「Payment Data Quality」サービスの開始について


「Payment Data Quality」サービスの開始について

AsiaNet 64200



香港、2016年4月22日/PRNewswire/ --SWIFTは新サービス「Payments Data Quality」を発表しました。同サービスにおいて、金融機関が送金電文内の送金人及び受取人情報に関する新しい国際要件に対応できるよう、高度なレポート作成機能とデータ分析機能を提供します。

このサービスを活用することで、2012年に公表された電信送金に関するFATF(金融活動作業部会)勧告16 (http://www.fatf-gafi.org/media/fatf/documents/recommendations/pdfs/FATF_Recommendations.pdf )の順守状況を自行内で監視できるようになります。

FATF勧告が公表されて以来、送金人及び受取人情報に対する監督は厳しくなっています。FATF勧告16は多くの国や地域において既に法制化されているか、今後法制化される予定であり、送金電文内の送金人及び受取人情報の記入義務化が進んでいます。具体的な例としては、欧州連合では2015年に採択された「Funds Transfer Regulation(資金移動規制)」 (http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:32015R0847 ) にて、当該情報の入力が2017年より義務付けられることになっています。また、シンガポールも最近FATF勧告16への対応をMAS(通貨金融庁)通達第626号 (http://www.mas.gov.sg/~/media/MAS/Regulations and Financial Stability/Regulations Guidance and Licensing/Commercial Banks/Regulations Guidance and Licensing/Notices/MAS 626 Amendment Nov 15/MAS Notice 626  November 2015.pdf ) で行っており、他地域でもこのような動きが今後予想されます。


こうした課題に対応するために、SWIFTは金融業界との連携を密にとっており、SWIFT金融犯罪コンプライアンスサービス責任者のLuc Meurantは次のように述べています。「本サービスは、SWIFTの強みである業界内の協力や標準化の推進と、銀行にグループ全体の決済データの概観を提供する能力によって、SWIFTが金融犯罪コンプライアンス・プログラムの効果や効率の改善に向けた革新的なサービスを提供できるという事実を示す絶好の例です。」

Payments Data Qualityサービス

調査によると、かなり多くの送金電文において送金人及び受取人の情報が欠落しているか、不十分であることが判明しています。Payments Data Qualityサービスは、SWIFTが金融業界と協働して策定した検証ルールに基づき、送金電文を検証します。これにより、金融機関は以下の対応が可能になります。





Standard Chartered Bankの金融犯罪コンプライアンス副責任者であるDavid Howes氏は次のように述べています。「金融犯罪コンプライアンスに関連した分野における、送金電文の品質向上のニーズは拡大しています。当行は、SWIFTがコミュニティと協働し、データの品質、透明性、コンプライアンスの改善に向けて、業界の慣行と標準を形成かつ活用できるような仕組み作りに取り組んでいることを大変歓迎しています。」

SWIFTの金融犯罪情報分野の責任者であるBrigette De Wildeは次のようにコメントしています。「金融機関は、送金電文に送金人と受取人情報が標準に従った形で記入されているかを確認することで、規制要件を遵守できます。しかし、現時点ではこの情報が欠落しているか、標準に従っていないか、不十分なことがあり、それによって内容の特定が難しくなっています。SWIFTのPayments Data Qualityサービスによって、コンプライアンス業務を支援する優れた分析とレポート作成機能を活用できると同時に、送金電文作成に関する業界慣行を形成するためのグローバルなプラットフォームが確立されることから、事務コストと運用リスクも軽減できます。」

Payments Data Qualityサービスは2016年第3四半期より提供開始予定です。

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び関連する通知文(related message)に含めること、また、当該情報が一連の送金プロ





関連する国連安保理決議 1267(1999年)並びにその後継決議及び決議 1373(2001年)など、国連安保理決議で規定される義務に基づき、金融機関が凍結措置を講じることを確保するとともに、指定された個人及び団体との取引を禁止しなければならない」

FATF勧告全文(勧告16を含む)は、こちらをご参照ください(英語原文)。 (http://www.fatf-gafi.org/media/fatf/documents/recommendations/pdfs/FATF_Recommendations.pdf


SWIFTのコンプライアンス・サービス部門は、経済制裁、顧客確認(KYC)、マネーロンダリング対策(AML)の分野を対象に金融犯罪コンプライアンス・サービス・ポートフォリオを運営しています。Sanctions Screening、Sanctions Testingに加え、Compliance AnalyticsやKYC Registry等のサービスを提供しています。詳しくはwww.swift.com/complianceservices (http://www.swift.com/complianceservices ) を参照ください。





詳しくはwww.swift.com (http://www.swift.com/ ) をご覧いただくか、Twitter:@swiftcommunity (https://twitter.com/swiftcommunity ) およびLinkedIn:SWIFT (http://www.linkedin.com/company/swift ) をフォローしてください。




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SWIFT to Launch New Payments Data Quality Service


HONG KONG, Apr. 22, 2016 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

Collaborative initiative expands SWIFT's financial crime compliance portfolio

to support new FATF Recommendation 16 requirements for wire transfers

SWIFT announces that it will launch Payments Data Quality, an advanced

reporting and data analytics service to help financial institutions comply with

new international requirements for originator and beneficiary information in

payments messages.

