


AsiaNet 64066(0451)

【深セン(中国)2016年4月12日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】


ファーウェイ・エンタープライズ・ビジネス・グループ(Huawei Enterprise Business Group)(EBG)は12日、Huawei Global Analyst Summit (HAS) 2016で、2015年度決算と、「Leading New ICT, Building A Better Connected World(新しいICTをリードし、より優れたコネクテッドワールドを構築)」のテーマの下での2016年の展望・戦略を発表した。




ファーウェイ・セーフティー・シティー(Huawei Safe City)ソリューションは中東、アフリカ、アジア太平洋を含む30カ国以上の100余の都市に導入され、4億人の人々にサービスを提供している。ファーウェイは世界中の10社以上のトップティア金融機関および独立系ソフトウエアベンダー(ISV)と提携し、クラウドコンピューティングやビッグデータに基づく銀行向けの次世代ITインフラストラクチャーを開発した。ファーウェイのFinancial CloudおよびBig Dataソリューションは中国工商銀行(ICBC)、招商銀行(CMB)など中規模および大手銀行10行以上に採用されてきた。ファーウェイのDigital Railway Solutionは10万キロ以上の鉄道に配備されている。ファーウェイは世界のトップ20のエネルギー企業のうちの15社にサービスを提供し、10万以上の変圧器変電所、3万8000キロの石油・ガス・パイプラインをカバーしている。



ファーウェイEBGの2015年度売上高の76%はチャンネルおよびパートナーから発生し、これは前年比47%増となった。ファーウェイEBGは300以上の代理店・付加価値パートナー(VAP)、8000以上のティア2チャンネル・パートナーと提携を結んだ。この中で、350以上のパートナーは共同イノベーションを通じて、ファーウェイと業界ソリューションを開発した。ファーウェイはeLTE、SDN、ネットワーク機能仮想化(NFV)、5G、クラウド・オペレーティングシステム(OS)、スマートシティー、オープン・ファイナンスプラットフォームの分野で世界規模の業界アライアンスを創設した。ファーウェイはHoneywell、アクセンチュア、SAP、Vodafone Global Enterprise(VGE)などの業界をリードする企業との戦略的パートナーシップも形成した。

ファーウェイEBGのグローバル・パートナー&アライアンス担当プレジデントのレイモンド・ラウ氏は「ファーウェイは『being integrated』戦略に沿って、当社のパートナーへのサポートを継続し、当社の製品、ブランド、ロジスティック、サービス、ビジネス、ITシステムを向上させることによってパートナーが新しいICT時代で成功を収めることを支援する」と語った。


ファーウェイは同社の「Business-Driven ICT Infrastructure」(BDII)指針を掲げ、同社の「focus on ICT infrastructure」と「being integrated」を加速する。ファーウェイはパートナーおよび顧客とともにイノベーションを推進することにコミットし、政府、公共安全、金融、エネルギー、輸送、製造、教育、インターネット・サービスプロバイダー(ISP)などさまざまな業界の顧客のビジネス改革を推進するとともに、顧客のビジネスを成功に導くことを通じて新しいICT時代をリードしている。

Photo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20160412/0861603253

(キャプション:デービッド・ヒー氏がHAS 2016で「Leading New ICT, Building A Better Connected World」の基調講演を行う)


Huawei Enterprise Business Group Achieves Strong Growth in 2015 Fuelled by Demand for Leading New ICT


SHENZHEN, China, Apr. 12, 2016 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

Group generates revenue increase of 43.8% year-over-year for 2015

Huawei Enterprise Business Group (EBG) today shared its 2015 financial results

and 2016 vision and strategy under the theme of "Leading New ICT, Building A

Better Connected World" at the Huawei Global Analyst Summit (HAS) 2016.

Huawei EBG generated CNY27.6 billion (USD4.25 billion) annual revenue in 2015,

an increase of 43.8% year-over-year and the keeps strong growth. Huawei EBG's

progress was fuelled by customer demand for new ICT solutions and the group

remains committed to building a sustainable and win-win ecosystem by developing

open, flexible and secure platforms based on innovative technologies to drive

customer success in the new ICT era.

