Senoh Corporation Signs Official Volleyball Supplier/Sponsor Contract with Asian Volleyball...


MATSUDO, Japan, May 9, 2016 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Senoh Corporation

Senoh Corporation Signs Official Volleyball Supplier/Sponsor Contract with Asian Volleyball Confederation, Contributing to Development of Asian Volleyball Community

Senoh Corporation, an official equipment supplier to international sport organizations such as FIVB and FIBA, has signed an agreement as an Official Volleyball Supplier/ Sponsor with the Asian Volleyball Confederation (AVC), which is based in Bangkok, Thailand.

Through this contract, Senoh sees a high possibility to join sponsors of the volleyball and beach volleyball championships hosted by the AVC. Also, the sponsorship gives the company an opportunity to supply Senoh volleyball equipment (volleyball uprights, safety pads, referee stands, etc.) to 65 Asian national associations and federations.

Senoh volleyball equipment has been used in many international competitions and is supported by many volleyball parties and top athletes. The recognition of its achievements has enabled Senoh to win the contract with the AVC.

Given the steady economic growth in Asia, the popularity of the sport and its competition level will increase in the future. Senoh will continue contributing through research and development of reliable and safe volleyball equipment.

Contractual coverage: Supplement of volleyball equipment to AVC competitions

Distribution rights to Asian volleyball associations and federations

Contract term: From January 1, 2016, to December 31, 2019

Competitions: AVC Asian Club Cup (Men & Women), AVC Cup (Men & Women)

AVC Beach Asia Cup (Men & Women), AVC Beach Continental Cup (Men & Women),

and other AVC competitions

Territory: 65 Asian volleyball associations and federations

About Senoh Corporation

Head office: Matsudo, Chiba Prefecture

President: Tetsuya Ozaki






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