Lancet Neurology誌がアルツハイマー病など認知症で特集発刊


Lancet Neurology誌がアルツハイマー病など認知症で特集発刊

AsiaNet 63764(0330)

【ロンドン2016年3月15日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】

*30人余りの専門家がLancet Neurology誌の画期的な4月の特集でアルツハイマー病や他の認知症に関する行動を呼び掛け

国際アルツハイマー病協会(Alzheimer's Disease International、ADI)は、The Lancet Neurology Commissionが今年4月、Lancet Neurology(ランセット・ニューロロジー)誌の第15巻全体をアルツハイマー病やその他認知症のケアと研究に関する詳細な進展概要に割り当てたとのニュースを歓迎した。「Defeating Alzheimer's disease and other dementias: a priority for European science and society(アルツハイマー病とその他認知症を克服する:欧州の科学と社会の優先課題)」と題する記事は、スウェーデンのカロリンスカ研究所アルツハイマー研究センターのベンクト・ウィンブラッド教授が主導し、スウェーデン、フランス、英国、オーストラリア、デンマーク、カナダ、スイス、イタリア、ルクセンブルク、米国、ドイツ、オランダの主要研究者の手で編纂された。


報告は、認知症のケアと研究を向上させるための長期的な政治的、経済的コミットメントを呼び掛け、進展を遂げるための一意した努力の重要性を強調した国際アルツハイマー病協会(ADI)のWorld Alzheimer Report 2015「The Global Impact of Dementia: An analysis of prevalence, incidence, cost and trends(認知症の世界的インパクト:有病率、発症率、経費、傾向に関する分析)」の中にあるデータと推奨を支持している。これには公的な政府機関、学術センター、製薬会社その他で構成する多国籍の提携関係とともに、認知症に対する医薬品以外のケアに対するインフラストラクチャー改善策の確立が含まれている。





*Dementia Friendly Communities(認知症患者らを支える社会)の発展を含め、あらゆるレベルで認知症に対処する有効な協力関係の構築



ADIのMedical and Scientific Advisory Panel(医療・科学諮問会議)の元議長で活動的な会員であるウィンブラッド教授は「アルツハイマー病や他の認知症を克服するためには、研究だけにとどまらずあらゆるレベルの政治舞台での統一行動が必要である。私が望んでいることは、われわれの仕事は国家的、国際的な協力の強化を促進することだ」と訴えた。


出版物:'Defeating Alzheimer's disease and other dementias: a priority for European science and society'(アルツハイマー病とその他認知症:欧州の科学と社会のための優先策)

Bengt Winblad、Philippe Amouyel、Sandrine Andrieu et al

Lancet Neurology, 2016;15:455-532


▽国際アルツハイマー病協会(Alzheimer's Disease International)について

国際アルツハイマー病協会(ADI)は、世界保健機関(WHO)と公式な関係を持ち、世界のアルツハイマー83団体による国際的な連盟組織である。ADIのビジョンは世界中の認知症にかかった人々とその家族の生活の質を高めることである。ADIは認知症との戦いに勝つカギが、世界的ソリューションと地域的知識のユニークな組み合わせにあると考えている。というのも、ケアを提供し、認知症にかかった人とその看護者を支援するアルツハイマー団体に力を付けることと、認知症と政府の政策変更を求めるキャンペーンに注目を集めるための世界的な取り組みによって、地域的に有効になるからである。詳しい情報は を参照。

▽The Lancet Neurology Commissionについて

The Lancet Neurology CommissionはLancet(ランセット)誌の編集者の手で創始され、アルツハイマー病および関連する認知症について政治家と政策立案者に専門家の推奨と情報を提供する目的で設立された。78ページに及ぶ長文の報告の作成には、30人以上の有力な国際的研究者が協力した。報告は認知症の重荷を減らすために対応するべき幅広い課題を明らかにしている。

ソース:Alzheimer's Disease International

Landmark Publication by Lancet Neurology Demands Long Term Commitment to Battle Dementia


