Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Prize in Educationの受賞者を発表


Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Prize in Educationの受賞者を発表

AsiaNet 63665 (0292)

【ニューヨーク2016年3月3日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】

*1988年創設の権威のある賞がアナント・アガルワル(Anant Agarwal)、アルベルト・カルバーリョ(Alberto Carvalho)、サケナ・ヤクービ(Sakena Yacoobi)の3氏に授与される

2016年のHarold W. McGraw, Jr. Prize in Education(http://www.mcgrawprize.com/ )の受賞者が3日、発表された。この賞はイノベーションに栄誉を授けるもので、1988年の同賞創設以来、最も権威のある教育賞の1つとなっている。同賞は、新しいアプローチを通じて教育の向上に身をささげ、その成果が今、変化をもたらしている傑出した個人を表彰する。受賞者は5万ドルの賞金とブロンズ彫刻を授与される。


*アナント・アガルワル(Anant Agarwal)氏:edX(https://www.edx.org/ )最高経営責任者(CEO)兼マサチューセッツ工科大学教授。世界中の数百万人の生徒の教育に役立ってきたMassive Open Online Course(MOOC、大規模公開オンライン講座)活動展開の傑出した指導者としてU.S. Higher Education賞を授与される。

*アルベルト・M・カルバーリョ(Alberto M. Carvalho)氏:マイアミデード(Miami-Dade)(http://superintendent.dadeschools.net/ )学区管理者。複雑な都市部で水準を向上させ、卒業率を改善する傑出モデルとなるような模範的リーダーシップに対してU.S. K-12賞を授与される。

*サケナ・ヤクービ(Sakena Yacoobi)氏:Afghan Institute of Learning(http://www.afghaninstituteoflearning.org/ )最高経営責任者(CEO)。彼女の仕事がアフガニスタンの地域社会、特に女児、女性の教育に与えた変革的影響、また、後に続くよう他の人たちを勇気付けたことに対してInternational Education賞を授与される。

授賞晩餐会および式典は、4月19日にサンディエゴのASU GSV Education Innovation Summit(http://asugsvsummit.com/ )で開催される。

McGraw-Hill Companiesのハロルド(テリー)マグロウ3世・前会長兼CEOは「3人の受賞者は世界中の次世代の学習者を勇気付ける類いまれな教育指導者である。われわれはMcGraw Prize in Educationの輝かしい受賞者に彼らが加わることを誇りに思う」と述べた。




この賞は今年、マグロウヒル・エデュケーションとアリゾナ州立大学との間の新たな提携の一環として重要な変化を経験した。今年は初めて、一般市民がMcGrawPrize.com(http://www.mcgrawprize.com/ )にアクセスすることによって推薦候補を提出する機会を得た。200人以上の一般推薦候補が提出され、同賞の研究グループによって指定されたその他の傑出した個人とともに検討された。

受賞者は各カテゴリーの最終候補者3人のリストの中からテリー・マグロウ、デービッド・レビン、マイケル・クローの3氏によって選出された。最終候補者は、McGraw Prizeのこれまでの受賞者を含む著名な審査員団が選んでいる。

▽審査員(*は過去のMcGraw Prize受賞者)

