


AsiaNet 64108 (0475)

【バンガロール(インド)2016年4月15日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】
































 (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130122/589162


U B・プラビン・ラオ最高執行責任者(COO)は「雇員の退職は第4四半期にさらに減少したが、これは昨年を通じて当社雇員とのエンゲージメントが深まり、世界最高の人材にとってインフォシスをエキサイティングな職場にする当社の努力が反映されている。われわれは今後も、内部プロセスを再検討し、組織的なアジリティーを向上させていく。大規模取引の獲得への弾みは今四半期も継続し、契約も堅調である」と語った。









インフォシスは、モヒト・ジョシ、ラビ・クマール S、サンディープ・ダドラニの各氏が15日付けで同社のプレジデントに任命されたと発表した。




*北米をリードするパッケージ食品企業ConAgra Foods, Inc.は、ConAgraのアプリケーション、インフラストラクチャー、情報セキュリティーシステムをサポートする複数年にわたるマネージドサービス契約で戦略的パートナーとして当社を選択した。デザイン指向のソリューションは、PanayaおよびInfosys Automation Platform(IAP)を活用して、クライアントがサポート、アップグレード、テストに必要な取り組みを軽減し、イノベーションを推進し、サービス水準を向上させ、運用コストを軽減することを支援する。

*大手公共事業企業Welsh Waterについては、当社はデータセンター施設およびサービスのセットアップ、移行、実行を担当し、400以上の重要なネットワークリンク、ビジネスアプリケーション、サーバー、ストレージ管理を管理する。当社はクライアントの内部ネットワーク通信およびIP技術サービス、インフラストラクチャーを改革、管理する。今回の契約には、仮想化、オペレーティングシステム戦略、データベース・プラットフォームなど、クライアントのITエコシステムの管理が含まれている。




今四半期、当社はAmazon Web Services Marketplace(AWS Marketplace)でIIPが利用できると発表した。企業は今後、しっかりとしたデータインサイトを迅速に取得できる一方、クラウドベース・プラットフォームの柔軟性および低価格が利用できる。


ハーシーはHadoop環境を構築し、分析およびビッグデータ能力を迅速に拡大する必要があった。当社はハーシーと提携し、1週間以内に環境を拡大し、分析のためにデータストレージを完成させた。AWS上でInfosys Information Platformを使うことによって、展開を数週間速く加速できた。


Johnson Controls(JCI)は成長を加速し価値をビジネスに提供するためにITの役割を変革している。この変革でのJCIの目標の1つは、オートメーションを通じてエンタープライズ全体での効率を推進、向上させることにある。インフォシスはJCIをこの過程で支援し、最先端のEnterprise Automation能力を提供している。JCIはセルフサービス、ロボットおよび支援オートメーション、予測診断、セルフヒーリング能力などを含むインフォシスの業界トップのツールおよびサービスの支援を受けて、ビジネスプロセスを自動化する。



*世界のディーゼルエンジンおよび関連技術の設計、製造、販売、サービスで世界的大手企業Cumminsは当社を提携先に選択し、ブラジルのオラクル・アップグレード・プログラムを遂行した。Cummins Brazilのロサネ・ロドリゲス最高情報責任者(CIO)は「当社のブラジルのオラクル・インスタンスは5000以上のオブジェクトがあり極めて複雑で、地元企業をサポートする必要がある。さまざまな製品ラインに対応し南米の2500以上のユーザーをサポートする。当社業務の混乱リスクが大きな懸念材料である。われわれは深いオラクル知識、ローカリゼーション要件の理解、さらに重要なことは先進的なツールを使ってアップグレード・プロジェクトのリスクを軽減できる能力を発揮できる人材を有するサービスプロバイダーとの提携を実現したかった。Panayaはインフォシスがこのプロジェクト開始前に提案した詳細な影響分析に基づいており、これによってインフォシスが影響を打破し、解決する術を有しているとの確信を得た。インフォシスのアップグレード方法およびPanayaのようなクラウドベースの影響評価ツールによって、インフォシスはソフトウエア変更に関わるリスクを最小限に抑える方法をリードしている」と語った。

