People Average 4 Hours a Week on Personal Grooming. Why?


People Average 4 Hours a Week on Personal Grooming. Why?


NUREMBERG, Germany, Jan. 27, 2016/PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--

     Top reasons people try to look good

    Findings released by GfK from a 22-country survey show that women spend an

average of almost five hours a week on personal grooming (bathing, shaving,

dressing, hair, make-up), while men spend just over three hours. But what are

the major (as opposed to minor) reasons that motivate people to try to look

their best?

    The most popular motivation, cited by 60 percent of the 27,000 people

surveyed as a major reason for trying to look their best, is to feel good about

themselves. This was followed by making a good impression on people they meet

for the first time (44 percent) and setting a good example for their children

(40 percent).

    Men and women mirror each other in seeing these as the top three reasons

for wanting to look good. But the number one reason - feeling good about

themselves - resonates more strongly with women than men (67 percent, versus 52

percent), while making a good first impression and setting a good example for

their children are cited by almost the same percentage of men as women.

    Gender stereotypes still lurking

    For men, the 4th and 5th major reasons for trying to look their best have

amorous connotations - namely, to please their spouse or partner and to make a

good impression on people of the opposite sex or those they find attractive (37

and 36 percent respectively). By contrast, women are more motivated by the wish

to express their individuality and because it makes them feel in control (equal

at 40 percent each).

    Top 3 motivations change with age

    All age groups agree that feeling good about themselves is the leading

major motivation for trying to their best. Unsurprisingly, for those aged under

30, making a good impression on people they meet for the first time, and making

a good impression on people of the opposite sex or those they find attractive

rank 2nd and 3rd as the major reasons for looking their best. For those aged 30

and above, setting a good example for their children is consistent across all

age groups as the 2nd most commonly cited motivation. And when it comes to

those aged 50 and over, pleasing their spouse or partner makes an appearance as

their 3rd most popular major reason.

    Italians spend most time on personal grooming; Chinese spend least

    When it comes to time spent on personal grooming (bathing, shaving,

dressing, hair, make-up), Italians are in the lead, spending just over five and

a half hours per week on average. They are followed by Argentinians and

Americans, who are equal with an average time of just over five and a quarter

hours per week. At the other end of the scale, Chinese spend less than three

hours per week on average, followed by South Koreans with just over three and a

quarter hours and Japanese just over three and a half.

    Chart: Top 3 major reasons for looking good, by gender:

    Chart: Top 3 major reasons for looking good, by country:

    For more information, please visit or follow GfK on


    About the study

    GfK conducted an online survey with over 27,000 consumers aged 15 or older

in 22 countries. Fieldwork completed in June 2015 and the data are weighted to

reflect the demographic composition of the online population age 15+ in each


    Press contact = Amanda Martin, Global PR, +44-(0)7919-624-688,; Stefan Gerhardt, Global PR, +49-911-395-4440,

Source: GfK