K-12 Education

*イボンヌ・チャン氏(*):Vaughn Next Century Learning Centerの創設者兼校長


*ナンシー・グラスミック氏(*):Kennedy Krieger Instituteの共同所長、タウソン大学のPresidential Scholar

*ゲリー・ハウス氏(*):Institute for Student Achievement理事長

*リンダ・ロバーツ氏:National Consultant、相談役、Board Director

Higher Education

*リチャード・デミロ氏:ジョージア工科大学Center for 21st Century Universities事務局長





*フィリップ・ユリ・トライスマン氏:テキサス大学オースティン校のThe Charles A. Dana Centerの事務局長

International Education

*バレリア・ブラバタ氏:Latin America & the Caribbean, Global Fund for Womenのプログラムディレクター


*マルコム・グラント卿:NHS England のChairman、ヨーク大学の学長


*マイク・ケッペル氏:スウィンバーン工科大学のPro Vice-Chancellor of Learning Transformations

*ダビド・ノエル・ラミレス・パディージャ氏:Tecnologico de MonterreyのRector

*アンドレアス・シュライヒャー氏(*):経済協力開発機構(OECD)のDirectorate of Education and Skills局長




*edXのCEO兼マサチューセッツ工科大学教授(https://www.edx.org/about/leadership )のアナント・アガルワル氏は、教育の明確なビジョンを持った人である。MOOC発展の背後にある推進力として、彼の取り組みは世界中の文字通り数百万人の生徒の教育を可能にした。彼は学習の民主化に尽力している。多数のパートナーシップを通じ、edXはアガルワル氏の指導の下、世界中で教育を受ける機会を大幅に増加させた。アガルワル氏のTEDトークはwww.edx.org で閲覧、参照できる。

*アルベルト・M・カルバーリョ氏は2014年にNational Superintendent of the Yearに指名された。彼は2008年、米国で4番目に大きな学区、マイアミデードを引き継いだ。カルバーリョ氏はこの大きな学区を指導し、到達度の差を狭め、卒業率を著しく向上させ、学区の財政を再び健全化させることにおいて、目覚ましい成功を収めた。これは「The Miami Miracle(マイアミの奇跡)」として知られるようになった。マイアミデードは今、「one size fits none (1つではどんな場合にも通用しない)」ことを確認するため、カルバーリョ氏が発案したiPrepAcademyを含め、毎年35万5000人の生徒に新しいプログラムを提供している。カルバーリョ氏は、生徒に教室での成功を保証することだけでなく、マイアミデードで生徒の命を奪っている地域社会の暴力に対する解決策を見つけることに全力を尽くしている。17歳で米国に来て、英語も話せなかったカルバーリョ氏は、家族の中で最初に高校を卒業した人物であった。カルバーリョ氏のホワイトハウスでのスピーチは(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8VpahXjO7U )で閲覧可能。

*サケナ・ヤクービ氏は、アフガニスタンの人たちが数十年に及ぶ戦争と対立の後に直面している教育と医療の不足に対処するため、彼女が1995年に創設したAfghan Institute of Learning(AIL)のCEOである。その創設以来、AILは直接的あるいは間接的に1200万人以上の人たちの生活に影響を与えてきた。ヤクービ氏の指導の下で、AILは草の根レベルで働く革新的組織として地域社会と人々を支援し続けている。彼女はまた、Creating Hope International (CHI)の共同創設者兼副総裁であり、アフガニスタンに個人的な施設、すなわち、4つの学校、1つの病院、1つのラジオ放送局を設立している。ヤクービ氏のTEDトークは(https://www.ted.com/talks/sakena_yacoobi_how_i_stopped_the_taliban_from_shutting_down_my_school?language=en )で閲覧可能。

▽マグロウヒル・エデュケーション(McGraw-Hill Education)について

マグロウヒル・エデュケーションは、生徒、保護者、教育者、専門家の成果向上に役立つ個別学習体験を提供するラーニングサイエンス企業である。マグロウヒル・エデュケーションは北米、インド、中国、欧州、中東、南米にオフィスを展開し、約60の言語で同社の学習ソリューションを利用できるようにしている。詳細はmheducation.com(http://www.mheducation.com/ )、Facebook(https://www.facebook.com/mcgrawhilleducation )、Twitter(https://mobile.twitter.com/MHEducation )を参照。

▽アリゾナ州立大学(Arizona State University)について

アリゾナ州立大学(ASU)は米国研究大学の新たなモデルを発展させ、エクセレンス、アクセス、インパクトに力を注ぐ機関を作り出してきた。ASUは、同大学が排除する人たちではなく、包含する人たちによって自らを評価している。ASUは公共の利益に寄与する研究を追求し、同大学を取り囲む地域社会の経済的、社会的、文化的活力について大きな責任を負う。ASUは、学長のマイケル・クロー博士の指導の下に、世界で最も進歩的な国際教育機関の1つとして浮上してきた。このトップクラスの研究大学に関する詳細はhttp://www.asu.edu/ を参照。


