
Mederi Therapeutics Inc.


AsiaNet 64630 (0675)

【ノーウォーク(米コネティカット州)2016年6月1日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】


逆流性食道炎(GERD)に対するStretta療法(hahttp://www.stretta-therapy.com )のメーカーであるMederi Therapeutics Inc.は1日、サンディエゴで先週開かれた2016年米消化器病週間(DDW)で新データのプレゼンテーションを行ったと発表した。この新しい10年間のデータは、高度肥満(BMI)患者、GERDによる呼吸器症状のある患者、逆流防止手術を受けた後の反復性GERDにかかった患者の3つの特定の遅発性GERDにかかった患者におけるStretta療法の効能を示すものである。DDWの活動はまた、新しいStretta RFT3システムの開始、国際的なStretta専門医による4つのプレゼンテーションが含まれていた。


米メリーランド州タウソンにあるThe Heartburn and Reflux Study Centerのマーク・ノア博士が発表したこのデータは、すでに公表された10年間研究報告書の中に含まれる、興味あるGERD患者小集団を観察したもので、患者集団の各人が長期的な症状緩和の主要転帰を実現し、投薬使用の減少、患者の満足度を達成した。





▽Stretta RFT3の導入、再生



Strettaの国際的専門医は、新たなStrettaデータを公開するとともに、その経験を共有し合った。講演者はプエルトリコ・ポンセのアルバロ・レイムンデ博士、韓国・ソウルのヒョン・ヨンジュン博士、イタリア・トリノのルカ・デュジェラ博士、メキシコ市のホセ・デ・イエスス・エレーラ博士ら。デュジェラ博士はまた、公表した8年間のデータを見直し、実施中の10年経過観察結果を発表した。同博士は「患者の圧倒的多数は10年後も症状が現れていない。数値は維持されており、患者の71%はなお(新たな)医療を受けていない」と語った。同博士はさらに、MederiのStrettaシステムを使った経験を話した。「私はStretta を使った最初の医師の1人であり、Strettaが極めてユーザーフレンドリーなシステムに進化していることを知った。われわれは現在、2011年以来Mederi Strettaを受けた200人の患者に関するデータを解析中である。その結果は、私がすでに公表した長期データより優れていると思われる」と語った。


analysis-estimate-cost-dynamics-treating-refractory-gastroesophageal-0 )。Strettaの科学と経済は持続的、永続的な利益を示しており、われわれはStrettaを世界のより多くのGERD患者に持ち込みたいと願っている」とコメントした。

▽Mederi Therapeutics Inc.およびStretta療法について



Mike Elofer


+1 (484) 620-6167

ソース:Mederi Therapeutics Inc.

New Data on Stretta Therapy for GERD Shows 10-Year Effectiveness in Challenging Patient Populations


NORWALK, Connecticut, June 1, 2016 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

-- New data and new generation of Stretta unveiled at DDW2016

Mederi Therapeutics Inc., manufacturers of Stretta Therapy (

http://www.stretta-therapy.com/ ) for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD),

announced the presentation of new data at last week's Digestive Disease Week(R)

(DDW) 2016 in San Diego. This new 10-year data shows efficacy of Stretta in

three specific types of non-classical GERD patients: those with high BMI, those

with respiratory symptoms of GERD, and those suffering from recurring GERD

after anti-reflux surgery. DDW activities also included the launch of the new

Stretta RFT3 system, and four presentations by international Stretta expert


10-Year Data

The data, presented by Dr. Mark Noar (The Heartburn and Reflux Study Center,

Towson, MD), examined challenging GERD patient subsets that were included in

his published 10-year study, and demonstrated that each of these patient

populations achieved the primary outcomes of long-term symptom relief, reduced

medication use, and patient satisfaction.

    -- Stretta is effective in the treatment of medically refractory GERD,

       independent of BMI. 73 patients comprising three subpopulations of

       BMI (Normal, Overweight, and Obese) were studied. At 10-year follow-

       up, regardless of BMI, all parameters demonstrated statistically

       significant improvement.

    -- Stretta is effective in laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR). 99 refractory

       LPR and non-LPR patients were studied. At 10-year follow-up, all

       parameters demonstrated statistically significant improvement across

       the entire respondent cohort.

    -- In patients with refractory GERD after a laparoscopic Nissen

       fundoplication (LNF), Stretta results in sustained improvement with

       near equivalence and slightly better outcomes than the non-LNF

       cohort. 18 refractory LNF (RLNF+S) and 81 standard refractory GERD

       patients were studied. At 10-year follow-up, both patient subsets

       demonstrated statistically significant improvement in primary


About 30% of adults suffer from chronic GERD. Many of these patients are

dissatisfied with the use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) or are concerned

about the risks associated with long-term PPI use. Many wish to avoid invasive

surgery. Stretta provides a non-surgical, middle option for this patient.

Introducing -- Stretta RFT3 -- the RE-Generation

At DDW, Mederi unveiled new aesthetic, functional, and material improvements to

further facilitate ease of use and optimize the delivery of the clinically

proven Stretta therapy. These improvements include a familiar GI product color

scheme, added measurement markings on the Stretta catheter, more visual

procedure guides, and software changes to increase treatment automation.

Expert Physician Presentations

Stretta international experts presented updates on Stretta data as well as

shared their experience. The speakers included, Dr. Alvaro Reymunde from Ponce,

Puerto Rico; Dr. Hwoon-Yong Jung from Seoul, South Korea; Dr. Luca Dughera from

Torino Italy and Dr. Jose de Jesus Herrera from Mexico City, Mexico. Dr.

Dughera also reviewed his published 8-year data and presented pending 10-year

follow-up. "A large majority of my patients remain symptom free after 10-years,

GERD HRQL scores were maintained, and 71% of patients were still off

medications," said Dughera. He also discussed his experience with Mederi's

Stretta system. "I was one of the first users and have seen the evolution of

Stretta into an extremely user-friendly system. We are now analyzing data on

200 patients who received Mederi's Stretta since 2011. The results appear

superior to my published long-term data," he added.

"Mederi is committed to producing technology that improves quality of care for

GERD," commented Bob Knarr, Chief Executive Officer of Mederi. "While we

continue to improve Stretta, emerging data continues to validate this proven

procedure and demonstrate its economic advantages (


). The science and economics of Stretta show continued, lasting benefits, and

we look forward to bringing Stretta to more GERD sufferers around the world."

About Mederi Therapeutics Inc. and Stretta Therapy

Mederi manufactures innovative devices that use non-ablative radiofrequency

(NARF) energy to treat digestive diseases. Mederi's Stretta has been proven

safe and effective for the treatment of GERD in more than 40 studies. More than

20,000 Stretta procedures have been performed worldwide, and it is available in

more than 40 countries.

Media Contact

Mike Elofer


+1 (484) 620-6167

SOURCE Mederi Therapeutics Inc.




