


AsiaNet 62452 (1444)

【ソウル2015年11月6日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】2015年11月4日午前、テレビ番組「2 Days & 1 Night(1泊2日)」中国版第2シリーズの韓国プレミアショーと「Most

Beautiful Tourist Routes in Sichuan(四川省で最も美しい観光ルート)」の宣伝行事がソウルのプラザホテルで行われた。四川省観光局が主催、「中国国家観光」誌が協賛した。





KBSのよく知られたバラエティー番組2 Days & 1 Nightは2013年に四川省観光局と中国国家観光誌によって中国に紹介され、またたく間にバラエティー部門で視聴率のトップに立った。その中国版は2014年11月、KBSで韓国語で公開されて好視聴率を獲得し、外国で放映された中国の旅行バラエティー番組の第1号となった。第2シリーズは四川省内の著名な景勝地である峨眉山、楽山、嘉陽ミニSL、瀘沽湖、丹比県で撮影された。




ソース:The Tourism Administration of Sichuan Province

Premiere of the Second Session of 2 Days & 1 Night (Chinese Version) in Korea


SEOUL, South Korea, Nov. 6, 2015/PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--

   On the morning of November 4, 2015, the Premiere of the Second Session of 2

Days & 1 Night (Chinese Version) in Korea and the Promotion of the Most

Beautiful Tourist Routes in Sichuan was held at THE PLAZA Hotel in Seoul and

sponsored by the Tourism Administration of Sichuan Province and undertaken by

China National Travel.


   Mr. Dong Minjie, Consul-General of the Embassy of the People's Republic of

China in the Republic of Korea, attended the conference and delivered a   


   On the Premiere, Mr. Dong Minjie pointed that the variety show is co-planned

by Tourism Administration of Sichuan Province and China National Travel with

the cooperation of KBS, and its broadcasting on Korea KBS-N introduces Sichuan

to Korean audiences and will promote the tourism resources in Sichuan.

   The representative of the Tourism Administration of Sichuan Province briefed

the audience on the rating of the First Session in Korea and announced that the

Second Session will be broadcasted on Korea KBS-N at 19:00 on November 17, 2015.

   2 Days & 1 Night, the well-known variety show on KBS was introduced to China

by the Tourism Administration of Sichuan Province and China National Travel in

2013 and rapidly ranked first in variety shows. The Chinese Version was

launched in Korean on KBS in November 2014 with good audience ratings and

becoming the first traveling variety show in China that was broadcasted abroad.

The second session was shot in such famous scenic areas in Sichuan: Mt. E'mei,

Leshan, Jiayang Mini Train, Lugu Lake and Danba.

   Perfectly combining the show with tourism products in Sichuan, Sichuan also

provided the Korean tourists with more tourist products and benefits; Cao

Wenjie, Director of Japan-Korea Line Department of Chengdu China Youth Travel

Service announced three most beautiful tourist routes in Sichuan: "Leshan-E'mei

Tourist Route", "Heavenly Lugu Lake" and "Most Beautiful Village- Danba."

   Yan Xiangyu, Manager of the Marketing Department of Korea National Tourism

Organization Chengdu Office, pointed out that the premiere in Korea will

promote the exchanges of tourist cultures and tourist products between China

and Korea, and provide more chances for Korean audiences to view Sichuan, know

the history and cultures of Sichuan and visit China and Sichuan.

   More information on the Korean version of the Offical Website for Sichuan:

   SOURCE: The Tourism Administration of Sichuan Province




