


AsiaNet 64538(0639)

【アナポリス(米メリーランド州)2016年5月25日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】


商業関係の透明性を高め、反贈収賄コンプライアンス(法令順守)基準の向上で世界をリードするTRACE International( )は25日、世界で初めて企業の受益所有権登録TRACEpublic( )を立ち上げた。パナマ文書で浮上した秘密の企業所有につきもののリスクに直接対応して開発したTRACEpublicによって、企業は、自社の透明性を高めて意味のある企業査定を促す手段として、自社の所有権情報を自主的に公表できる。第3者的な仲介者や合弁事業相手、販売業者、納入業者、代理人の受益所有者(実質的所有者)を確認することは、企業査定の基本要件であるが、ほとんどの国ではこうした情報が容易に入手できない。透明性の向上や完全な企業情報の公開を求める声は、世界的な受益所有権登録の必要性を示している。

TRACE Internationalの創始者で社長であるアレクサンドラ・レイジ氏は「TRACEは15年間、企業査定作業の一環として受益所有権情報を収集している。パナマ文書が明るみに出た後、われわれはこの情報を企業が望めば公開できる手段を提供する必要性を実感した。一部の国は国内登録を立ち上げ、または開発する意向だが、TRACEpublicは唯一の世界的な登録であり、企業は自ら秘密企業の汚名から逃れられる。多国籍企業には企業査定の出発点になる」と語った。






TRACE InternationalとTRACE Incorporatedは多国籍企業とその第3者仲介企業のコンプライアンス(法令順守)活動を支援し、世界中で商業関係の透明性を高めることを共通の使命とする2つの独立組織。TRACE Internationalは反贈収賄コンプライアンスで会員を支援するリソースをプールする非営利事業団体。TRACE Incorporatedは会員非会員の区別なく、カスタマイズできるリスク基準のデューディリジェンス(企業査定)および反贈収賄の訓練・助言サービスを提供する。TRACE InternationalとTRACE Incorporatedは協力し合い、反贈収賄・第3者コンプライアンスのためのコスト効率の良い、革新的な総合ソリューションを提供している。詳細は次を参照



Jaime Baum


+1 847.502.3825

TRACE Launches First Global Beneficial Ownership Registry


ANNAPOLIS, Maryland, May 25, 2016 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

-- In Wake of Panama Papers, Companies Can Now Publicly Disclose and Access

Beneficial Ownership for Greater Transparency, Expedited Due Diligence

TRACE International ( ), a worldwide leader in

advancing commercial transparency and raising anti-bribery compliance

standards, today launched TRACEpublic

( ), the first global registry

of beneficial ownership. Developed in direct response to the risks inherent in

secret company ownership, highlighted by the Panama Papers, TRACEpublic enables

companies to voluntarily and publicly provide their ownership information as a

means to enhance corporate transparency and facilitate meaningful due

diligence. Although identifying the beneficial owners of third party

intermediaries, joint venture partners, distributers, suppliers and agents is a

basic due diligence requirement, in most countries this information cannot be

easily obtained. Calls for greater transparency and full disclosure underscore

the need for a global registry of beneficial ownership.

"TRACE has been collecting beneficial ownership information as part of our due

diligence process for 15 years," said Alexandra Wrage, president and founder of

TRACE International. "After the Panama Papers broke we realized we needed to

provide companies with a way to make this information available to the public,

if they chose to. While some countries are establishing their own national

registries or advocating for their development, TRACEpublic is the only global

registry and allows companies to voluntarily distance themselves from the

reputational stigma of secret companies. It also provides multinational

companies with a starting point for due diligence."

TRACEpublic is a well-timed solution to the current groundswell of concern that

companies often do not identify and document 100% of all beneficial owners for

their third parties to determine potential legal and reputational risks. The

registry is designed to collect and make publicly available the beneficial

ownership data of thousands of companies around the globe. Companies may list

their beneficial ownership or search the database at no cost. Users need only

the name of a company or one owner to conduct a search.

A beneficial owner is any individual or entity that enjoys the benefits of

owning an asset, regardless of whose name the title of the business, property

or security is in.  Hiding, disguising and misrepresenting companies'

beneficial ownership structures is a standard practice of  companies that

engage in illegal business activities, including bribery, tax evasion,

embezzlement and money laundering.  Increasingly governments around the world -

including the United States, United Kingdom and Denmark - are requiring

companies to disclose beneficial owners at the time of incorporation and

restricting the use of anonymous companies. TRACEpublic provides companies with

a platform to voluntarily share their beneficial ownership information

regardless of country of headquarters. The information displayed includes:

legal name of entity, common name if different, company website, type of

entity, city, country of headquarters, ownership information including

percentages and the date ownership information was last updated. Companies are

required to provide 100% of beneficial ownership.

Companies that conduct or contemplate conducting business with a private

company, partnership or sole proprietorship can initiate due diligence on

participating business entities after identifying these entities' beneficial

owners on TRACEpublic.  

For more information about TRACEpublic or to register a business, go to


TRACE International and TRACE Incorporated are two distinct entities with a

common mission to advance commercial transparency worldwide by supporting the

compliance efforts of multinational companies and their third party

intermediaries. TRACE International is a non-profit business association that

pools resources to provide members with anti-bribery compliance support while

TRACE Incorporated offers both members and non-members customizable risk-based

due diligence, anti-bribery training and advisory services.  Working alongside

one another, TRACE International and TRACE Incorporated offer an end-to-end,

cost-effective and innovative solution for anti-bribery and third party

compliance. For more information, visit


CONTACT: Jaime Baum, newsPRos, +1 847.502.3825,  