Daniel Sieger

McGraw-Hill Education

(646) 766-2001


Carrie Lingenfelter

EdPlus at Arizona State University

(480) 884-1541


ソース:McGraw-Hill Education

Winners announced for The Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Prize in Education


NEW YORK, Mar. 3, 2016 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

   -- Prestigious award founded in 1988 honors Anant Agarwal, Alberto Carvalho,

and Sakena Yacoobi

Today the winners were announced for the 2016 Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Prize in

Education[ http://www.mcgrawprize.com/ ], which honors innovation and has

become one of the most prestigious educational awards since its founding in

1988. The Prize recognizes outstanding individuals who have dedicated

themselves to improving education through new approaches and whose

accomplishments are making a difference today. Honorees receive an award of

$50,000 and a bronze sculpture.

The 2016 winners are:

-- Anant Agarwal, CEO of edX[ https://www.edx.org/ ] and MIT Professor, will

receive the U.S. Higher Education prize as an outstanding leader in the

development of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) movement, which has helped

make possible the education of millions of students around the world.

-- Alberto M. Carvalho, Superintendent of the Miami-Dade[

http://superintendent.dadeschools.net/ ] school district, will receive the U.S.

K-12 prize for his exemplary leadership in raising standards and improving

graduation rates in a complex urban district, which is an outstanding model for


-- Sakena Yacoobi, CEO of the Afghan Institute of Learning[

http://www.afghaninstituteoflearning.org/ ], will receive the International

Education prize for the transformational effect her work has had on communities

in Afghanistan, particularly in education for girls and women, and how she has

inspired others to follow suit.

The Prize dinner and ceremony will be held at the ASU GSV Education Innovation

Summit[ http://asugsvsummit.com/ ] in San Diego on April 19.

"These three winners are extraordinary educational leaders who will inspire the

next generation of learners around the world," said Harold (Terry) McGraw III,

former chairman and CEO of The McGraw-Hill Companies. "We are proud to have

them join the other illustrious recipients of the McGraw Prize in Education."

"Anant, Alberto, and Sakena have changed the lives of millions of students,"

said David Levin, president and CEO of McGraw-Hill Education. "Their

accomplishments and innovation should be lauded and shared with others who are

working to make a difference around the world."

"ASU is proud to be a part of this partnership that honors outstanding

innovators in education," said Dr. Michael Crow, president of Arizona State

University. "From increasing access to education to incorporating technology in

the classroom, this year's winners have tackled some of the biggest challenges

facing educators around the globe. Each of them provides an example of success

from which we all can learn."

The Prize has undergone significant changes this year as part of a new alliance

between McGraw-Hill Education and ASU. This year, for the first time, the

public had the opportunity to submit nominations by visiting McGrawPrize.com[

http://www.mcgrawprize.com/ ]. Over 200 public nominations were submitted and

considered alongside other outstanding individuals identified by the Prize's

dedicated research group.

The winners were chosen by Terry McGraw, David Levin and Michael Crow from a

list of three finalists in each category who had been selected by a group of

notable jurors, including former McGraw Prize winners.

The jurors were:

(*indicates past McGraw Prize winner)

K-12 Education:

-- Yvonne Chan* - Founder and Principal, Vaughn Next Century Learning Center

-- Mark Edwards* - Superintendent, Mooresville, NC School District

-- Nancy Grasmick* - Co-Director, Kennedy Krieger Institute; Presidential

Scholar, Towson University

-- Gerry House* - President, Institute for Student Achievement

-- Linda Roberts - National Consultant, Senior Adviser, and Board Director

Higher Education:

-- Richard DeMillo - Executive Director, Center for 21st Century Universities,

Georgia Tech

-- Robert Feldman - Deputy Chancellor, University of Massachusetts Amherst

-- Freeman Hrabowski* - President, The University of Maryland, Baltimore


-- Diana Natalicio* - President, The University of Texas at El Paso

-- Jeff Selingo - Author, Columnist, and Speaker

-- Philip Uri Treisman - Executive Director, The Charles A. Dana Center, The

University of Texas at Austin

International Education:

-- Valeria Brabata - Program Director for Latin America & the Caribbean,

Global Fund for Women

-- Edward Byrne - President and Principal, King's College London

-- Sir Malcolm Grant - Chairman of NHS England; Chancellor, University of York

-- Ian Jacobs - President and Vice-Chancellor, University of New South Wales

-- Mike Keppell - Pro Vice-Chancellor of Learning Transformations, Swinburne

University of Technology

-- David Noel Ramirez Padilla - Rector, Tecnologico de Monterrey

-- Andreas Schleicher* - Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills,

the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

-- Pramath Raj Sinha - Founder and Trustee, Ashoka University, India

For updates on the Prize and news from past winners, follow the conversation at


More information about the three winners is below:

Anant Agarwal, the CEO of edX and MIT Professor[

https://www.edx.org/about/leadership ], is an educational visionary. As a

driving force behind the development of the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course)

movement, his efforts have made possible the education of literally millions of

students around the world. He is committed to the democratization of learning.

Through dozens of partnerships, edX, under Agarwal's leadership, has

significantly increased access to education across the globe. You can see

Agarwal's TED talk here or learn more about edX at www.edx.org.

Alberto M. Carvalho was named National Superintendent of the Year in 2014. In

2008, he took over the nation's fourth largest school district - Miami-Dade.

Carvalho has shepherded this large district with remarkable success in what has

become known as "The Miami Miracle" - narrowing the achievement gap,

significantly improving graduation rates and returning the district to fiscal

health. Miami-Dade now offers new programs to its 355,000 students each year

including Carvalho's brainchild, iPrepAcademy, to make sure that "one size fits

none." Carvalho is dedicated not only to ensuring student success in the

classroom, but to finding solutions to the community violence that has been

claiming student lives in Miami-Dade. Arriving in the U.S. at age 17 and

speaking no English, Carvalho was the first person in his family to graduate

from high school. You can see Carvalho's speech at the White House here[

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8VpahXjO7U ].

Sakena Yacoobi is the CEO of the Afghan Institute of Learning (AIL), which she

founded in 1995 in response to the lack of education and healthcare that the

Afghan people were facing after decades of war and strife. Since its founding,

AIL has either directly or indirectly affected the lives of more than 12

million people. Under Yacoobi's leadership, AIL continues as an innovative

organization working at the grassroots level helping communities and

individuals. She is also co-founder and Vice President of Creating Hope

International (CHI) and has established private facilities in Afghanistan: four

schools, a hospital and a radio station. You can see Yacoobi's TED talk here[



About McGraw-Hill Education

McGraw-Hill Education is a learning science company that delivers personalized

learning experiences that help students, parents, educators and professionals

improve results. McGraw-Hill Education has offices across North America, India,

China, Europe, the Middle East and South America, and makes its learning

solutions available in nearly 60 languages. Visit us at mheducation.com [

http://www.mheducation.com/ ] or find us on Facebook[

https://www.facebook.com/mcgrawhilleducation ] or Twitter[

https://mobile.twitter.com/MHEducation ].

About Arizona State University

Arizona State University has developed a new model for the American Research

University, creating an institution that is committed to excellence, access,

and impact. ASU measures itself by those it includes, not by those it excludes.

ASU pursues research that contributes to the public good, and ASU assumes major

responsibility for the economic, social, and cultural vitality of the

communities that surround it. Under the direction of its president Dr. Michael

Crow, ASU has emerged as one of the most progressive global education

institutions worldwide. Learn more[ http://www.asu.edu/ ] about this top-ranked

research university.


Daniel Sieger

McGraw-Hill Education

(646) 766-2001


Carrie Lingenfelter

EdPlus at Arizona State University

(480) 884-1541


SOURCE: McGraw-Hill Education  




