industry-leading

security experts. Its professional security services, powered by NSFOCUS

Anti-DDoS System solutions, make it the largest scrubbing center with the

highest protection throughput in South Korea, capable of mitigating DDoS

attacks up to 300Gbps. SecureIDC has customers throughout South Korea, and is

aggressively expanding to other markets in the Asia-Pacific region.

Since July 2014, SecureIDC customers have suffered unprecedented high-volume

DDoS attacks. However, the previous DDoS defense appliances deployed at

SecureIDC data centers rapidly reached their performance capacity limit in the

face of these volumetric TCP floods, leading to significant network latency and

downtime. SecureIDC looked to new providers, and tested multiple DDoS defense

appliances from some leading international and Korean brands. However, it found

that few could successfully withstand the attack flood. In the wake of

continuous customer complaints, SecureIDC risked losing customers, and it

became a priority to bring in DDoS defense appliances capable of successfully

defending against volumetric attack traffic floods.

A rigorous evaluation process resulted in the identification of NSFOCUS

Anti-DDoS System (ADS 8000 series) as the only platform to fully the demanding

DDoS mitigation requirements. SecureIDC selected NSFOCUS as the exclusive

provider of DDoS protection for its entire network. NSFOCUS ADS can address

super-volumetric layer 3 as well as complex and ever-evolving layer 7

(application-layer) DDoS threats. Moreover, the NSFOCUS portal system provides

SecureIDC customers an intuitive view of the protection efficiency. NSFOCUS ADS

appliances shield the SecureIDC and its customers from negative impacts of DDoS

attacks, and present monitored attack postures to customers in real time.

Click http://www.nsfocus.com/images/images/20151101.png to see the NSFOCUS DDoS

defense efficiency.

Heo O Young, CEO of SecureIDC, said, "The deployment of NSFOCUS ADS helps

SecureIDC to mitigate volumetric TCP floods successfully. And with the portal

function, the end-users gain real-time visibility to the traffic cleaning

efficiency. By deploying NSFOCUS ADS appliances at SecureIDC data centers, we

help to stop DDoS attacks peaking at up to 50Mpps in TCP, which earns

customer's trust in our brand."


NSFOCUS is a global cyber security vendor with a comprehensive product line.

Founded in 2000, the company provides enterprise-level and carrier-level

solutions in DDoS mitigation, IPS, NGFW, Anti-APT, WAF, and vulnerability

scanning. With more than 15 years of experience in cyber security research and

development, NSFOCUS has helped customers around the world maintain high levels

of Internet security, website uptime and business operations, to ensure that

their online systems remain available. For more information, visit


SOURCE: NSFOCUS Information Technology Co., Ltd