*データドリブン・マーケティングおよびロイヤルティー分析で世界をリードするAimia Inc.は複数年のマネージドサービス契約で当社を戦略的パートナーとして選択し、当社はさまざまなAimiaプラットフォームおよびソリューションの製品エンジニアリング、メンテナンス、サポートサービスを提供する。Aimiaのリズ・グラハム実行副社長(オペレーション・戦略イニシアチブ担当)は「われわれはオムニチャンネル・デジタル・マーケティング・ソリューションを実装するために、手法をテストしそれを学ぶ方法で稼働する俊敏さと能力の点でインフォシスのSkavaプラットフォームを選択した。われわれはインフォシスとの素晴らし提携とその他のデジタル・イニシアチブでのSkava活用を期待している」と語った。今四半期、EdgeVerve事業は弾みを維持し、さまざまな市場においてFinacleおよびEdgeスイートで18件の契約獲得と24件の立ち上げを行った。

*Bank Leumi(UK) plcのディレクター兼COOであるレズリー・セクレタン氏は「Finacle Corporate eバンキングは当社の変化するコーポレートバンキング要件向けに完全かつ最新のeバンキング・ソリューションを提供する。われわれはアウトオブボックス能力があるFinacleを選択し、機能性、アジャイル実装アプローチ、マルチプラットフォーム上での稼働能力を向上させた。長年にわたり、インフォシスFinacleは市場で広範な経験を実証しており、世界の大手銀行の複雑なプロジェクトに携わってきた。さらに重要なことに、われわれがFinalceを選択したのはそのルックアンドフィールに好感を抱き、ソリューションが導入されれば当社の顧客に評価されると思ったからである」と語った。


今四半期、当社は世界中の顧客によるDesign Thinkingの採用が大幅に増加したことを確認した。225以上のDesign Thinkingワークショップが現時点で実施されており、10以上のデザインが今四半期、業界セグメントで変革プログラムを主導した。極めて重要な進展は、当社のクライアントが当社のコンサルタントにますます相談を寄せ、戦略的ビジネス変革のアイデアおよびイニシアチブを作成し、それを実行していることである。


Zero Distance-インフォシスが導入し管理する95%以上のプロジェクトベースをカバー

当社があらゆるプロジェクトでイノベーションを推進し、すべての従業員がイノベーターになれることを支援する当社のプログラムZero Distanceは現在、ほぼすべてのプロジェクトをカバーし、優れたプロジェクト管理を達成する新しい方法を生み出している。

ABN AMROのIT Change Manager Enterprise Content Managementのジェレン・コルスタンジェ氏は「われわれはインフォシスと10年以上提携してきた。この3年間、われわれの提携はさらに熟成し、双方は真のパートナーとして振る舞っている。インフォシス業務におけるZero DistanceとDesign Thinking運動はこの提携に付加価値を追加している。仕事を可能な限り容易かつ自動化するチャンスを積極的に捉え、われわれはさまざまな向上をすでに実行に移した。提携をより確固たるものにするため、われわれ両社はEnteprise Content Management分野のスタッフ全員をZero DistanceおよびDesign Thinkingで訓練した。これは銀行全体により大きな価値をもたらすと確信している」と語った。


今四半期、当社はデータ検索およびデータガバナンス・ソフトウエアの大手プロバイダーWaterline Data Scienceへの400万ドル投資を発表した。この投資は、当社のプラットフォームおよび製品に革新的なデータサイエンス・ソリューションをもたらす当社の取り組み、およびビッグデータ・アセットから当社顧客により大きなビジネスバリューを提供するというコミットメントの証しである。


HfS's Research Blueprintで「Leader in the Winner's Circle - Excellent at Innovation and Execution」にランク付けされる:As-A-Service EconomyでのDesign Thinking

*インフォシスのReachOutソリューションがAmerican Council for Technology - Industry Advisory Council(ACT-IAC)によってトップ40のファイナリストからIgniting Innovation 2016 Awardsの1つに選ばれる。インフォシスのReachOutはデバイスに依存しないウェブベースのアプリケーションで、支援を必要とする人とリソースとをリアルタイムで結びつける