Huawei EBG Achieved Strong Growth by Focusing on High-value Industries and

Innovating Jointly with Partners

David He, President of Marketing and Solution Sales Department, Huawei EBG,

commented, "In 2015, Huawei EBG experienced rapid growth in the public safety,

finance, transportation, and energy sectors. With the development of innovative

ICT including cloud computing, big data, Software-defined Networking (SDN) and

Internet of Things (IoT), customers' business models, enterprises' IT

architectures, and industry ecosystems are changing profoundly. To address our

customers' challenges and strategic demands, Huawei works closely with our

partners to develop joint innovations, through which we provide our clients

with differentiated and leading products and solutions to help them thrive in

the new ICT era."

Huawei Safe City solution has been deployed by over 100 cities across more than

30 countries including Middle East, Africa, and Asia Pacific, serving more than

400 million people. Huawei has collaborated with more than 10 top-tier

financial institutions and independent software vendors (ISVs) around the world

to develop the next-generation IT infrastructure for banks based on cloud

computing and big data. Huawei's Financial Cloud and Big Data solutions have

been adopted by over 10 medium- and large-sized banks, including Industrial and

Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) and China Merchants Bank (CMB). Huawei's

Digital Railway Solution has been deployed for more than 100,000 kilometers of

railway. Huawei has served 15 of the world's 20 biggest energy companies,

covering over 100,000 transformer substations and 38,000 km of oil and gas


Building a Win-Win Ecosystem Based on Open Technologies and Platforms

"New technologies including cloud architecture, IoT, big data, and SDN are

reshaping enterprises' IT systems and business models. Huawei will deeply

integrate hardware and software platforms based on a 'Cloud-Pipe-Device'

approach to build a more open industry ecosystem, and establish new ICT

infrastructure that is industry-leading, innovative and differentiated," said

WK Leung, Chief Technology Officer of Marketing and Solution Sales Department,

Huawei EBG.

76% of Huawei EBG's 2015 sales revenue was generated from channels and

partners, an increase of 47% year-over-year. Huawei EBG has developed

partnerships with more than 300 distributors and value-added partners (VAPs)

and more than 8,000 tier-2 channel partners. Among them, over 350 partners have

developed industry solutions together with Huawei through joint innovation.

Huawei has developed global industry alliances in the areas of eLTE, SDN,

Network Function Virtualization (NFV), 5G, cloud operating system (OS), smart

city, and open finance platform. Huawei also formed strategic partnerships with

industry leading players, such as Honeywell, Accenture, SAP, and Vodafone

Global Enterprise (VGE).

"In line with our 'being integrated' strategy, Huawei will continue to support

our partners and help them succeed in the new ICT era by enhancing our

products, brands, logistics, services, businesses, and IT systems," said

Raymond Lau, President of Global Partners and Alliances, Huawei EBG.

Hank Stokbroekx, Vice President of Service Marketing, Global Enterprise Service

Department, Huawei, introduced Huawei EBG's recent developments in services.

"Huawei provides our industry and channel partners with efficient, secure, and

reliable full-life cycle services to help them build their core

competitiveness. In 2015, Huawei made significant progress in many areas, such

as developing a brand-new series of professional services and fully promoting

ICT industry certification to help partners transform from a channel model to a

capability model. In addition, Huawei has increased investment on automation

platforms based on cloud services. We look forward to providing better services

to our clients by growing together with partners, and becoming the most

trustworthy service partner in the industry," said Mr. Stokbroekx.

With its "Business-Driven ICT Infrastructure" (BDII) guiding principle, Huawei

will accelerate its "focus on ICT infrastructure" and "being integrated"

strategies. Huawei is committed to jointly innovating with its partners and

customers; facilitating the business transformation of customers across

different industries including government, public safety, finance, energy,

transportation, manufacturing, education, and Internet service provider (ISP);

and leading the new ICT era through empowering customers' business success.

Photo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20160412/0861603253

SOURCE:  Huawei




