


AsiaNet 62776

東京(日本)、2015年12月8日/PRニュースワイヤー/ --




その結果、企業は最終収益で重要な利益を逃しています。ピアソンは、高い英語力が企業の生産性を改善することを発見しました。平均すると、企業は従業員一人当たり年に1週分の労働時間を得したことになります。[3] これは多国籍企業にとっては何千週分に相当します。

各企業が従業員のビジネス英語力向上への投資で恩恵を得られるよう、ピアソンは、特別に作った一連のラーニング・オブジェクティブ(学習目標)を発表しました。ラーニング・オブジェクティブは、グローバル・スケール・オブ・イングリッシュ(GSE: Global Scale of English) --習熟度を広域で分類することの多い他のメソッドに比べ、語学力の4スキル(リーディング・リスニング・スピーキング・ライティング)毎の学習者の能力をよりいっそう細かく測定する、10~90までの細かいスケールーー の一部を成す存在です。







GSEについての詳しい情報は、http://www.english.com/ またはhttp://www.linkedin.com/company/pearson-english でご覧ください。









1.ウォール・ストリート・イングリッシュ(Wall Street English)、ウォール・ストリート・イングリッシュ・リサーチ(Wall Street English Research)、2015

2.ピアソン・イングリッシュ・ビジネス・ソリューションズ/CEB、永続的影響の測定-グローバルビジネスの必須条件としてのビジネス英語、2015(Pearson English Business Solutions and CEB, Measuring the continuing impact - Business English as a prerequisite for global business, 2015)

3.ピアソン・イングリッシュ・ビジネス・ソリューションズ/CEB、永続的影響の測定-グローバルビジネスの必須条件としてのビジネス英語、2015(Pearson English Business Solutions and CEB, Measuring the continuing impact - Business English as a prerequisite for global business, 2015)



歳清 清華(としきよ さやか)

電話: 03-5549-8631

Eメール: sayaka.toshikiyo@pearson.com



Businesses Need to Invest in Employees' English Skills to Avoid Productivity Loss


TOKYO, Dec. 8, 2015/PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

    Global businesses that don't invest in improving their employees' English

skills are missing out on major savings in productivity according to learning

company Pearson.

    New research from Pearson shows that English skills are considered key for

learners, no matter where in the world they are applying for a job. Around a

third of learners in global markets such as Asia, Europe and South America, are

learning English to apply for a job in their own country and about the same

amount of people said they were learning the language to work overseas.[1]

    However, Pearson's research suggests that global businesses could do more

to develop their employees' English skills. While 92% of global employees

report that English is important for their career progression, only 7% of

non-native English speakers in global companies believe they can communicate

effectively at work.[2]

    As a result, businesses are missing out on crucial benefits to the bottom

line: Pearson found that improved English skills can boost a business'

productivity. On average, companies gained one working week per year, per

employee.[3] For a multinational business this means thousands of weeks per


    To help businesses reap the benefits of investing in employees'

professional English skills, Pearson is launching a suite of tailored learning

objectives. These objectives are part of the Global Scale of English (GSE), a

granular scale from 10-90 that provides a far more precise measurement of a

learner's abilities across each of the four language skills - reading,

listening, speaking and writing - in comparison to other methods which tend to

categorise proficiency in broad bands.

    The GSE helps employers understand the individual English capabilities of

their employees and identifies the specific skills they need to perform their

role successfully. The GSE learning objectives are rooted in practical everyday

business English. For professionals who wish to develop their English, the GSE

learning objectives are a tool that can be readily used to plan a path to

greater English proficiency. For example,


    - a Chief Executive who faces complex discussions and problems, may want to

strive for a GSE score of 75 in speaking to be persuasive and convince others

    - a lawyer who fulfils key responsibilities such as questioning witnesses

during trials, would be advised to aim for a score of 68 in speaking to ensure

questions are asked politely in sensitive situations

    - a mechanical engineer who takes readings and follows instructions, may

want to aim for a reading score of 62 in order to interpret messages from

diagrams and visual information

    Tas Viglatzis, Managing Director, Pearson English, said: "It's in

everyone's interest to ensure that learning a language isn't seen as just a

'training opportunity', but a solid investment in personal growth and career

development. Now more than ever, English is the common language of

multinational businesses and candidates compete in a global talent market.

Having a global scale will not only help them to be more efficient, it will

also give learners direction on the specific English skills they need to

develop in order to perform their role successfully."

    How can I find out more?

    Visit http://www.english.com for more information on the GSE or


    About Pearson:

    Pearson is the world's leading learning company, with 40,000 employees in

more than 80 countries working to help people of all ages to make measurable

progress in their lives through learning.

    Pearson English is a division of Pearson and millions of teachers and

students use our English language learning resources and tools each year. We

offer dynamic and effective learning solutions to individuals, institutions and

corporations in over 150 countries.

    About GSE:

    The Global Scale of English (GSE) is a standardised, granular scale which

measures English language proficiency. Unlike some other frameworks which

describe attainment in broad bands, the GSE identifies what a learner can do at

each point on the scale across speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.

    The scale is designed to motivate learners by accurately demonstrating

step-by-step progress. Teachers can match a student to the right course

materials to suit their exact level and learning goals.

    The GSE serves as a standard against which English language courses and

assessments worldwide can be benchmarked, offering a truly global and shared

understanding of proficiency levels.


    1. Wall Street English, Wall Street English Research, 2015

    2. Pearson English Business Solutions and CEB, Measuring the continuing

impact - Business English as a prerequisite for global business, 2015

    3. Pearson English Business Solutions and CEB, Measuring the continuing

impact - Business English as a prerequisite for global business, 2015



    For more information please contact:

    Sayaka Toshikiyo

    Marketing Manager

    Pearson Japan K.K.

    E: sayaka.toshikiyo@pearson.com

    D: +81-3-5549-8631

    SOURCE: Pearson