*インフォシスのFinacleがOvumのCore Banking Decision Matrix for Europeのマーケットリーダーに選ばれる

*インフォシスのFinacleがIBS Sales League 2016のトップセリング・ソリューションの1つになる

*インフォシスのFinacleがDigital Initiative - Middle and Back OfficeでのBest Innovationsおよび2016 Private Banking Middle East Awardsで中東におけるBest Islamic Banking Technology Providerとして評価される

*2016年の最高Tableau GSIパートナー、2016年Hitachi Data Systems Innovation Partnerとして受賞



ますますデジタル化する未来にすべての学生が十分に備えるためのミッションの一環として、Infosys Foundation USA(米国インフォシス財団)は引き続き、地元コミュニティーに関与し、プログラムに関連するコンピューターサイエンスに投資した。財団はNSFとの提携に100万ドルの寄付を発表し、教師のためのコンピューターサイエンス(CS)プロフェッショナル育成を支援する。このコラボレーションはCSの理解を深めるために2000人以上の教師に機会を提供する。

▽インフォシス社(Infosys Ltd.)について


年間売上高95億米ドル、19万4000人余りを雇用しているインフォシス(NYSE:INFY)がいかにして企業の変革を支援するとともに価値を生み出す新たな収入源を創出しているかは、ウェブサイトhttp://www.infosys.com を参照。

Infosys Limited and subsidiaries

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Balance Sheets as of

(Dollars in millions except equity share data)


                              March 31, 2016    March 31, 2015


          Current assets

Cash and cash equivalents            4,935             4,859

Available-for-sale financial assets     11               140

        Trade receivables            1,710             1,554

         Unbilled revenue              457               455

Prepayments and other current assets   672               527

Derivative financial instruments        17                16

     Total current assets            7,802             7,551


               Non-current assets

Property, plant and equipment        1,589             1,460

                     Goodwill          568               495

            Intangible assets          149               102

     Investment in Associates           16                15

Available-for-sale financial assets    273               215

Deferred income tax assets              81                85

Income tax assets                      789               654

Other non-current assets               111                38

Total non-current assets             3,576             3,064

Total assets                        11,378            10,615


Current liabilities

Trade payables                          58                22

Derivative Financial Instruments         1                 -

Current income tax liabilities         515               451

Client deposits                          4                 4

Unearned revenue                       201               168

Employee benefit obligations           202               171

Provisions                              77                77

Other current liabilities              940               927

Total current liabilities            1,998             1,820


Non-current liabilities

Deferred income tax liabilities         39                25

Other non-current liabilities           17                 8

Total liabilities                    2,054             1,853


Share capital- INR 5 ($0.16) par value 2,400,000,000

(1,200,000,000) equity shares authorized, issued

and outstanding 2,285,621,088 (1,142,805,132), net

of 11,323,576 (5,667,200) treasury shares as of March 31, 2016

(March 31, 2015), respectively          199               109

             Share premium              570               659

         Retained earnings           11,083            10,090

            Other reserves                -                 -

Other components of equity          (2,528)           (2,096)

Total equity attributable to equity holders of the

                   company            9,324             8,762

Non-controlling interests                -                 -

              Total equity            9,324             8,762

tal liabilities and equity            11,378            10,615

Infosys Limited and subsidiaries

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Comprehensive Income

(Dollars in millions except share and per equity share data)

                       Three months Three months   Year ended   Year ended

                       ended March  ended March    March 31,    March 31,

                         31, 2016     31, 2015         2016         2015

        Revenues           2,446        2,159        9,501        8,711

   Cost of sales           1,516        1,317        5,950        5,374

    Gross profit             930          842        3,551        3,337

  Operating expenses:

Selling and marketing

             expenses        134          118          522          480

Administrative expenses      171          169          654          599

Total operating expenses     305          287        1,176        1,079

      Operating profit       625          555        2,375        2,258

     Other income, net       114          141          476          560

Share in associate's profit /

                  (loss)      -            -            -            -

Profit before income taxes   739          696        2,851        2,818

Income tax expense           206          198          799          805

      Net profit             533          498        2,052        2,013

Other comprehensive income

Items that will not be

reclassified to profit or loss:

