SANS Institute、GIACがサイバーセキュリティー技能開発でNASSCOM、DSCIと提携

SANS Institute

SANS Institute、GIACがサイバーセキュリティー技能開発でNASSCOM、DSCIと提携

AsiaNet 62863 (1631)

【ニューデリー2015年12月16日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】



サイバーセキュリティー・トレーニングで世界をリードするSANS Institute( )とその系列機関Global Information Assurance Certification(GIAC)は、National Association of Software and Services Companies(NASSCOM)とData Security Council of India(DSCI)と提携し、世界のサイバーセキュリティーにおけるインドの指導的な地位を推進すると発表した。

両組織の提携意思を含む覚書(MOU)は12月16日、NASSCOMのSSC担当取締役であるサンドヤ・チンタラ博士、DSCIのナンドクマール・サラバデ最高経営責任者(CEO)、SANS・GIACのスコット・キャシティ上級ディレクターが調印した。SANS、NASSCOM - SSC、DSCIの提携の目標は、インドにおいてサイバーセキュリティー技能開発のために8つのベストプラクティスを推進することにある。












▽SANS Instituteについて

SANS Instituteは1989年に共同研究機関および教育組織として設立された。SANSは厚い信頼を受け、世界中の政府および商業機関のプロフェッショナルにサイバーセキュリティー・トレーニングおよび認定を提供する最大のプロバイダーである。定評あるSANSのインストラクターは200以上の実地のサイバーセキュリティー・トレーニング( )イベントおよびオンラインで、50以上のさまざまなコースを指導する( )。SANS Instituteの系列機関GAICは情報セキュリティーで30の実践的技術認定を通じて従業員資格を認証する。地域公認の独立関連機関SANS Technology Instituteはサイバーセキュリティーの修士号を付与する。SANSには多数のセキュリティープロフェッショナルがおり、企業から大学までさまざまな世界的組織を代表し、共同して情報セキュリティー・コミュニティー全体を支援するために取り組んでいる。


ソース:SANS Institute


Julie Akstin-Dearing

JABB Communications for SANS

Phone: +1-713-201-9000

SANS Institute with GIAC to Provide Global Experience in Cyber Security Skills Development to Support NASSCOM-DSCI's Objectives for India's Global Leadership in Cyber Security


NEW DELHI, Dec. 16, 2015 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

-- Provides Eight Best Practices that are Universally Required in Deploying an

Effective Program

SANS Institute ( ), the global leader in cyber

security training, along with its affiliate Global Information Assurance

Certification (GIAC) announced a partnership with the National Association of

Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) and the Data Security Council of

India (DSCI) to accelerate India's position in global cyber security leadership.

A MOU indicating the collaborative intentions of both organizations was signed

on Wednesday December 16th by Dr. Sandhya Chintala, Executive Director SSC

NASSCOM, Mr Nandkumar Saravade, CEO - DSCI and Mr. Scott Cassity, Senior

Director of SANS' GIAC. The objective of the collaboration between SANS,

NASSCOM - SSC and DSCI is to fast-track eight best practices for cyber security

skills development in India.

Through SANS' work in supporting organizations and countries develop cyber

security capabilities at a national level, the following eight best practices

have been identified as the key activities to apply in further developing India

as a global leader in cyber security:

    1. Training from Instructors with proven deep technical skills and

       extraordinary teaching skills

    2. Training content that is technically current, with a reliable and

       proven process to keep it that way

    3. Flexible and proven content delivery options and tools to ensure

       students can effectively learn the material

    4. Selecting the best candidates for skills development

    5. Demonstrating students have hands-on mastery of the skills being

       sought (not just test taking skills)

    6. Establishing cadres of local talent capable of independently carrying

       on the program  

    7. Developing a pipeline of talented people to ensure a continuum of

       success (rather than a point in time)

    8. Ensuring long-term viability by developing a national "culture of


"We are delighted to partner with NASSCOM to develop a comprehensive cyber

security training and certification program to meet the ever increasing need of

trained and skilled technology professionals in India," said Scott Cassity,

Senior Director SANS' GIAC. "SANS and GIAC bring a unique emphasis on hands-on

cyber security skills which are necessary to thwart the exponential growth of

information security threats in our increasingly connected world. SANS'

partnership with NASSCOM will lead to a stronger security posture for India."

Nandkumar Saravade, CEO, DSCI said, "Security professionals' roles have become

increasingly critical for organizations. It is important that they have cutting

edge skills, which are regularly sharpened. We are glad to partner with NASSCOM

and SANS on the cyber security skill development agenda. This partnership will

enable India to bridge the skills gap and build capacity in this field."

About SANS Institute

The SANS Institute was established in 1989 as a cooperative research and

education organization. SANS is the most trusted and, by far, the largest

provider of cyber security training and certification to professionals at

governments and commercial institutions world-wide. Renowned SANS instructors

teach over 50 different courses at more than 200 live cyber security training

( )events as well as online. GIAC, an affiliate of the

SANS Institute, validates employee qualifications via 30 hands-on, technical

certifications in information security ( ). The SANS

Technology Institute, a regionally accredited independent subsidiary, offers

master's degrees in cyber security ( ). At the heart of

SANS are the many security practitioners, representing varied global

organizations from corporations to universities, working together to help the

entire information security community. (

To learn more about SANS vital cyber security training in India and the broader

Asia Pacific Region, please visit:

SOURCE: SANS Institute

CONTACT: Julie Akstin-Dearing, JABB Communications for SANS,, Phone: +1-713-201-9000




