


AsiaNet 64709

マウント ローレル、ニュージャージー, 2016年6月8日 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

Star Asia Partners II Limited

125 Gaither Drive, Suite L

Mount Laurel, NJ 08054 USA

スター・アジア・パートナーズIIリミテッドは、2014年5月以来、日本アセットマーケティング株式会社(東証マザーズ:8922 JP、以下、同社)への投資を行っており、現在では同社発行済み株式の6.31%を保有する最大の外部投資家です。我々は、同社のビジネスモデル、企業価値及び株主価値の潜在性を高く評価しています。我々の想定通り、同社の業績は極めて好調であるにもかかわらず、下記に詳しく述べる一連の懸念により、同社の株価は長期低迷を続け、株主価値が大きく毀損する状況が続いている、と我々は考えています。なお、我々の懸念や提案については下記をご参照ください。

同社の潜在的な株主価値を実現するための方策について、2014年6月27日以来、複数回にわたって同社及び株式会社ドンキホーテホールディングス(東証一部:7532 JP、以下、支配株主)の経営陣(吉田直樹様、越塚孝之様、進藤陽介様)との間で我々の懸念や提案に関する意見交換を含め、建設的な対話を重ねてきました。また、2016年4月20日には、同社の全ての取締役に宛てて、大規模な希薄化を伴う資金調達、同社の財務体質、コーポレートガバナンスの欠如等に関わる重大な懸念を提起するとともに、いくつかの提案と質問を記載した書面をお送りしました。これに対し、2016年5月11日に、越塚孝之様より書面でご回答を頂きましたが、残念ながら、そのご回答は、真の株主価値向上を目的として我々の提案を真摯に検討された上でのものとは、到底考えられる内容ではありませんでした。





-- 本資金調達実行後、同社の株価は大きく低迷し続けており、2016年3月31日の終値は118円、新株予約権の行使開始日(2015年7月1日)以来の平均株価は116円である。同社の株価は2014年と2015年に数カ月にわたって148円を上回ったものの、行使開始日以来、1度も行使価格である148円に達していない。2016年3月期(第17期)第1四半期には87円の底値で取引され、この12ヶ月間で35%以上の下げを見せている。

-- このような長期株安の状況により、新株予約権付社債の転換及び新株予約権の行使は一切行われておらず、本資金調達において350億円の資金調達を予定していたにも関わらず、実際に調達出来た資金は新株予約権付社債発行額の250億円と新株予約権発行額の5,805万円に止まる。一方、調達額のうち145億円は支配株主からの借入返済に充当しているため、ネットでの調達額は、発行諸費用控除前で約105億円に過ぎない。更に、自己資本比率の向上が本資金調達のメリットとして掲げられているが、これまで新株予約権付社債の転換及び新株予約権の行使は一切行われておらず実現していない。

-- 一方、株安の状況に関わらず、同社の業績は引き続き極めて好調であり、2016年3月期決算では、売上高は約160億円、純利益は約56億円(1株当たり当期純利益約20.3円)となっている。同社は配当を実施していないことから、2016年3月期の純資産は、通期純利益がほぼ積み増されて約135億円(前年同期比約71%増)となり、自己資本比率も前年同期末の8.4%から12.4%へと改善している。

-- また、同社の2016年3月期の営業活動によるキャッシュフローは約139億円と潤沢であるものの、約143億円を不動産物件を中心とする有形固定資産の取得に充当している。さらに、重い元本償還義務を有する債権流動化に伴う支払債務を約76億円返済しているが、同時に追加借入れを行うことにより、同社の負債合計額は前年度比約95億円増加している。




写真- http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20160607/376441





1. 同社は、以下の財務体質改善策を実行;

-- 当面は新規不動産物件の購入を控え、既保有物件の維持、管理、開発、収益向上に努め、営業活動によるキャッシュフローを、負債(特に債権流動化に伴う支払債務)の償還に充当することで、財務体質の改善を優先する。

-- 新株予約権の期限前取得条項による取得権を行使し、新株予約権全てを発行価格(総額58.05百万円)によって買い戻す。また、支配株主と交渉し、新株予約権付社債の有利子負債化を図る。

2. 同社は、財務体質改善に関して一定の成果をあげた後、以下の方策を実行;