Re-measurement of the net defined

benefit liability/(asset)      -          (2)          (2)          (8)

Items that may be reclassified

subsequently to profit or loss:

Fair value changes on available-for-sale

financial asset                3          (2)            6           14

Exchange differences on translation

of foreign operations         11           53        (436)        (375)

Total other comprehensive income,

         net of tax           14           49        (432)        (369)

Total comprehensive income   547          547        1,620        1,644

   Profit attributable to:

Owners of the company        533          498        2,052        2,013

Non-controlling interests      -            -            -            -

                             533          498        2,052        2,013

Total comprehensive income

          attributable to:

     Owners of the company   547          547        1,620        1,644

Non-controlling interests     -            -            -            -

                             547          547        1,620        1,644

Earnings per equity share

                 Basic ($)  0.23         0.22         0.90         0.88

               Diluted ($)  0.23         0.22         0.90         0.

Weighted average equity shares

used in computing earnings per

                  equity share

                    2,285,620,95 2,285,610,26 2,285,616,16 2,285,610,26

              Basic            7            4            0            4

                    2,285,750,31 2,285,667,25 2,285,718,89 2,285,642,94

            Diluted            6            2            4            0



2.当社の業務メトリックスに関する概況報告書はwww.infosys.com からダウンロードすることができる。




IFRS-INR Press Release:



Infosys (NYSE: INFY) Announces Results for the Quarter and Year Ended March 31, 2016


BANGALORE, April 15 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

- Q4 Revenue Growth at 1.6% qoq in USD Terms; 1.9% in Constant Currency Terms

- Q4 Operating Margin at 25.5%; Increase of 0.6% From Q3 Operating Margin of


- FY 16 Revenue Growth at 9.1% in USD Terms; 13.3% in Constant Currency Terms

- FY 17 Revenue Guidance at 11.5%-13.5% in Constant Currency and 11.8%-13.8% in

USD Terms at March 31, 2016 Exchange Rates

- Board Recommended a Final Dividend of INR 14.25 per share

Financial Highlights  

Consolidated results under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

for the quarter and year ended March 31, 2016

Quarter ended March 31, 2016

- Revenues were $ 2,446 million for the quarter ended March 31, 2016

QoQ growth was 1.6% in reported terms; 1.9% in constant currency terms

YoY growth was 13.3% in reported terms; 15.0% in constant currency terms  

- Operating profit was $ 625 million for the quarter ended March 31, 2016

QoQ growth was 4.3%

YoY growth was 12.6%

- Net profit was $ 533 million for the quarter ended March 31, 2016

QoQ growth was 1.7%

YoY growth was 7.0%

- Earnings per share (EPS) was $ 0.23 for the quarter ended March 31, 2016

QoQ growth was 1.7%

YoY growth was 7.0%

Year ended March 31, 2016

- Revenues were $ 9,501 million for the year ended March 31, 2016

YoY growth was 9.1% in reported terms; 13.3% in constant currency terms  

- Operating profit was $ 2,375 million for the year ended March 31, 2016

YoY growth was 5.2%

- Net profit was $ 2,052 million for the year ended March 31, 2016

YoY growth was 1.9%

- Earnings per share (EPS) was $ 0.90 for the year ended March 31, 2016

YoY growth was 1.9%

- Liquid assets including cash and cash equivalents, available-for-sale

financial assets and government bonds were $ 5,202 million as on March 31,

2016  as compared to $ 4,765 million as on December 31, 2015 and $ 5,214

million as on March 31, 2015

- The Board of Directors recommended a final dividend of INR 14.25 per share

for fiscal 2016. This translates to a final dividend of $ 0.22 per share (at

USD-INR rate of 66.26).

     (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130122/589162 )

"I am proud of our company's achievements in my first fiscal year as CEO of

Infosys. At the same time, I am humbled by the task that is still in front of

us. We started the year just two quarters into a strategy to completely

reimagine the notion of services and to transform Infosys. Over the course of

this year, we saw this strategy, of bringing automation and innovation to our

clients, on a foundation of learning and education, start to show results in

the organic growth of our client relationships, in our win rates in large

deals, and in the types of projects we are seeing in strategic areas where we

never participated before. I am proud of what our teams have achieved this

quarter and in the year," said Dr. Vishal Sikka, CEO. "And yet despite these

heartening results, they are still based on metrics of the past, of the way the

industry has been. The world of our future looks entirely different - it is a

world that is being fundamentally reshaped by digital technologies, and it is

our endeavor to create great value for every business through solutions built

on our AI technology and open, cloud platforms, to have Infoscions amplified by

intelligent technology, to bring purposeful innovation to life, and in that

sense, we are still very much at the beginning of this journey."