Logo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20160127/8521600559Logo

The new service will help banks monitor their compliance with the Financial

Action Task Force's (FATF) Recommendation 16 (


for wire transfers, which was issued in 2012.

Regulatory focus on originator and beneficiary information has intensified

since the FATF recommendations were issued. A number of jurisdictions have or

will enshrine FATF Recommendation 16 in law, thus mandating the inclusion of

originator and beneficiary information in payments messages. In the European

Union, for instance, the Funds Transfer Regulation (FTR)


in 2015 will mandate such information in 2017. Singapore recently implemented

FATF Recommendation 16 within MAS Notice 626 (


), and other jurisdictions are expected to follow suit.

The new requirements will pose compliance and operational challenges for

financial institutions the world over. The lack of standard practices for

formatting some originator and beneficiary details, such as addresses and bank

account numbers, in financial messages can make data detection by automated

systems difficult. Many banks maintain multiple payments platforms, making it

hard to maintain a global, institution-wide overview of payments data quality


SWIFT is working closely with its community to address these challenges. Luc

Meurant, Head of Financial Crime Compliance Services, SWIFT, says: "This is a

perfect example of how SWIFT's core strengths -- collaboration, standards, and

the ability to provide banks with a global overview of their payments data --

enable us to deliver innovative services that support the effectiveness and

efficiency of our customers' compliance programmes."

SWIFT's Payments Data Quality service

Industry analysis indicates that originator and beneficiary information is

missing or incomplete in a significant number of payments messages. The

Payments Data Quality service will check messages using quality verification

rules developed by SWIFT in line with industry practice and in cooperation with

its community. The service will offer financial institutions:

- a global overview of quality of originator and beneficiary information in

their payments messages

- detailed analytics to help them identify potential risk related to specific

countries, counterparties and branches

- trusted reporting from SWIFT as a neutral third party to support their

internal investigations and discussions with their counterparties

- a web-based platform eliminating the need to install, integrate or maintain

additional systems

"There is a growing need for improved payments data quality, particularly as it

relates to financial crime compliance," says David Howes, Deputy Head of

Financial Crime Compliance, Standard Chartered Bank. "We welcome the

collaborative effort SWIFT is putting in place to enable the development and

use of industry practice and standards to enhance data quality, transparency

and compliance."

"Ensuring that complete originator and beneficiary information is contained

within relevant payment messages helps financial institutions comply with their

regulatory obligations," says Brigitte De Wilde. "However this information is

sometimes missing, unstructured and incomplete, complicating its detection.

SWIFT's Payments Data Quality service will provide banks with a unique

analytics and reporting service to support their compliance activities, whilst

also establishing a global platform for developing industry practices, thereby

helping to mitigate operational cost and risk."

The Payments Data Quality service will be available in Q3 2016.

Notes to editors

FATF Recommendation 16 reads as follows:

"Countries should ensure that financial institutions include required and

accurate originator information, and required beneficiary information, on wire

transfers and related messages, and that the information remains with the wire

transfer or related message throughout the payment chain.

Countries should ensure that financial institutions monitor wire transfers for

the purpose of detecting those which lack required originator and/or

beneficiary information, and take appropriate measures.

Countries should ensure that, in the context of processing wire transfers,

financial institutions take freezing action and should prohibit conducting

transactions with designated persons and entities, as per the obligations set

out in the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions, such as

resolution 1267 (1999) and its successor resolutions, and resolution

1373(2001), relating to the prevention and suppression of terrorism and

terrorist financing."

Read the full FATF Recommendations, including Recommendation 16. (


For more information, please refer to the PDF


About SWIFT's financial crime compliance services portfolio

SWIFT's Compliance Services unit manages a growing portfolio of financial crime

compliance services in the areas of sanctions, Know Your Customer (KYC) and

Anti-Money Laundering (AML). The portfolio includes Sanctions Screening and

Sanctions Testing services, Compliance Analytics and The KYC Registry. For more

information, visit www.swift.com/complianceservices.


SWIFT is a global member-owned cooperative and the world's leading provider of

secure financial messaging services.

We provide our community with a platform for messaging and standards for

communicating, and we offer products and services to facilitate access and

integration, identification, analysis and financial crime compliance.

Our messaging platform, products and services connect more than 11,000 banking

and securities organisations, market infrastructures and corporate customers in

more than 200 countries and territories, enabling them to communicate securely

and exchange standardised financial messages in a reliable way.

As their trusted provider, we facilitate global and local financial flows,

support trade and commerce all around the world; we relentlessly pursue

operational excellence and continually seek ways to lower costs, reduce risks

and eliminate operational inefficiencies.

Headquartered in Belgium, SWIFT's international governance and oversight

reinforces the neutral, global character of its cooperative structure. SWIFT's

global office network ensures an active presence in all the major financial


For more information, visit www.swift.com or follow us on Twitter:

@swiftcommunity (https://twitter.com/swiftcommunity) and LinkedIn: SWIFT





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