-- 分配可能額の一部を配当に充当する。

-- 市場において、より高い発行価格にて段階的に新株の発行を行い、資本性の資金調達を行うことで、借入余力、財務体質の更なる向上を図る。

-- 残存する債権流動化に伴う支払債務があれば、当該債務を完済する。

-- 営業活動によるキャッシュフロー、新株発行及び借入れによって調達した資金により、新規収益物件の購入を再開、加速する。

3. 同社は、コーポレートガバナンスを強化するために、社外取締役・独立役員候補者の資質を十分に検討し、独立社外取締役を最低2名に増員し、かつその「社外性」、「独立性」についても十分に配慮する。なお、かかる観点から適切な外部取締役を我々から推薦・派遣することを検討している。

同社は、新規物件の購入を一時的に停止したとしても、90億円程度の営業活動によるキャッシュフローを既保有不動産物件ポートフォリオから生み出す力を持っており、そのキャッシュフローを負債(特に債権流動化に伴う支払債務)の償還に充当することで自己資本比率を急速に向上し、財務体質を改善することが可能である。同社が、中期経営計画において上記3点を公表することにより、1. 同社株の大量株式希薄化懸念、2. 財務体質に関する懸念、3. コーポレートガバナンスに関する懸念が払拭され、同社の企業価値及び株主価値、そして同社の株価は、かなり短期間で市場において正当な評価がなされると期待される。同社の株価がより正当な評価をされた時点で、市場において段階的に新株の発行を行い、資本性の資金調達を行うことで、既存株主の希薄化を抑えつつ、借入余力の更なる向上を図ることが可能である。その上で、資本性の資金調達と借入れによる資金調達のバランスを取り、財務体質を維持、改善しつつ、新規物件の購入を再開、加速することが、同社の支配株主及び少数株主の双方の利益に資するバランスのとれた対策であると考える。



マルコム・F・マクリーン4世 ディレクター


増山太郎 ディレクター

ソースStar Asia Partners II Limited

お問い合わせ: Frank Poljevka, fpoljevka@starasiamanagement.com


Star Asia Partners II Sends Letter To Board Of Japan Asset Marketing Co.


MOUNT LAUREL, New Jersey, June 8, 2016 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

[English Translation of Japanese Letter]

                 Star Asia Partners II Limited

                   125 Gaither Drive, Suite L

                  Mount Laurel, NJ 08054 USA

Star Asia Partners II Limited has been an investor in Japan Asset Marketing

Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Mothers: 8922 JP, the "Company") since May 2014, and currently

is the largest outside investor, owning 6.31% of the Company's shares.  We

highly value the business model, and the currently unrealized potential in the

enterprise value and shareholder value of the Company.  As we expected, the

Company's operating performance has been impressively strong, however the

Company's share price and shareholder value have been severely depressed, in

our opinion, due to a series of important concerns.  We have outlined below our

Concerns and Proposals.

Since June 27, 2014, we have had several seemingly constructive meetings with

the management (Messrs. Naoki, Yoshida, Takayuki Koezuka, and Yosuke Shindo) of

the Company and of Don Quijote Holdings Co., Ltd. (TSE 1st Section: 7572 JP,

the "Controlling Shareholder"), discussing various strategies including our

concerns and proposals to unlock the Company's potential and currently hidden

shareholder value.  On April 20, 2016, we sent a letter to all members of the

Board of Directors of the Company, clearly explaining our significant concerns

relating to its massively dilutive financing, the financial health of the

Company and the lack of corporate governance along with our proposal and a few

specific questions.  Unfortunately, the written responses from Mr. Takayuki

Koezuka which we received on May 11, 2016, do not lead us to believe that the

management of the Company sincerely addressed our concerns or seriously

considered our proposals in order to improve and unlock the Company's true

shareholder value.

At this point, we believe that it is important to share our critically

important concerns and proposals with other existing and potential shareholders

of the Company.  We sincerely hope that this becomes a catalyst for the

Company's management, independently from the Controlling Shareholder, to

seriously formulate and implement the strategies as soon as possible in order

to improve shareholder value for the benefit of all of its shareholders,

including the minority shareholders.  We hereby request the Company's

management that, if not agreeing to our shareholder friendly proposals, they

present their concrete alternative value-enhancing strategies by June 29, 2016.