"Employee attrition reduced further in Q4, and is reflective of increased

engagement with our people all through the year, and our steps to make Infosys

an exciting place for the world's best talent. We continue to reimagine our

internal processes to increase organizational agility," said U B Pravin Rao,

COO. "The momentum of large deal wins continued this quarter and bookings were


"Our growth trajectory improved in FY 16 and we navigated the external business

environment well. We will continue to focus on leveraging operational

efficiency levers for consistent profitable growth," said M.D. Ranganath, CFO.

"During the quarter, cash generation was strong. We managed a volatile currency

environment effectively."


The Company's outlook (consolidated) for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017,

under IFRS is as follows:

- Revenues are expected to grow 11.5%-13.5% in constant currency*;

- Revenues are expected to grow 11.8%-13.8% in USD terms based on the exchange

rates as of March 31, 2016**

*AUD/USD - 0.73; Euro/USD - 1.10; GBP/USD - 1.51

**AUD/USD - 0.77; Euro/USD - 1.14; GBP/USD - 1.44

Management Changes  

The Company announced that Mr. Mohit Joshi, Mr. Ravi Kumar S and Mr. Sandeep

Dadlani have been appointed as Presidents of the company effective immediately.

Business Highlights  

This quarter we made significant advances in our strategy to deliver automation

and innovation through our traditional and new service offerings, our platforms

and tools, and through investments in the broader ecosystem - enabling us to

create more depth in existing client relationships, win more deals and

specifically large deals, and open up entirely new types of strategic projects

for Infosys.

Driving depth in client relationships, and winning large deals

-  ConAgra Foods, Inc., one of North America's leading packaged food companies,

chose us as a strategic partner for a multi-year managed services deal that

will support ConAgra's Application, Infrastructure and Information Security

systems. The design-thinking led solution will leverage Panaya and the Infosys

Automation Platform (IAP) to help the client reduce total effort in support,

upgrade and testing and will drive innovation, improve service levels, and

reduce operating costs.

- For Welsh Water, a large utilities company, we will be responsible for the

setup, migration and execution of data center facilities and services, managing

over 400 critical network links, business applications, server and storage

management. We will also transform and manage the client's internal network

communications and IP telephony services and infrastructure. The deal includes

managing all projects in the client's IT ecosystem including virtualization,

operating system strategy, database platforms and more.

Growing momentum in new services, platforms and tools

We continued to see new strategic projects coming to Infosys based on our

Aikido service offerings as well as our platforms and tools.

IIP - Completed more than 220 engagements leveraging IIP; announced

availability of IIP on AWS.

This quarter we announced the availability of IIP on Amazon Web Services

Marketplace (AWS Marketplace). Businesses will now be able to gain robust data

insights quickly, while tapping into the flexibility and the lower cost of a

cloud-based platform.

Hershey's LLC, North America's largest chocolate manufacturer, recently used

IIP on AWS to analyze retail store data. The company wanted to gain valuable,

revenue-generating insight faster than a traditional analytics implementation

could deliver.

Hershey needed to establish its Hadoop landscape and extend its analytics and

big data capabilities quickly. Partnering with the client, we had the landscape

up and the data lake seeded for their analysts in less than a week. Using the

Infosys Information Platform on AWS accelerated the deployment by weeks

IAP - More than 125 engagements in IAP across segments; 21 additional

deployments in this quarter across key accounts.   

Johnson Controls (JCI) is transforming the role IT plays in accelerating growth

and delivering value to the business. One of JCI's goals for this

transformation is to drive and improve efficiency across the enterprise through

Automation. Infosys is helping JCI in this journey to delivery leading edge

Enterprise Automation capabilities. JCI will automate business processes, with

the help of Infosys's industry leading tools and services including

Self-service, Robotic and Assisted Automation, Predictive Diagnostics, and

Self-Healing capabilities.