LONDON, Mar. 15, 2016 /PR Newswire=KYODO JBN/ --

    - More than 30 experts urge action on Alzheimer's and other dementias in

landmark April volume of the Lancet Neurology Journal

    Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI) welcomes news that the Lancet

Neurology Commission is dedicating the entire 15th volume of the Lancet

Neurology this April to a detailed overview of, and recommendations for, care

and research in Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. 'Defeating Alzheimer's

disease and other dementias: a priority for European science and society' was

led by Professor Bengt Winblad, Center for Alzheimer Research at the Karolinska

Institutet in Sweden, and edited by leading researchers from Sweden, France,

UK, Australia, Denmark, Canada, Switzerland, Italy, Luxembourg, the United

States, Germany and Netherlands.

    The 74 page report will be presented to the European Parliament

Commissioners in Brussels on 15 March.

    The report supports data and recommendations in ADI's World Alzheimer

Report 2015, 'The Global Impact of Dementia: An analysis of prevalence,

incidence, cost and trends', in calling for a long term political and economic

commitment to improving dementia care and research, while strongly emphasising

the importance of a united effort to deliver progress. This should include

multi-national partnerships made up of public government organisations,

academic centres, pharmaceuticals and others, as well as establishing an

improved infrastructure for non-pharmaceutical care for dementia.

    Globally, a new case of dementia arises every three seconds. The number of

individuals with dementia is expected to nearly double every 20 years, with 58%

of those affected living in low and middle income countries.

    By 2050, dementia will affect 131 million individuals worldwide. It will be

a trillion dollar disease by 2018.

    Recommendations in the report follow progress made since the G8 Dementia

Summit in 2013, and G7 legacy events, and the World Health Organisation's first

Ministerial Conference on Global Action against Dementia in March 2015, in

establishing National Dementia Plans globally. ADI supports the report in

calling for all governments to establish a National Plan for dementia including:

     - Increased political will to develop national strategy policies to

strengthen dementia care and infrastructure in all countries

     - Building effective partnerships to address dementia at all levels,

including building on progress of Dementia Friendly Communities

     - Focusing on the rights and voice of individuals with dementia at all

levels, including advocacy for these rights through the UN Convention on the

Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

    Marc Wortmann, Executive Director of Alzheimer's Disease International,

called the paper "An important step that confirms that we know what to do, we

just need the political will to make that happen. There is momentum now for

policies from WHO, EU and Global Action Against Dementia and we also urge the

G20 countries to make dementia their priority".

    Professor Winblad, former chair and current active member of ADI's Medical

and Scientific Advisory Panel, stated:

    "To defeat Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, united actions are

needed, not only within research, but also within the political arena on all

levels. My hope is that our work will stimulate increased national and

international collaboration"

    The Lancet Neurology Commission paper will be available online after 15

March 2016 at:


    Publication: 'Defeating Alzheimer's disease and other dementias: a priority

for European science and society', Bengt Winblad, Philippe Amouyel, Sandrine

Andrieu et al, Lancet Neurology, 2016;15:455-532. embargoed online March 15,

00:30 (CET)

    About Alzheimer's Disease International

    ADI is the international federation of 83 Alzheimer associations around the

world, in official relations with the World Health Organization. ADI's vision

is an improved quality of life for people with dementia and their families

throughout the world. ADI believes that the key to winning the fight against

dementia lies in a unique combination of global solutions and local knowledge.

As such, it works locally, by empowering Alzheimer associations to promote and

offer care and support for people with dementia and their carers, while working

globally to focus attention on dementia and campaign for policy change from

governments. For more information, visit

    About the Lancet Neurology Commission

    The Lancet Neurology Commission was initiated by Lancet editors and formed

with the aim to provide expert recommendations and information to politicians

and policy makers about Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. More than 30

leading international researchers collaborated on the 78 pages long report,

which identified a range of challenges that need to be addressed to reduce the

burden of dementia.

SOURCE: Alzheimer's Disease International