On November 27, 2014, the Company announced that it would issue JPY25 billion

of convertible bonds (168.9 million potential shares at JPY148 conversion

price), and warrants (67.5 million potential shares at JPY148 exercise price)

to the Controlling Shareholder.  The payment and settlement of JPY25.06 billion

was completed on December 12, 2014 (the "Financing Arrangement").  The Company

stated that it would raise approximately JPY35 billion assuming the exercise of

the warrants, and apply JPY14.5 billion to repay the borrowings from the

Controlling Shareholder and JPY20.5 billion for acquisition of new real estate

properties.  According to the Company's announcement as of November 27, 2014

regarding the execution of Financing Arrangement (the "Announcement"), the

Company clearly indicated that this Financing Arrangement was advantageous to

the Company as it was a quick and flexible fund raising at the time of the

issuance as well as in the future based on the Company's funding needs, the

Company maintains its ability to prepay the convertible bonds and buy back the

remaining warrants if more advantageous financing becomes available, it would

not cause immediate dilution if share conversions takes place gradually and it

gave consideration to dilution of existing shareholders as the Company controls

the exercise of the warrants, the warrants exercise would improve the Company's

capital ratio, and the convertible bonds have zero interest rate.  The Company

also stated that the Financing Arrangement would contribute to the improvement

of enterprise and shareholder value and that it would be consistent with the

interest of its existing shareholders.

Current Status

    -- After the execution of the Financing Arrangement, the Company's stock

       price has significantly declined and has remained depressed, with

       closing price on March 31, 2016 at JPY118.  Since the beginning of

       the warrant exercise period on July 1, 2015, the average stock price

       has been JPY116.  The Company's stock price has never reached the

       exercise price of JPY148 since the beginning of the warrant exercise

       period, despite the Company's stock traded above that price over

       several months in 2014 and 2015.  Instead the price hit a low of

       JPY87 in the first quarter of 2016 and has traded down approximately

       35% over the last 12 months.

    -- Since the stock price has been depressed for such a prolonged period

       of time as discussed above, neither the conversion of the convertible

       bonds nor the exercise of the warrants have occurred.  As a result,

       the funds raised through the Financing Arrangement has been limited

       to only the JPY25 billion from the issuance of the convertible bonds

       and JPY58.05 million from the issuance of the warrants, despite JPY35

       billion fund raise was originally announced.  On the other hand,

       given that JPY14.5 billion of the JPY25 billion was applied to repay

       borrowings from the Controlling Shareholder, the net additional funds

       raised by the Company (before deducting the issuance expenses) was

       only limited to approximately JPY10.5 billion.  Furthermore, despite

       that the Company stated the improving capital ratio as one of the

       benefits of the Financing Arrangement, the Company has not raised any

       equity capital as none of the convertible bonds or warrants have been

       converted or exercised.

    -- Separately, despite the poor stock price performance, the Company's

       operations continue to be very strong.  Based on the full year

       statements as of March 31, 2016, the Company had JPY16.0 billion

       revenues and JPY5.6 billion in net income (JPY20.3 in net income per

       share).  As the Company does not pay any dividends, the Company added

       its almost entire cumulative net income to its net assets, achieving

       JPY13.5 billion in net assets as of March 31, 2016 (+71% vs. same

       period previous year).  The capital ratio improved from 8.4% as of

       March 31, 2015 to 12.4% as of March 31, 2016.

    -- Based on the full-year result as of March 31, 2016, the Company has

       generated approximately JPY13.9 billion in cash flow from its

       operations and applied approximately JPY14.3 billion to the

       acquisition of new tangible fixed assets, mostly real estate

       properties.  Furthermore, we believe the Company has repaid

       approximately JPY7.6 billion in asset-based borrowings that require

       heavy principal amortization.  However, the Company has made

       additional borrowings increasing its total liabilities by approximate

       JPY9.5 billion during the full-year ending March 31, 2016.


Despite the Company's continued strong operating results, the Company's share

price has remained very depressed and its enterprise and shareholder value have

not been fairly recognized by the market participants since the execution of

the Financing Arrangement.  The closing price of the Company's shares as of

March 31, 2016 was JPY116, valued at 5.7x P/E ratio (assuming JPY20.3 in net

income per share for full year ending March 31, 2016), which is an excessively

low valuation considering the Company's strong operating results.  For example,

as of March 31, 2016, the Tokyo Stock Exchange Real Estate Index (TPREAL) and

the Tokyo Stock Exchange REIT Index (TSEREIT) were valued at 20.9x and 32.8x

P/E ratios, respectively.  If one were to apply the TPREAL and the TSEREIT P/E

ratios to the Company's per share net income for the full year ending March 31,

2016, the Company would be theoretically valued at JPY424 and JPY666 per share,

respectively.  These represent significant discounts of 73% and 83%,

respectively.  The Company's share price trading at such a massive discount

coupled with thin trading volumes since the execution of the Financing

Arrangement are the obvious problem that needs to be resolved in order to

improve and maximize the Company's enterprise and shareholder value.