Panaya, Skava & EdgeVerve

Panaya and Skava continued to gain traction both as part of large client

engagements where these products were central to the value proposition, and as

standalone deals.

- Cummins, a global power leader that designs, manufactures, sells and services

diesel engines and related technology globally, chose us as a partner to

execute its Brazilian Oracle upgrade program. Rosane Rodrigues, CIO, Cummins

Brazil commented, "Our Brazilian oracle instance has all the complexities  

needed to support our local business, with more than 5000+ objects, catering to

different product lines and supporting 2500+ users in South America. Risk of

disruption to our business was a major concern. We wanted to make sure we

partnered with a service provider who has in depth Oracle knowledge,

understanding of localization requirements and more importantly someone who

could demonstrate their ability to de-risk the upgrade project by using

advanced tools. The Panaya based detailed impact analysis that Infosys

presented to us prior to start of the project gave us the confidence that they

exactly knew what was going to break and how to fix it. With their upgrade

methodology and cloud based impact assessment tools like Panaya, Infosys is

leading the way in minimizing risk involved in software changes."

- Aimia Inc., a global leader in data-driven marketing and loyalty analytics,

has chosen us as strategic partner for a multi-year managed services deal to

deliver product engineering, maintenance and support services of various Aimia

platforms and solutions. Liz Graham, EVP Operations and Strategic Initiatives

at Aimia said, "We have chosen Infosys' Skava platform to implement

Omni-channel Digital marketing solution for its nimbleness and ability to work

in a test-and-learn manner. We look forward for a great partnership with

Infosys and leveraging Skava platform in other digital initiatives."

This quarter the EdgeVerve business sustained momentum with 18 wins and 24

go-lives for both the Finacle and Edge suite of solutions across various market


- Lesley Secretan Director and COO of Bank Leumi (UK) plc said, "Finacle

Corporate e-banking will provide us with a complete and modern e-banking

solution for our changing corporate banking requirements. We chose Finacle for

its out-of-the box capabilities, enhanced functionality, agile implementation

approach, and the ability to work on multiple platforms. Over the years,

Infosys Finacle has demonstrated extensive experience in the market, having

worked on complex projects with leading banks globally. Perhaps more

importantly, we chose Finacle because we liked its look and feel and felt it

will be appreciated by our customers once the solution is deployed."

Design-led services - Now in every engagement and rapidly reaching all our


In the last quarter, we saw a significant increase in the adoption of Design

Thinking by our clients globally. More than 225 Design Thinking workshops have

been conducted to date, with more than 10 design led transformation programs

this quarter from across industry segments. A very significant development is

that our clients are increasingly engaging with our consultants to develop and

execute strategic business transformation ideas and initiatives.

Building a Culture of Innovators

Zero Distance - Covers more than 95% of the projects base lined and managed by


Zero Distance, our program to drive innovation in every project, empowering all

employees to be innovators, now covers almost all projects and is establishing

a new way to achieve project management excellence.

Jeroen Korstanje, IT Change Manager Enterprise Content Management, ABN AMRO,

said, "We have been partnering with Infosys over 10 years. In the last 3 years

our partnership has reached a higher maturity and we are truly acting as

partners. The Zero Distance and Design Thinking movement within the Infosys

organization is adding additional value to the partnership. Looking

pro-actively at opportunities to make the work easier and automate as much as

possible we already implemented a number of improvements. To strengthen the

partnership even more we jointly trained all staff in the Enterprise Content

Management area in Zero Distance and Design Thinking. I am confident that this

will bring even more value to the bank as a whole."

Extending the Reach through our Ecosystem  

This quarter we announced an investment of USD 4 million in Waterline Data

Science, a leading provider of data discovery and data governance software.

This investment is testimony to our efforts to bring innovative data science

solutions across our platforms and offerings, and commitment to deliver greater

business value for our clients from their Big Data assets.

