Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan、2015年のリターンは13.0%

Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan

Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan、2015年のリターンは13.0%

AsiaNet 63938 (0398)

【トロント(カナダ)2016年3月31日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】



カナダのOntario Teachers’ Pension Plan(Ontario Teachers’、オンタリオ州教職員年金基金)は30日、2015年12月31日までの1年間の投資リターンが13.0%に上り、その結果純資産が2014年末の1545億ドルから過去最高の1714億ドルに増えたと発表した。



2月1日に最高投資責任者(CIO)に就任したビャルネ・グラベン・ラルセン氏は、国際的な見通しに合わせて投資戦略を進化させてきたことが基金の今の成功につながっているとし、「不安定な市場状況でも、Ontario Teachers'のグローバルで多様なポートフォリオは手堅い投資リターンを生みだした」と語った。

独立した二つの年間調査によると、Ontario Teachers'は年金事業で高いパフォーマンスを発揮し続けている。基金の事業に対する加入者の満足度を測るクオリティー・サービス・インデックス(QSI)は、2015年に10点満点で9.1となった。国際的な同種類の年金業界では2位にランク付けされている。








不動産とインフラストラクチャーで構成する現物資産は年度末に406億ドルと、前年の347億ドルより増えた。不動産ポートフォリオは基金の子会社であるCadillac Fairviewが管理しているが、年末の資産は249億ドル。リターンは12.9%と、ベンチマークの8.0%を上回った。インフラ・ポートフォリオは年末に157億ドルで、1年前の126億ドルに比べて増加した。インフラの投資リターンは21.4%と、ベンチマークの14.3%より高かった。

▽Ontario Teachers’について

Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan(Ontario Teachers’)はカナダ最大の単独職種年金基金で、2015年12月31日時点の純資産は1714億ドル。多様な資産の世界的ポートフォリオを保有し、その80%は内部運用であり、1990年の同基金創設以来の平均年間リターンは10.3%である。Ontario Teachers’は独立組織で、本部はトロント。アジア・太平洋地域事務所は香港、欧州・中東・アフリカ地域事務所はロンドンにある。基金は完全積立方式の確定拠出型年金で、オンタリオ州の現役・引退教職員31万6000人の年金を投資、運用している。詳しい情報はotpp.com(http://www.otpp.com/ )を参照するか、Twitter @OtppInfoでフォローを。


Deborah Allan, Vice-President, Communications, +1 (416) 730-5347,


ソース:Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan

Ontario Teachers' earns 13.0% return for 2015


TORONTO, Mar. 31, 2016 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

-- Net assets hit record $171.4 billion

-- Pension plan is 107% funded

Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (Ontario Teachers') today announced a rate of

return on investments of 13.0% for the year ended December 31, 2015, resulting

in an increase in net assets to a record $171.4 billion from $154.5 billion at

the end of 2014.

Investment earnings for the year were $19.6 billion, up from $16.3 billion in

2014. Measured against a consolidated investment benchmark of 10.1%, the plan's

excess return of 2.9 percentage points resulted in $4.2 billion in value added.

Since the plan's inception in 1990, total investment income has accounted for

79% of the funding of members' pensions, with the other 21% coming from member

and government contributions.

"We are pleased with our Toronto, London and Hong Kong teams' performance this

year," said Ron Mock, President and Chief Executive Officer. "This, in

combination with the plan sponsors' 2008 adoption of condition inflation

protection, which improved our investment risk tolerance, resulted in a

successful year," he said.

Bjarne Graven Larsen, who assumed the Chief Investment Officer role on February

1, credits the plan's ongoing success to an evolving investment strategy with a

global outlook. He noted: "Despite volatile market conditions, Ontario

Teachers' global, diversified portfolio produced strong investment returns."

Ontario Teachers' continues to show strong performance in pension services,

according to two independent, annual studies. The plan's Quality Service Index

(QSI), which measures members' service satisfaction, was 9.1 out of 10 in 2015,

and the plan was ranked second for pension service in its peer group and


Funding position

The plan had a preliminary funding surplus of $13.2 billion at January 1, 2016,

the third surplus in as many years. It was 107% funded at the start of the

year, based on current contribution and benefit levels.

2015 investment return highlights by asset class

The value of the plan's public and private equity investments totaled $77.5

billion at year-end, up from $68.9 billion at December 31, 2014. The investment

return in the equities portfolio of 17.7% was ahead of the 14.7% benchmark.

Private Capital investments rose to $28.4 billion at year-end from $21.0

billion a year earlier. Private Capital's investment return was 32.3%, compared

to the 18.1% benchmark.

Fixed Income had $69.1 billion in assets at year-end, compared to $65.6 billion

at December 31, 2014. The one-year return of 5.9% was in line with the

benchmark return of 6.0%.

Natural Resources investments were $10.2 billion at year-end, compared to $11.9

billion at December 31, 2014. The one-year return of -1.3% was ahead of the

benchmark return of - 6.1%.

Real assets, a group that consists of real estate and infrastructure, had total

assets of $40.6 billion at year-end, compared to $34.7 billion a year earlier.

The real estate portfolio, managed by the plan's subsidiary Cadillac Fairview,

totaled $24.9 billion in assets at year-end and returned 12.9%, exceeding the

8.0% benchmark. The infrastructure portfolio had $15.7 billion in assets at

year-end, up from $12.6 billion a year earlier. Infrastructure's investment

return of 21.4%, compared to the 14.3% benchmark.

About Ontario Teachers'

The Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (Ontario Teachers') is Canada's largest

single-profession pension plan, with $171.4 billion in net assets at December

31, 2015. It holds a diverse global portfolio of assets, 80% of which is

managed in-house, and has earned an annualized rate of return of 10.3% since

the plan's founding in 1990. Ontario Teachers' is an independent organization

headquartered in Toronto. Its Asia-Pacific region office is located in Hong

Kong and its Europe, Middle East & Africa region office is in London. The

defined-benefit plan, which is fully funded, invests and administers the

pensions of the province of Ontario's 316,000 active and retired teachers. For

more information, visit http://otpp.com and follow us on Twitter @OtppInfo.

Link to 2015 Annual Report (https://www.otpp.com/corporate/annual-reporting)

Deborah Allan, Vice-President, Communications, (416) 730-5347,


SOURCE: Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan




