「変化の表現-毛筆が描く新中国」展を上海で開催 新中国の芸術的回顧

M K Lau Collection

「変化の表現-毛筆が描く新中国」展を上海で開催 新中国の芸術的回顧

AsiaNet 62655 (1536)

【上海2015年11月23日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】M K Lau CollectionとChina Guardian(中国嘉徳)は2015年11月26日から12月10日まで、上海の龍美術館で「Rendering Change - A New China under the Brush(変化の表現-毛筆が描く新中国)」展を共催し、新中国時代を描いた絵画と書100点以上を披露する。高く評価された圧倒的なイベントは、ことし4月と10月に香港と北京で大成功を収め、特別な時代の美術的表現と歴史的重要性をめぐり美術界全体の活発な議論を巻き起こした。

Photo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20151123/8521508012-a

Photo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20151123/8521508012-b

M K Lau Collectionは、中国の墨と毛筆による絵画と書の25年にわたる一流の個人コレクションを通じて、新中国の社会情勢を探求し、多角的視点の美術・歴史評価を推進することを目指している。1949年の中華人民共和国建国から1970年代末までの決定的瞬間を記録した白雪石、程十髮、傅抱石、賀天健、李可染、林風眠、リュウ・ジユウ、陸厳少、斉白石、チュー・チージャンら中国の著名アーティスト55人の作品である。

これらの作品はテーマによって整理され、年代順に陳列される。展示は毛沢東主席の発言をめぐる陸厳少の書から始まる。新中国の芸術用とされる赤紙に白顔料で描かれた引用である。次に江蘇省国画院の集団労働「Peoples Communes are Great」「Free Meals Offered」や呉作人の「Happy Life at the Commune」のような農業改革と集団農場を描いた絵画がある。林風眠の「Steel Foundry」「Dam Site」「Construction (II)」など急激な工業化、傅抱石の「Spectacular Coal City」、陸厳少の「An Emerging Industrial City」が続く。軍事演習を扱った銭痩鉄の「Wartime」2点、広くいきわたった唐大禧の「The People's Apples」もある。ワン・インチュンと楊力舟の「Endless Digging」、バイ・ボーフゥアの「A Great Life! A Glorious Death!」のような新中国の肖像画も。さらに、毛沢東主席の詩に着想した20点を超える重要な絵画、1949-1979年の伝統的な墨と毛筆の絵画、蒋兆和のレーニンや毛沢東主席など肖像画、呉作人、関山月、沈尹黙の共同作品、リュウ・ジユウの「Beijing Opera - The Red Lantern」「Ballet - White Hair Woman」のような文化大革命の時期の力強い絵画も展示される。

ソース:M K Lau Collection

Overwhelming "Rendering Change -- A New China under the Brush" Exhibition to Amaze Shanghai from 26 November with Artistic Recall of New China


SHANGHAI, Nov. 23, 2015 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

M K Lau Collection and China Guardian will co-present "Rendering Change - A New

China under the Brush" exhibition to be held from 26 November to 10 December

2015 at Long Museum in Shanghai, showcasing over 100 selected paintings and

calligraphy depicted during New China era. This well-acclaimed and overwhelming

event has achieved remarkable success in Hong Kong and Beijing this April and

October with heavy discussion on the artistic expression and historical

significance of this special era across the art circle.

Photo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20151123/8521508012-a

Photo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20151123/8521508012-b

M K Lau Collection aims to explore New China's social landscape and promote

multi-perspective art and history appreciation through its 25 years of

top-notch private collection of Chinese ink and brush paintings and calligraphy

from 55 renowned Chinese artists like Bai Xueshi, Cheng Shifa, Fu Baoshi, He

Tianjian, Li Keran, Lin Fengmian, Liu Jiyou, Lu Yanshao, Qi Baishi and Zhu

Qizhan, documenting those defining moments, from the establishment of the

People's Republic of China in 1949 to late 1970s.

The exhibition is organized by theme and chronologically displayed. It begins

with Lu Yanshao's Calligraphy - Quotations from Chairman Mao, an excerpt

presented in white pigment on red paper for the perceived purpose of arts in

New China. This is followed by paintings depicting agricultural reform and

collective activity like Jiangsu Traditional Chinese Paintings Academy's

collective work Peoples Communes are Great - Free Meals Offered and Wu Zuoren's

Happy Life at the Commune, rapid industrialization like Lin Fengmian's Steel

Foundry, Dam Site and Village Construction (II), Fu Baoshi's Spectacular Coal

City and Lu Yanshao's An Emerging Industrial City, military endeavors like Qian

Shoutie's two Wartime and Tang Daxi's widely circulated The People's Apples,

New China portraits like Wang Yingchun and Yang Lizhou's Endless Digging and

Bai Bohua's A Great Life! A Glorious Death!, as well as over 20 key paintings

inspired by Chairman Mao's poetry or traditional Chinese ink and brush

paintings from 1949-1979, portraits for leaders' cult like Jiang Zhaohe's

Portrait of Lenin and Portrait of Chairman Mao, a collective work by Wu Zuoren,

Guan Shanyue and Shen Yinmo, and powerful paintings during the Cultural

Revolution like Liu Jiyou's Beijing Opera - The Red Lantern and Ballet - White

Hair Woman.

SOURCE:  M K Lau Collection