Awards and Recognition  

- Ranked a "Leader in the Winner's Circle - Excellent at Innovation and

Execution," in HfS's Research Blueprint: Design Thinking in the As-A-service


- Infosys ReachOut solution selected by The American Council for Technology -

Industry Advisory Council (ACT-IAC) as one of the top 40 finalists for its

Igniting Innovation 2016 Awards. . Infosys ReachOut is a device agnostic

web-based application that connects people-in-need with assistance and

resources in real-time.

- Infosys Finacle rated as a Market Leader in Ovum's Core Banking Decision

Matrix for Europe.

- Infosys Finacle positioned as one of the top selling solution in IBS Sales

League 2016.

- Infosys Finacle recognized for Best Innovations in Digital Initiative -

Middle and Back Office and the Best Islamic Banking Technology Provider in the

Middle East at the 2016 Private Banking Middle East Awards.  

- Awarded Tableau GSI partner of the year; Hitachi Data Systems Innovation

Partner of the Year.

Beyond Business  

In fiscal 2016 over INR 216 crore ($ 33 million) contributed by Infosys has

been utilized across projects related to healthcare, education, culture,

destitute care and rural development. In addition, the company has spent INR 86

crore ($ 13 million) crore on multiple  initiatives including Chennai flood

disaster relief, environment sustainability and conservation of natural

resources aimed at long term sustainability of eco system.

As part of its mission to better prepare all students for an increasingly

digital future, Infosys Foundation USA continued to engage with local

communities and invest in computer science related programs. The Foundation

announced a grant of $1M in partnership with NSF to support Computer Science

(CS) professional development for teachers. This collaboration will provide

opportunities for as many as 2,000 school teachers to deepen their

understanding of CS.

About Infosys Ltd

Infosys is a global leader in consulting, technology, outsourcing and

next-generation services. We enable clients, in more than 50 countries, to stay

a step ahead of emerging business trends and outperform the competition. We

help them transform and thrive in a changing world by co-creating breakthrough

solutions that combine strategic insights and execution excellence.

Visit http://www.infosys.com to see how Infosys (NYSE: INFY), with US$ 9.5

billion in LTM revenues and 194,000+ employees, is helping enterprises renew

themselves while also creating new avenues to generate value.

Safe Harbor  

Certain statements in this press release concerning our future growth prospects

are forward-looking statements regarding our future business expectations

intended to qualify for the 'safe harbor' under the Private Securities

Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which involve a number of risks and

uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those

in such forward-looking statements. The risks and uncertainties relating to

these statements include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties

regarding fluctuations in earnings, fluctuations in foreign exchange rates, our

ability to manage growth, intense competition in IT services including those

factors which may affect our cost advantage, wage increases in India, our

ability to attract and retain highly skilled professionals, time and cost

overruns on fixed-price, fixed-time frame contracts, client concentration,

restrictions on immigration, industry segment concentration, our ability to

manage our international operations, reduced demand for technology in our key

focus areas, disruptions in telecommunication networks or system failures, our

ability to successfully complete and integrate potential acquisitions,

liability for damages on our service contracts, the success of the companies in

which Infosys has made strategic investments, withdrawal or expiration of

governmental fiscal incentives, political instability and regional conflicts,

legal restrictions on raising capital or acquiring companies outside India, and

unauthorized use of our intellectual property and general economic conditions

affecting our industry. Additional risks that could affect our future operating

results are more fully described in our United States Securities and Exchange

Commission filings including our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year

ended March 31, 2015. These filings are available at http://www.sec.gov.

Infosys may, from time to time, make additional written and oral

forward-looking statements, including statements contained in the company's

filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission and our reports to

shareholders. In addition, please note that the date of this press release is

April 15, 2016, and any forward-looking statements contained herein are based

on assumptions that we believe to be reasonable as of this date. The company

does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements that may be made

from time to time by or on behalf of the company unless it is required by law.