History of Company Stock Price

Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20160607/376411

We have significant concerns that the large overhang created by the convertible

bonds and warrants that would result in massive 85.5% potential dilution to the

total number of the Company's issued share and were issued to the Controlling

Shareholder without consulting with the Company's shareholders at a low

conversion/exercise price of JPY148 is a detrimental and destructive cap on the

Company's stock price.  Furthermore, the Company's priority in accelerating

real estate property acquisitions at the expense of its financial health of the

Company is also contributing to the depressed stock price, enterprise value and

shareholder value.  Above all, we have significant concerns whether the

Company's series of transactions with the Controlling Shareholder are truly

accretive to the Company's enterprise and shareholder values and are in the

best interest of the minority shareholders, given that most of the Company's

directors are affiliated with the Controlling Shareholder and the Company's

revenues are heavily dependent on the Controlling Shareholder (97.2%, March

2015 Company's annual report).  If the interest of the Controlling Shareholder

has been prioritized at the expense of the Company or the minority

shareholders, the Directors of the Company could be liable for the breach of

their fiduciary duty or giving benefits on exercise of shareholder's right,

therefore we believe it is imperative that the Board of Directors give

sufficient explanation to the minority shareholders that such unfair dealings

have not occurred at the series of the transactions with the Controlling

Shareholder.  Furthermore, we highly doubt that institutional investors will

invest in the Company's shares given that most investors require board

independence, elimination of potential conflicts, and an alignment of interest

between the Controlling Shareholder and minority shareholders.  

In summary, the Financing Arrangement has clearly depressed the stock price for

a prolonged period of time, has not improved the Company's capital ratio, and

has rather inhibited the maximization of enterprise and shareholder value which

were all the main objectives of the Financing Arrangement.


The Financing Arrangement has not improved the Company's capital ratio, one of

the important objectives of the Financing Arrangement, and has clearly led to

depressed enterprise and shareholder value.  The Company should urgently

formulate and publicly announce its mid-term business plan (5 years) that

contains the following specific measures in order to improve its financial

health, and enterprise and shareholder values:

1. The Company shall take following measures in order to improve its financial


    -- Temporally halt its real estate property acquisitions and focus on

       maintaining, managing, developing and enhancing the value of its

       existing real estate properties.  Apply its cash flow from the

       operations to repay its liabilities (especially asset-based

       borrowings) thereby prioritizing improving its financial health.

    -- Exercise its stated right to buy back all the warrants before

       maturity for the issue price (total JPY58.05 million).  Convert the

       convertible bonds into interest-bearing bonds through negotiation

       with the Controlling Shareholder

2. The Company shall also take the following measures after observing certain

improvement in its financial health:

    -- Apply its profits available for distribution to dividends to its


    -- Gradually issue new shares at higher stock prices through public

       offerings, and improve its borrowing capacity and financial health.

    -- Repay remaining, if any, asset-based borrowings in full.

    -- Re-start and accelerate acquisition of new income-producing real

       estate properties by applying its cash flow from operations as well

       as the funds from issuance of new share and borrowings.

3. The Company shall appoint a minimum of 2 independent directors, by fully

examining the qualification of such independent outside directors as well as

giving sufficient considerations to the degree of "outside" and "independence"

in order to strengthen its corporate governance.  We are considering nominating

or dispatching qualified candidates.

The Company is capable of generating approximately JPY9.0 billion in cash flow

from operations from its existing real estate properties even if it halted the

acquisition of new real estate properties.  This would allow the Company to

rapidly improve its capital ratio and the financial health by applying such

cash flow to repay its borrowings (especially asset-based borrowings).  By

publicly announcing these 3 measures as part of its mid-term business plan, the

Company should be able to eliminate the market's concerns over its massive

dilution, financial health, and corporate governance.  These strategies should

help realize fair recognition of the Company's enterprise and shareholder

values in a very short period of time.  Once the Company's share price achieves

a fairer valuation, then the Company should be able to issue its new shares

through a series of gradual public offerings, which will improve its borrowing

capacity while managing the dilution of existing shareholders.  The Company

should then balance equity and debt financings, maintain and improve its

financial health, and re-start and accelerate its new real estate property

acquisitions, which should benefit both Controlling Shareholder and minority

shareholders collectively and equally.

Star Asia Partners II Limited

/s/ Malcolm F. MacLean IV, Director

/s/ Taro Masuyama, Director

SOURCE Star Asia Partners II Limited

CONTACT: Frank Poljevka, fpoljevka@starasiamanagement.com