Infosys Limited and subsidiaries

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Balance Sheets as of

(Dollars in millions except equity share data)


                              March 31, 2016    March 31, 2015


          Current assets

Cash and cash equivalents            4,935             4,859

Available-for-sale financial assets     11               140

        Trade receivables            1,710             1,554

         Unbilled revenue              457               455

Prepayments and other current assets   672               527

Derivative financial instruments        17                16

     Total current assets            7,802             7,551


               Non-current assets

Property, plant and equipment        1,589             1,460

                     Goodwill          568               495

            Intangible assets          149               102

     Investment in Associates           16                15

Available-for-sale financial assets    273               215

Deferred income tax assets              81                85

Income tax assets                      789               654

Other non-current assets               111                38

Total non-current assets             3,576             3,064

Total assets                        11,378            10,615


Current liabilities

Trade payables                          58                22

Derivative Financial Instruments         1                 -

Current income tax liabilities         515               451

Client deposits                          4                 4

Unearned revenue                       201               168

Employee benefit obligations           202               171

Provisions                              77                77

Other current liabilities              940               927

Total current liabilities            1,998             1,820


Non-current liabilities

Deferred income tax liabilities         39                25

Other non-current liabilities           17                 8

Total liabilities                    2,054             1,853


Share capital- INR 5 ($0.16) par value 2,400,000,000

(1,200,000,000) equity shares authorized, issued

and outstanding 2,285,621,088 (1,142,805,132), net

of 11,323,576 (5,667,200) treasury shares as of March 31, 2016

(March 31, 2015), respectively          199               109

             Share premium              570               659

         Retained earnings           11,083            10,090

            Other reserves                -                 -

Other components of equity          (2,528)           (2,096)

Total equity attributable to equity holders of the

                   company            9,324             8,762

Non-controlling interests                -                 -

              Total equity            9,324             8,762

tal liabilities and equity           11,378            10,615

Infosys Limited and subsidiaries

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Comprehensive Income

(Dollars in millions except share and per equity share data)

                       Three months Three months   Year ended   Year ended

                       ended March  ended March    March 31,    March 31,

                         31, 2016     31, 2015         2016         2015

        Revenues           2,446        2,159        9,501        8,711

   Cost of sales           1,516        1,317        5,950        5,374

    Gross profit             930          842        3,551        3,337

  Operating expenses:

Selling and marketing

             expenses        134          118          522          480

Administrative expenses      171          169          654          599

Total operating expenses     305          287        1,176        1,079

      Operating profit       625          555        2,375        2,258

     Other income, net       114          141          476          560

Share in associate's profit /

                  (loss)      -            -            -            -

Profit before income taxes   739          696        2,851        2,818

Income tax expense           206          198          799          805

      Net profit             533          498        2,052        2,013

Other comprehensive income

Items that will not be

reclassified to profit or loss:

Re-measurement of the net defined

benefit liability/(asset)      -          (2)          (2)          (8)

Items that may be reclassified

subsequently to profit or loss:

Fair value changes on available-for-sale

financial asset                3          (2)            6           14

Exchange differences on translation

of foreign operations         11           53        (436)        (375)

Total other comprehensive income,

         net of tax           14           49        (432)        (369)

Total comprehensive income   547          547        1,620        1,644

   Profit attributable to:

Owners of the company        533          498        2,052        2,013

Non-controlling interests      -            -            -            -

                             533          498        2,052        2,013

Total comprehensive income

          attributable to:

     Owners of the company   547          547        1,620        1,644

Non-controlling interests     -            -            -            -

                             547          547        1,620        1,644

Earnings per equity share

                 Basic ($)  0.23         0.22         0.90         0.88

               Diluted ($)  0.23         0.22         0.90         0.

Weighted average equity shares

used in computing earnings per

                  equity share

                    2,285,620,95 2,285,610,26 2,285,616,16 2,285,610,26

              Basic            7            4            0            4

                    2,285,750,31 2,285,667,25 2,285,718,89 2,285,642,94

            Diluted            6            2            4            0


1. The unaudited Condensed Consolidated interim Balance sheets and Condensed

Consolidated interim Statements of Comprehensive Income for the three months

and year ended March 31, 2016 have been taken on record at the Board meeting

held on April 15, 2016

2. A Fact Sheet providing the operating metrics of the company can be

downloaded from http://www.infosys.com

3. Previous period share count and EPS has been restated due to issue of bonus

shares in Jun-15

Fact Sheet:


IFRS-INR Press Release:


Source: Infosys  




